10 Reasons To Never Vote Trump

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I checked out a couple posts today and I now see the errors of my ways and have joined the Hillary camp. I have no clue how I could have been so stupid to think Hillary was a worse option then Trump. So after some thinking time to myself I thought maybe I can make a post that will make the other Trump supporters see the light and come to the Hillary camp.

So here is my top 10 reasons to never vote Trump, I know we only need one but better to list off 10 to be sure you realize how stupid voting for Trump is.

Hold on to your hat this might blow your mind Trump supporters.

10 . His hair.

Come the fuck on people, look at his hair. If the guy cant have a full head of hair can you really trust him to do anything good for anyone? Seriously, come the fuck on. Just look at Hillary's hair, its perfect.

If that is not enough to make you want to vote for Hillary I don't know what is wrong with you. You need to look deep inside your self and realize that hair is 90% of who a person is. Do you really want someone with bad hair running the U.S.A.?

9 . He is a man.

We all know men are evil and only help to push the patriarchy into more power. If he was not trying to help the patriarchy he would him self be voting for Hillary. Just goes to show men are evil and cant be trusted with anything. If you vote for Trump you are saying you hate women, no respectable person would vote for a man when a woman is an option to vote for. Like really, wake the fuck up you idiots. He doesn't have a vagina , do I really need to say more?

8 . Trumps tiny hands.

His hands are so small, that means his fingers have less of a distance to move when pushing the button to launch the nukes! If little hands don't scream out I will nuke you, then you need to get your brain checked. It is a known fact that no one ever with little hands did anything good for anyone, I personally think we should have a hand size test for anyone that isn't pumping gas for a living. Just Google it, small hands = dropping nukes. How did you make it out of 3rd grade and not know that? -smh-

7 . Trump is Hitler

Like he is literally Hitler, Like literally! I don't think I even need to talk more about that. Hitler is bad and Trump is Hitler so Trump = bad. How could you want to vote for Hitler? Only Nazi's would vote for Hitler, so a vote for Trump makes you a Nazi and a fascist. Do you really want that? Do you?

6 . The wall.

We all know that wanting to secure the boarders is racist. Boarders do not do any good for humanity, we should be welcoming all the people that aren't willing to come here legally. It is because of our boarders that they become criminals not because they come here illegally. If we just get rid of the boarders then they will be legal citizens and not illegals. So wanting to secure the boarders is just plan out xenophobic. Like hello people, do you really think bad people would come to America and do bad stuff or leach off the system? Answer is no! Never in the history of America has anyone bad ever come over the boarder with out going through the legal process. It is a fact so stop saying it isnt.

5 . Trump is mean!

He's mean!!! Like he use to be on a show where he fired people! Can you get any meaner then telling someone they are fired for dong a bad job? No! Like seriously who fires people now days? You don't fire people its mean. You hire them and inspire them, not hire them and fire them. If you are voting for Trump then you are a mean person and an asshole. He is discriminating people, you don't do that! you shouldn't be discriminating competent people from incompetent people. I find that highly offencive plus It is wrong and mean! It shouldn't matter the quality of the job someone does, only the quality of the outcome based on gender and race. Well unless your white then we do need to discriminate to keep the whites out. Otherwise it is wrong to discriminate. That alone should be enough to make you understand why I'm with her.

4 . He said bad things about women.

He said mean jock type things to another guy in a joking way. That is not ok. We all know that men don't talk that way in private with other men. We sit around and talk about our feelings. Never has anyone said anything so horrible like how women let him touch them. Saying they let him touch them is saying he sexually assaults women daily and is a rapist. If you are voting for him you are supporting sexual assault and rape culture and want your daughters to get raped. Shame on you!


3 . Trump will start WW3

The world is going to go to hell if trump is elected. This is despite the fact that trump says he doesn't want to start any wars or pick any fights with other countries like Russia or how he wants to collaborate with them to take out ISIS or how Hillary has said that she would pick a fight with them. Well we cant trust what trump says so I have to stand by the fact that he will start WW3. All your facts and videos of trump and Hillary are really problematic and I think they should not be used to tell people the so called truth. The truth is Trump will start WW3 and saying otherwise is bigoted and sexist.

2 . He is a racist.

We all know he wants to kill all the black and Mexicans. He wants to ship them off to another country or have them killed. Just because he kisses black babies and hangs out with black people he calls his friends does not mean he isn't trying to kill them all. He is white, That is all that needs to be said. All white people are racist and we all know this. So stop with trying to provide proof that he doesn't hate black and Mexican people. It is obvious he is white, First chance he gets he will kill anyone not white. So if you are voting for Trump you want to kill all blacks and Mexicans and are a racist bigot. Just remember that when you cast your vote. Trump = racist.

1 . He is an islamophobe.

He doesn't want refugees and Muslims coming into the united states till we figure out how to vet them properly. Like come the fuck on, What part of the religion of peace don't you understand? Radical Islam does not want to do anything bad to us. They just want somewhere nice to live. All the terror attacks have been home grown terrorists and has nothing to do with Islam or Muslims. Just watch the news, they tell you over and over nothing to do with Islam but for some reason Trump supporters don't get it. They keep pushing the idea that Radical Islam is a real thing. Just listen to Obama.

It just proves more that Trump can never be in power. If you vote for Trump you are an islamophobe, racist, bigoted, xenophobe, mean doodoo head and should be put into one of Hillary's fun camps so you cant corrupt our safe space with your hate.

I hope this post reaches a lot of Trump supporters because I really think that this might open up their eyes to the reasons why they need to vote for Hillary.

Only thing I have left to say is:


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....Can't tell if this is satire or sarcasm, if so; you laid it on too thick.
Wasn't the prophet of Islam married to a 6 year old and raped her at 9?
And I'm not American so I don't have to vote for these people, but as a non-feminist and a woman, I find Hillary more offensive. She is rape enabler, I guess Obama is too, he is also a child killer.
Poor USA... I'm on team Russia, Putin is a leader with integrity. ;)

It was not laid on think enough if you had to ask.
Sad part is I sometimes think the Hillary camp is joking but they are serious as hell.

You are lucky your not in the usa, things are bout to get bad here really soon.

Even if that were true how is being a "rape enabler" worse than bein an actual rapist?

rape enabler?
I have no clue where you got that from.
Good one!
10 internet points for you because that wins best rape joke of the day!

Oh I see now.
my bad.
It was a good joke though.

I did a comic a bit ago about mohammad (aids be upon him) recently about that. check it out if you have he time. I think you might like it.

"Putin is a leader with integrity." WOW! Now that MUST be sarcasm!

Both of them are heading to the NWO agenda so vote Islam and you will win evry time

Ummm, no
Fuck islam!

wow nice talk, you are no diffrent from trump! you point him out as an islamophobe, you know Jesus was a Muslim too.

no I didn't know that.

looks like hillary on the left is the clown

image: s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com

I wouldn't want to be a racist bigot homophobe xenophobe islmaophobe transphobe sexist.
So I kind of have to right?

I feel a '10 Reasons To Vote For Trump' coming on from somewhere on Steemit soon! Ha ha! Quality article. Up-voted!

Thank you!
Im actually supprised this post didn't get a shit ton of hate but maybe the Hillary supporters haven't checked it out.
Thanks got the comment and vote.

Me too! My Trump posts take a lots of shrapnel! (even though I try to remain impartial to both - is that even possible??)

Yeah I understand that, I tried to stay on the outside but It is hard and I fail at staying impartial often.

It's the sign of a good writer to be able to do that. That is what I try to strive for on here!

I am following so I can check out your new stuff.
Im not the best writer and don't really care about it, more about having fun and expressing myself I guess. Well and getting differing points of views so I can learn and grow.

Grab those ladies by the pussy!

Only if they let you.

You had me worried for a second and then I actually read the post

Yay I was hoping the title and first couple lines would draw people in.
Click bait title and pict acheieved!

Great post good way to hammer the message home.

Thank you!
It didn't stir up as much madness as I was hoping though.
maybe next time.

tiny, tiny, tiny hands.

the pict cracks me up every time I look at it.

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