in #politics7 years ago


The DNC fraud lawsuit has been dismissed, so Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hilary Clinton will once again get away with blatant corruption. In fact, DNC lawyers argued that the DNC has the right to "choose their nominee in a smoke-filled back room and it still wouldn't be legally actionable."

Lead attorney in the DNC fraud case Jared Beck is furious and his righteous indignation and moral outrage is exactly what every American ought to be feeling right now.

Thanks for tuning in.


I can't believe that bad hair day b...... got out of that one.
Corruption at it's finest.

He is a brave man, i hope he is safe

The really sad part is that if they want to get to you, there's almost nothing you can do about it. That's simply what all these recent examples show. Even cops show up dead and they just call it a suicide while keeping to their "nothing to see here" narrative. She was right in saying they are sitting ducks.

Yes very sad, even when there is evidence and witnesses, they can still get away in the court.

Quite sad to say, but at this point, nothing surprises me anymore.

Stop playing on their playground. Get off Facebook, YouTube, Amazon... don't use Gmail, or Google chrome. Delete all accounts asap which they profit off selling your data.

Try Steemit, Protonmail, and Brave browser...
You too Sean!

I agree with you. People certainly need to stop any BS justifications in using major providers that are meant to spy on, censor, and manipulate the masses, however, this only works to the degree that there are good alternatives. Without question people must stop using Google and Facebook at a bare minimum, but there are other platforms that are more difficult to get away from.

My simple answer.. Just stop supporting or using anything from Google or Facebook as a first step today. These are absolutely the two worst abusers. This would already take us all a huge step forward.

Thank you for another GREAT Post Sean. Just keep bringing out the TRUTH. I know why Freeway Overpasses were Built and soon everyone will see Gangsters Hanging from Ropes............................

Yeah I couldn't agrre anymore. It is sad that there is nothing we can do as the "little people" in the world!!! I hate our system and everything about it! Free world please!!!

I'll believe it when I see it! When Hillary is wearing stripes I will get my confidence back in this country!

In fact, DNC lawyers argued that the DNC has the right to "choose their nominee in a smoke-filled back room and it still wouldn't be legally actionable."

They are right, the DNC is a private organization and is allowed to choose their nominee any way they want. They may be civilly libel to their members if they don't follow their own rules but their actions in this matter will probably never rise to a criminal level. Also, their by-laws are clear in the fact that they want to retain power for the party elite over the American voter. I am talking about the super delegates, look it up. This is the bad news, one of the two major political parties in this country openly subverts a true democratic selection of its nominee.

The good news is that 'we the people', do not have to vote for them. I'm not a big fan of the republicans but in my opinion the DNC is by far the more corrupt party. I do believe that there should be a strong opposition party to the RNC but the DNC is no longer that party. Either vote for the republican or for a third party. We need honest parties before we can decide if we want to stand with these parties because if they are not honest, who knows what they stand for.

Absolutely, its just amazing they have got away with it for so long with our apathy as the general public

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