The economic miracle of Libya

in #politics7 years ago

In the 60-ies of the last century Libya was a colony of Italy from monarchical puppet regime. After a bloodless coup carried out by a group of young officers came to power, the Revolutionary Committee headed by leader Muammar Gaddafi.

The territory of Libya is inhabited by more than 2,000 tribes, mainly Bedouin, at that time illiterate and crushed by the power of the Italian invaders and settlers seized the most fertile land on the coast. The rest of the territory of Libya's Sands of the Sahara and mountains. In connection with the paucity of vegetation tribes many thousands of years hard constantly at odds with each other over pasture, water and other resources.

Naturally, this situation is not allowed to evolve, neither the economy, nor science, nor education... Before the revkom stood a daunting task - tribal reconciliation, education of the population and the rise in living standards.

This problem was solved by introducing into the country just a few simple rules set forth in the great Green Declaration of Human Rights in the Era of the Masses, the basis of the way was the "Green Book" of Muammar Gaddafi.

Main provisions:

- The power belongs to the people, who exercise it directly without any representation on his behalf through the people's congresses and people's committees.

- The citizens of the Jamahiriya society are free to form unions, trade unions and leagues to protect their professional interests.

- The society of the Jamahiriya is a society of partners and not hired. Property obtained through the diligence, sacred, guarded and untouchable - except when affected by common interests. The rejection implied fair compensation. The citizens of the Jamahiriya society is free from wage labor and reaffirms the human right to labor and its fruits. Who produces, he consumes.

- The citizens of the Jamahiriya society are free from feudal oppression. The earth is not anyone's property. Everyone has the right to atklatiba her, extracting for themselves and their heirs in their effort lifetime use, working on the land, in agriculture or in cattle breeding.

- The citizens of the Jamahiriya society are free from the rental of the home. The house belongs to someone who lives there and is sacred and inviolable, subject to the owner rights of his neighbors, near and far, and subject to the non-use of the house to the detriment of society.

The first point on the practice looked like. Every year, all adult citizens were required a few days to work in their primary people's committees, congresses, trade unions and professional associations. The work consisted in making decisions on use of budget funds allocated to the Committee, the trade Union Congress in proportion to the number of members of this Committee. Elected an Executive Committee from among the members and he was given instruction for the development of these tools.

Also at these annual meetings were proposed by the Executive Committee of the General people's Congress amendments to the legislation, proposals on foreign policy, the budget proposals for next year. After the development decisions of the primary committees were elected delegates to the Committee at the General people's Congress held annually. The delegates voted in a General Congress strictly as it was decided in the primary. Thus it was a strictly Executive function. Laws, the budget was adopted by simple majority of votes.

Thus in the political life of the country participated EVERY adult resident. At the time of the primary committees for 2-3 days close to shops, cafes, businesses.

In accordance with the third paragraph, noted by me in the main in the Libyan Jamahiriya was a strict ban on the exploitation of man by man at all levels and in all sectors of the economy. If people want to engage in animal husbandry or in agriculture, then all that is required is to find a free, i.e., unoccupied land and start on her work. After the start it was only necessary to register your presence on this earth notifying the police, which in Libya was carried out only registration functions according to the type of the registry office. In this land you can record as much as you are able to use without involving employees.

Possible was cooperative form of management. Each cooperator received an equal share of the profits proportional to the investment of time. In complex technological industries as each member of the production received the same pay for work, in proportion to the amount of time, regardless of the position and its place in the processing chain.The salary of the Director and the cleaners were the same.But the team could make a decision on bonuses for innovations or any other useful thing from the point of view of the team.

A complex technological production, the type of TV plant or project great man-made River was not focused on making a profit. They implement the decisions taken by the General people's Congress, so wages were set uniform throughout the country for all businesses or bureaucracy and was approximately 20% of the monthly payments every resident. Profit can only be obtained either engaged in himself in any case cafes, agriculture or as part of a co-operative making consumer goods.

It is worth to say that the country's budget was formed mainly from the sales of hydrocarbons. It was the main revenues of the budget.Spent budget part of the budget went to monthly payments to EVERY resident of the country. These payments amounted to approximately $ 1,500 per person. EACH. From infant to old man.Part of the budget was spent on the production of electricity, which was absolutely free. Part of the budget was spent on housing construction, which was also absolutely free of charge. In order to get the needed apartment in a new house just to sleep and in the morning to declare the apartment of his in the police. True and have more than one apartment, no one could :) because there was a ban on donating extra living space to rent. If the living space too much, then you don't need it. Part of the budget was spent on social projects like the construction of hospitals, roads, schools, etc.

Thus, for several decades, in tough economic terror by the imperialist countries through the implementation of anarchist principles in Libya was built with real communism, was provided to all residents in their basic needs - food, shelter, clothing, energy.

It was built by universal health care, education.

Over the years, Jamahiriya, Libya's population has grown 3 times. From 2 million to 6.

Such economic growth, which showed Libya, the source country with a poor, illiterate population of modern history knows. Even the Soviet experience of the Libyan inferior in this regard.

And when I think I could've done in Libya, if they had the blockchain and cryptocurrency...


great post siberianshamen! keep it up! and thanks again for following!

Thank you! You motivate =)

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