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RE: Slavery exists, is endorsed, is legal, inside the U.S. - Con-Sourcing is alive and growing...
Ya here also they are allowed to study and get college degrees. Some of them end up getting real good jobs after coming out of the prisons.
I do not think the working and learning of the convicts is the problem. It is rather the infrastructure around it. You could easily prevent the pressure on the free market, by in example putting an extra tax on prison produced products or make a law that companies are only allowed to produce max 10% of their goods in prison.
Hmm, I guess conditions are very different here and in West. Here we tend to increase their production more and more, and people also support products made by prisoners in order to encourage them. And the big fact is that most of the prisoners are only for some months. Out of them many are involved in the regular jail tasks only, like cooking, cleaning, serving etc. And the rest work in the factories. So not much impact on the outside labor force.
where do you come from, if I may ask?
ah yeah, you mentioned that in the beginning. I often spun an idea about getting rid of prison completely. Monitor, coach and punish the people in the real world.
10 years in prison are not that good of a preparation for a normal live and it can also lead into a downward spiral, because they might get criminal connections to other inmates.
Well, ya there is a great risk of internal infection. But then we can't keep them in the open with innocent also. maybe you got some ideas. Think of making a post on it!! ;)
I was thinking the very same thing (to post about it :D)!
Good conversation, followed you, mate
Same here. :)