5 Reasons Why I'm an Anti-Feminist Woman

in #politics7 years ago

Here we go!

5) The patriarchy is a myth

The "patriarchy" simply does not exist in the United States. I don't doubt that women in certain other countries, like those that are ruled by sharia law, suffer from real oppression. However, this is simply not a systemic issue in the U.S. I have never felt oppressed or controlled by some misogynistic Big Brother and can't recall ever being discriminated against or barred from doing anything based on my femaleness.

So who exactly makes up this patriarchy that's supposedly keeping us down? Is there supposed to be a dark and smoky room somewhere with a group of old (probably white too, amirite?) men plotting the next best way to oppress us women?

I don't buy it.

4) Rape culture does not exist in the U.S.

Rape exists. Sexual assault exists. But a culture that promotes these terrible, disgusting acts does not exist in the United States. NO ONE except rapists (who are scum and should be left in a cell with the key thrown away) thinks that rape is a good thing. Literally NO ONE is promoting rape and saying it's okay. In fact, rape has been on the decline for several decades now.

If you still don't believe me, just tune into the circus that is the mainstream news. Prominent public male figures are being outed left and right for alleged sexual misconduct and even rape. I believe strongly that those who are proved guilty in the court of law must pay for their crimes. That being said, before these men can even enter a court of law, they have already been served a guilty verdict by the court of public opinion. Just being accused of a crime against a woman is enough to crush a man's career and position.

3) I don't want the government involved in my reproductive health

I don't want or need to the government to pay for my birth control or tampons. Just to remind everyone, the government doesn't actually make any money. All the money the government has comes from taxpayers i.e. you and me and every other American. By offering "free" birth control, the government is essentially forcing everyone to pay for products that less than half the population even uses. I just don't understand the logic to that one. Those items aren't even expensive! As of this writing, I pay $20/month (without involving insurance) for birth control pills that are shipped directly to my door. My consultation was online so I didn't even have to pay for a doctor's visit. My birth control stops menstruation so I don't even need to buy tampons anymore. Total cost for my reproductive health per year is just $240. I can make that in a single night of waiting tables.

I should also mention, I am pro-life. I was formerly pro-choice until I learned what an abortion actually entails. If you are curious and can handle very graphic content, google what a "partial-birth" abortion is and then ask yourself if abortion is a women's rights issue or a human rights issue.

It seems outlandish now, but at one time I genuinely believed that a fetus was not a baby. But this is what public schools have been teaching kids for decades. The truth is, that unborn baby has a beating heart at five weeks old. At eight weeks, neural pathways begin to form. At eleven weeks, the baby is almost fully formed. All of this happens within the first trimester. Yet most states allow abortions to be performed at up to 20 weeks.

At 20 weeks, an unborn baby is fully formed and is able to move and even hear. So why are women allowed to terminate their baby's life five months into their pregnancy? By the way, I'm not referring to the 2% of cases that involve rape, incest or life-threatening risks to the mother. I'm referring to the vast majority of cases where an often young, misguided woman decides that it would be easier to abort a child rather than carry it to full term. I personally believe abortion is an atrocity. But if it can't be rid of, I at least don't want the government to fund it or institutions that are so callous towards the sanctity of human life.

2) The gender wage gap is only representative of bad data

You've probably heard the popular trope that women only earn 78 cents to a man's dollar, but what is this bold claim based upon? Basically, misrepresentation of data. The statistics used as reference don't account for the amount of hours worked, the level of education, lifestyle choices or any important factors that would realistically affect and explain the results. Did you know there's also a wage gap between fast food workers and general practice doctors? Fast food workers only earn nine cents to a doctor's dollar! Well, that's just triggering.

I earn the same take-home pay as my fiance while working 10-15 hours less than him per week. I'm a waitress/bartender and my fiance is a trained maintenance technician. He wakes up at dawn to go to work, fixes things all day for people and is on call in case of emergencies. I wake up whenever I want, go to work around 4 pm at an upscale restaurant and then come home with $200 after five hours. My flexible job keeps me well compensated and allows me to pursue other interests during the day like writing, reading, cooking, selling on eBay, playing Cryptokitties, spending time with my dogs, and learning new topics. This is a luxury that unfortunately my fiance can't enjoy presently, what with working 40-50 hours/week.

Could I work more and make more money? Absolutely. But I enjoy my lifestyle too much and it's simply more important to me than more money. I make enough to pay all my bills, live a comfortable life and contribute consistently to my investment accounts. I think this is the case for many women. Can we just admit already that men and women have different priorities?

Think about it: men are judged primarily by their successes. There is an inherent need for men to compete and that's not necessarily a bad thing. Evolution favors competitive males because the more competitive they are, the more likely they are to win and move up the ladder and make more money and attract a mate and spread their genes and so on. That's not to say that competition is everything but rather, to explain sexual differences; they do exist! After all, all men who are alive today are the descendants of the most competitive males that lived thousands of years ago.

Women are just different. We are on the whole not as naturally competitive and care less about monetary reward versus lifestyle benefits. Family and having a fulfilling life are generally more prioritized by women than climbing the career ladder that is so coveted by feminists. Of course there are women who don't want children and would rather have a career. To them I say, more power to ya! However, to assume that women who don't share those same desires are somehow being systemically oppressed is just plain wrong and insulting.

Personally, I couldn't care less that a man makes more money than me. Maybe he works a dangerous job or maybe he spent years training in his career. Either way, I don't care because I understand that we don't live in a zero sum world. Meaning, someone's success does not take away from my success. I'm happy with where I am and I don't need to compare my successes to others'.

And finally, perhaps the most important and ironic reason to reject feminism:

1) Feminism does not empower women, it tears us down

Feminism has outgrown its use in modern society. Feminists don't really care about women or equality (otherwise they would support all women regardless of political differences), they're main objective is to destroy the patriarchy. Considering that the patriarchy isn't real, what this really means is that feminism seeks to destroy those who don't subscribe to its ideology. It's members are filled with hateful rhetoric and attack those who challenge feminism. This is not just my opinion but became publicly accepted knowledge during the so-called Women's March when feminists forcefully banned other women because they held pro-life views or supported President Trump.

As a conservative woman who shares many of the same views as Karen Handel for example, I'm apparently "[not] pro-women" according to Huffington Post, whatever the hell that means. In the same breath of air, HP would also like to remind women:

A glass ceiling broken is only worth celebrating if it means something for more than the individual smashing it.

That's right, ladies. How dare you be so selfish as to improve your own lives?

Feminism focuses on what is "unfair" and attempts to right perceived wrongs- by shouting about the oppression they've encountered in their privileged first-world lives and silencing those who disagree by accusing them of being fascists, misogynists or some other vile label. Feminism teaches girls and women to play the victim. It demonizes individualism and teaches us to blame external factors whenever things don't go our way. Feminism does not create strong women. It tears actual strong women down because we are a threat to the feminist ideology.

Feminists, along with the other radicalized groups in the United States, are the ones dividing our country right now. This isn't the United States I grew up in, the one where speech really was still free and you weren't scrutinized and psychoanalyzed for every little thing said. But as much as I disagree with feminism, I will never oppose feminists' right to speak their views. Once we start telling people what they can and can't believe or say, we begin to lose our freedom. I have my opinions but above all, I believe in freedom. That is the difference between a true American and one who seeks to reap the benefits of our country while rejecting the values we stand for.


One of the most intelligent post I have read in the last months. I'm not surprized at all that I does not have the recognition it deserves!

Thank you for the kind words. Sadly, I'm not surprised it hasn't gotten much attention either!

Are you going to be on the topic again?

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