A world of chaos = we all get cash from chaos = if? Venezuela - SPEAK UP PLEASE.

in #politics6 years ago (edited)


Venezuelans speak up please..

I am offering a 5 steem or 5 sbd bounty! Just for your opinion.

Chaos, they thrive off it! Who you ask? The so called e-lites!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They feed off negative energy & With my eyes firmly on the Brexit chaos, that seems intentional, and the proof via the USA that government is not required, 1 month shut down and everyone except federal workers seem to be getting along just fine without them.

Now I need to know your take, from the inside, as to what on earth is going down in Venezuela with two supposed presidents?

The best answer from someone that actually lives there and is witnessing what is going on, wins the prize, and I am leaving you the people reading to pick which answer that is, all you have to do is say I vote this person or comment, in reply to a comment, the one with the most votes after 7 days gets the prize, and if sbd is worth more than steem, the prize will be SBD, or vice versa.

Here is a story/article I read today with regards to this.

The Coup in Venezuela Must Be Resisted.

Venezuela has elections. Juan Guaido has never even been a Presidential candidate. Despite massive CIA opposition funding and interference over years as Big Oil tries to regain control of the World’s largest oil reserves, Nicolas Maduro was democratically re-elected in 2018 as President of Venezuela.

The coup now under way is illegitimate. I opposed Maduro’s move to replace the elected National Assembly. Sometimes I read back things I wrote in the past and decide I was wrong. Sometimes I think the article was right, but a bit of a potboiler. Occasionally I am proud, and I am proud of my analysis on Venezuela written on 3 August 2017. I believe it is still valid. Source.

Like I said, I do not know enough about it to comment.

Hence wanting your views. To take part please resteem for more people to join in the debate. (Not compulsory though.)

No need to upvote to comment either.

For my American cousins below.

For my fellow Brits below.

Added bonus time. :-)

Looking forward to your comments.

@shepz1 is off for some lunch and a bike rebuild. Have a superb day one and all.


To answer your question: This is not something that suddenly happened...we’ve years going through this process. We’ve shown our discomfort with Maduro’s government in all possible ways but at some point it’s seemed that it’s just not enough. We’ve seen how they kill our family members, friends, classmates, neighbors…or how they reprehend our people in such a heartless way that it has made the invisible becomes visible for everybody.
For those who may be asking why our discomfort with Maduro’s government…. well, because our very basic rights have been taken away. People are dying because there’s no medicines available, people are dying because they don’t have what to eat or because of contaminated water, the number of children on the streets is increasing, minimum salary is not enough for food, and so on. Ironically, this situation has brought an opportunity to the government (in a way) because sadly they’ve taken advantage from people that live this chaos in extreme poverty… since they give them ‘’cheap gifts’’ to keep them by their side. But little by little these people that have real necessities have realized that what they get is not enough and that their children are still starving while all the politicians look portly and cheerful on tv.

So, all this time the government have done whatever they want with our country, its constitution and most important its people but now we’re ready to say ‘’no more’’. Yesterday was a great day for our history… Juan Guaido, has bravely declared himself as our new president because that’s what our law establishes (as he was the National Assembly President and Maduro’s presidential period was over)…. but you may ask why he is still in power? Well…basically because he and his government are not going to accept that so easily as all their dirty businesses of all these years are going to be revealed (some of them only will be confirmed) …so they are going to stay until the Titanic goes down. However, in my opinion this change won’t be tomorrow or next week, it is a transition that has a lot of elements to cover… but I’m happy that we are on the way of that.
Gloria al bravo Pueblo.

Thank you for a very honest view from the inside. It is illuminating to hear the views from real people, not just corporate newspapers who twist even basic facts.
Stays strong my friend, I have no idea how everything will work out, I just hope that more lives do not have to be lost in the process.

Totally uninformed

fulltimebot8 to 54.....?

Greetings from Venezuela

Look forward to reading some inside perspectives on this .. the U.S have been stirring the pot for many years, and sadly that shows no sign of abating :(

Well you know my friend, you're a nobody until you're blessed by empire loyalists .. so I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the club! .. I would say an exclusive club, but these guys have been busy .. and I do admire a can do hard work ethic. :D

Very busy indeed:P:P:P Thanks for accepting my application!

All about the oil bro, all about the corporate control.

Russia gets f/d over also, as they get paid with oil for lending them money.

I hope you realise that 'some' of these comments from these so-called ordinary Venezuelans, are nothing of the sort and is just another misinformation campaign made specifically for the blockchain with fake spamming accounts that also run a downvoting ring on anything that opposes their exact point of view. There has been a ring of anti-maduro/pro regime change accounts that support a US led coup on steemit for a while now. Yesterday they flagged a post from @tlavagabond with multiple accounts and they have now started to delegate larger amounts of steem from blocktrades to continue this campaign on an increasing scale.

They are basically bullshit artists and spammers/scammers supported by groups that want to take over Venezuela (empire loyalists). Maduro is completely irrelevant in this entire debacle - the only relevant issue is, who and how will Venezuela be taken over.

I wrote two posts on this ring of sock puppets and named some of the accounts that I discovered on my own, as did @v4vapid from his own investigations.

@bifilarcoil thoughts?


Yes, I have read the posts, yes I am aware, though this is a chance for me to leave on the block, what you think, what bif thinks, what everyone else thinks, and it seems to be going well. Thank you.

I'm going to leave the comments to those from inside the country as you suggested, but just wanted to add that for some context for anyone visiting...

Btw, I thought you went on holidays as I haven't seen a post from you in weeks. Turns out, that so-called steemit bug unfollowed you from my list. Not only that, but now all the names are not in alphabetical order any more - just to make it a hassle to find people lol.

O is that 'bug' all of a sudden back again??

I had that last time the flags where flying... will need to have a look at that as well...

No I have a different bug to deal with now.

What the fuck is going on here?

This is what I was referring to. These people are desperate to only have their point of view heard to influence opinion and at the same time silence any opposition or different view to their own script. Even though I barely offered a direct opinion on the situation over there, they seem to be very agitated and unfriendly towards me and others for offering to promote their work lol. They even downvoted my comment in siftys latest post that has nothing to do with politics.

Well this post certainly has brought a lot of raw emotions to the table and sides.

There you go, have a look at all the flags....gang rape

Nice one! I'd seen activity on CJ's post that looked like a multi-pronged, almost trollish attack. I'll maybe take a look at your and Vapid's posts on this. Thanks!

Now have a look at all the flags on the comments!

Well the history begin with the Sao Paulo Forum, it was organized by the work's parties and the link side of lationoamerica and caribean Island, and the name was taken for the first city that organized it. The fact of the meeting was the change of strategy, take the power with vote, like Hugo Chavez, Lula Da Silva, even Kicchner, they will support each other, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia in Columbia. When Hugo Chavez won the election the Country was tired with 49 years of bipartidism, corruption, the people voted for a change. Chavez change the constitution with the article 333 and reelection, even when Chanvez was alive it was not a democracy he used to control every power in the country, he did a army for for protect him. the last election did not count with the recognition of the international community, in fact as Venezuelan I can tell you that I get tired of voting against Chavez and Maduro, but there is a computerized vote, they cheat because the same government counts the votes. The last power that was elected was the national assembly in 2015, where it could not make the trap got very few votes, and Maduro made a parallel National Assembly, called the National Constituent Assembly, then has a country kidnapped. I have witnessed torture, death and arbitrary detention just for writing a tweet that the government did not agree with. Returning to Article 333 of the constitution, any person has the right to restore the Republic, what if it catches my attention is that now if you have the international support you have, it seems the world divided in cold war. There are many internal and external factors, a lot at stake. Juan Guaidó was sworn in as president and good if you have to remove the government from power, if you check the accounts of those who called themselves socialists have their accounts in tax havens, not only for oil but also for drug trafficking. What will happen, I do not know, but if I tell you that socio-economic data do not lie, how many died due to lack of medicine and food, silence is complicity.

I was going to spend some time reading up on it but from what I have read before pretty much reinforces what you are saying. One phrase I heard on it last night was this wasn't about democracy vs socialism, what this is about is democratic democracy vs dictatorial democracy. I don't know if that made a whole lot of sense but I thought it helped to understand this isn't just about socialism, in some countries socialism thrives but not when you have a dictatorship.

It is a dictatorship disguised as democracy, I wrote a post with my feelings about that. It was frustrating vote almost 20 years and the goverment change the result. Only the first election in 1998 was real. But the fact in that moment is that the project fail, poverty and hunger are the greatest indicators. It has also been a project orchestrated from Cuba by the Castros brothers, seeing that it was easier to come to power as a trojan horse and to install itself indefinitely as Evo Morales, and the case of Chavez and Maduro.

Another fascinating insight into a country I can not get to visit at the moment, thank you for the honest reply.
The information we get outside the country is conflicting to say the very least, half of the world seemed to be extolling the virtues of socialist Venezuela including the UK with Jeremy Corbin until not very long ago, though it seems to be changing now, and I only noted Russia and China not agreeing with the new president, the rest of the world seems more willing, if it is any comfort or of any long term help, I have no idea as yet. Stay strong my friend. And thank you for the reply.

Tnak you very mucho, there a lot of interest of of Russia and China, they have business with Maduro goverment a lot of oil debts.

Yes I have read about the repayments in oil to both of the above.

How much money do they get per gallon? And how much gallons are being shipped?

Lots, though China always seems to get theirs on time, the same can not be said for Russia.

Venezuela has struck oil-for-loans deals with China and Russia, and those countries together have lent Venezuela at least $50 billion in exchange for promised oil and fuel deliveries.


I just learned something thats interesting:

Lastly, Venezuela won't default on its debt because "many high-ranking government officials and their associates are bondholders," said Moya-Ocampos of IHS, who noted it's "not too common" for high-ranking officials to own their country's debt.

but there is a computerized vote, they cheat because the same government counts the votes

False, audits show that consistent votes

Greetings from Venezuela

But you know that the CNE count the votes, even the dead people vote. But the thought are free, welcome to the liberty of expresion. Greatings from Venezuela too :D

Hola, es discutible lo que indicas. Por lo menos en la pagina del CNE puedes verificar la lista de los votantes. Y en la misma pagina puede ver los resultados porcentual de los votos de cada mesa electoral.

Yo trabaje dos veces en las mesas electorales, es muy dificil trampear los votos. En las auditoria de las papeletas también se comprueba que lo transmitido corresponde con lo contado en la urna.

En mi opinión lo unico de ventaja que tiene el oficialismo son la prebendas que usa el gobierno, osea los bonos de la patria en momentos electorales etc.

Te invito a que leas estos articulos muy interesante sobre venezuela



Now I need to know your take, from the inside, as to what on earth is going down in Venezuela with two supposed presidents?

Well @shepz1, I suspect you could get an impartial and very accurate insight of our political situation in Venezuela if you care to read thoroughly this recent post of mine.

And yes, I am someone who actually lives in Vzla and is witnessing what is going on here very close.

Like I said, I do not know enough about it to comment.

In regards the quotes you've selected in your post about that Craig Murray's article. I would like to add this one below (in spanish) for further consideration to really ponder what's currently going on in Vzla.


Cheers!! :)

Hey @shepz1! more wood to the bonfire!!

¡Check it out! };)

Well buddies. My last post with what I believe is important data you should know to decipher with major accuracy what's going on in Vzla has been downvoted by that lame little army of trolls to the degree of affecting its visibility.

So, one more time, I'll invite you to read it. Since I believe it's worth your time. And if you think your eventual upvote and resteem would help to recover the visibility of the article, please go ahead!!

Cheers!! :)


I wish I could freely give you my opinion, but these days I have heard of many who are in prison for similar things. I hope you can draw your conclusions from that. I only hope that what happened in Syria will not be repeated in my country.

I am angered now, that you do not even have the freedom to speak, wow, just wow.

VPN, and a new steemit account :) @jesusjacr

The government there shit themselves about 10 years or more ago and people start to flew away since then to other parts of Latin America or Spain, not everyone has what it takes to escape (mostly liquidity or contacts) or the courage to make such a decision when things get ugly, abuse of power, necessity and subsistence are the norms, violence and uncertainty in no man's land, is about to explode or implode, if it has not already done so, they have relied on regimes such as Cuban or Chinese, with a touch of elitist narco-state, also with the help of barter due to the large quantities of raw materials that this part of the world has and I have nothing against the sale of narcotics and such, but I think that hypocrisy has gone far enough, all governments are a hotbed of corruption, not just this one, and we have to be very careful because when this people get too far we start to see candidates from the contrary and extreme political currents to resurface because people get tired of lies and prefer some honesty even if it has traces of madness as seen in other places, it's also true that this entire region was for a long time the backyard of US imperialism, and that isn't easily forgotten, the sanctions imposed by the self-proclaimed policemen of the world also hurt but when you take away from a person the authority to do whatever he wants with the fruits of his work, he stops having ambition, aspirations, goals or dreams.
As you said we've got the proof via the USA that government is not required, just those who sell themselves may would required it.
I don't know what else to say, but it's like someone who speaks the language from a distance sees it, the prize doesn't worry me, there are those who want and need more than me, it's just to give my point of view, I think we have to wait and see what the people who suffer this politics want.
Aguante venezuela!

What a fantastic reply, worthy of a post that my friend, thank you.

What a fantastic
Reply, worthy of a post
That my friend, thank you.

                 - shepz1

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I detect a witty bot.

Thanks to you brother, I may consider it but I think that today politics has become the polytheistic religions of yesteryear, contrary to what many people think, seeing is not believing, when you see, there is no need to believe, but to see or feel something doesn't mean that we understand it, just as corporations need clients, politicians need affiliates, targets are quite similar, we haven't been able yet to finish with the sectarization of ideas, and I wish we could do it, I am cultivating my courage and patience in case some day it can be carried out.

With regard to the current political system, I would say it was outdated after the end of the industrial revolution, it simply has no purpose to survive now. All it does is slow everything down with endless self serving bureaucracy.

Be gone with the lot of them for my money. :-)

I've made a post trying to make your offer more visible in the hispanic speaking community.
Let's see if we can get some more information about this mess.

Nice one, above and beyond the call of duty, likes ya style.

cheers my friend :)

with a touch of elitist narco-state

Narco state are Colombia and the US

Greetings from Venezuela

Sounds crazy over there I hope we get someone from Venezuela to give us a great insight to what is happening. And my mum mentioned about the USA gov shutdown the other day and I said they should just shutdown every gov around the world. She said you might be right maybe it would be better. Mum's getting it :-) Have fun tinkering with the bike.

Big thumbs up to mom from me. :-)

Thanks I will pass it in to her :)

Posted using Partiko Android

legend! I think the older generation know its fucked up but they had to be raised with "just shut up and get to work, we won the war so all is fine and dandy" but since this thing called internet and the younger people speaking up, they see it that they can also unreviel anarchist tendancys they had since all along lol :)

All true mate :)

Posted using Partiko Android

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