Lauren Southern Makes Sense of the Alt-Lite Nonsense (video)

in #politics7 years ago

Props to Lauren Southern for being level-headed about this recent Alt-Lite subset of political activists that has popped up. I recall she herself calling herself Alt Lite several months ago, but that was before the recent embarrassing stunts they've been pulling.

Alt-Lite is supposed to be a subset of folks who aren't white nationalists but are still on the right, however they've just recently went full-blown Libtard for some reason, calling for an end to free speech and hate speech. Here Lauren breaks it down:

I asked her on twitter what her political spectrum quiz results are, not expecting an answer, but it would be interesting to know where she stands.


I hate to see what's happening to free speech and I'm not for adopting the tactics of the left. It's ironic that they tried to pin the "right wing" label on the Portland murderer and passionate Bernie Sanders follower Jeremy Christian just because he attended a free speech rally. The left used to be all about standing for free speech. From looking at Christian's Facebook feed, he was angry at the left for not supporting it anymore.

But that all said, it's true as we know that absolute freedom of speech really exists only in theory. It's already curtailed because we don't have the right to cry "fire" in a crowded theater. And there are all sorts of other legitimate reasons why free speech can be limited. We even censor what we say ourselves quite a bit.

So I can see why with free speech not being an absolute, people on the right who have put together an event would want to keep out Nazis and people espousing white supremacy. Our freedoms also include free association. If enough of a group doesn't want someone in the group, and their views don't reflect the group, I think they can be excluded. There's a difference between excluding them and trying to prevent them from having their own event. If a neo-Nazi group wants to do that, let them. Then everyone in their group at least believes the same thing and people are getting an accurate picture of the group.

And at this point, the attempts to shut down free speech by the left are so much greater than what the right is doing. It's like comparing a mountain and a molehill.

Just today I read Twitter is looking to put in a "fake news" button, for when liberals come across anything thing they disagree with, and especially if it's true. I have been blocked so many times on Twitter that I recently started bookmarking the accounts that have done so I can keep count of them. I'm hardly ever on there, but just in the few times I have been in the past few months, a dozen accounts have blocked me. In the past 15 years, almost every single liberal of the thousands I've talked to online have cared nothing for facts, but for politically winning.

With such a lopsided situation, I'm not that bothered by Nazis being removed from a conservative event when their views don't even represent those of most of the people there.

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