Entertainment, Mind Control and the Fate of America - Catherine Austin Fitts
Shadow Citizen welcomes back one of our favorite guests, Former Assistant Secretary of Housing, Catherine Austin Fitts. Rachael and Ms. Fitts began a discussion online that had to spill over into this week's show. Cautionary themes: entertainment, subliminal messaging and mind control affecting political discourse and sealing the the fate of the United States of America.
Catherine Austin Fitts is the former Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and is an experienced investment strategist and a critical analyst of the global financial system. As a former Wall Street banker for Dillon, Read & Co. Inc.,founder of Hamilton Securities investment bank, and founder of Solari Inc. and Solari Investment Advisory Services, LLC, Catherine Austin Fitts has tracked billions of dollars of missing government money and led an alternative investment strategy designed to increase financial wealth while contributing to a more just, sustainable world. “We have the power to take personal responsibility to learn how the money works in our neighborhoods and our lives and workplaces, and then take steps to cleanse the money in our control." -Catherine Austin Fitts
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