in #politics7 years ago

by SGT,

Activist and radio host Cat Watters joins me to discuss the decades long psychological attack against Americans that has resulted in a populace that can no longer distinguish between facts and lies, truth and propaganda and which is essentially suffering from collective stockholm syndrome, the condition by which a victim of abuse learns to love and protect the abuser.

Thanks for tuning in.


Sean wishing you and the family well today. Always Love your Content and we must maintain a positive attitude......STEEM On !!


Such a great point. It's so true. Thanks for the post and video

911 truth coming out will cause Americans to DISOWN the government!

Great to be able to support your work here - I wont be going to Youtube anylonger

Great point

Direct action! One of the most important tools we have.

EVERYONE that believes in their government has stockholm syndrome..... it is called Statism (the belief in the state is equal to an religious cult - it has the needed parallels; just search for it).

Watch carefully where you spend your time and money. We line the pockets of the very people who controls us with their hidden agendas and obfuscated messaging.

You guys gave us tons of useful information. Keep up the good work!

This is more endemic of collective societies and in the US, operating as a sole hegemon and unilaterally, the populace more or less, accepts things with passive complicity. Chomsky covers this extremely well especially in regards to the media's role as well as intellectuals.

In the whole of human history you can never trust any governments, because they always controlled by psychopathic elite criminals, liars, thieves, dictators, fascists, extortionists and mass-murderers etc! Nobody is learning fast enough! Anarchy with non-violence principle and peaceful voluntary cooperation is the only solution for a free self-sufficient world!

Peaceful nonviolence and noncompliance, I wonder if Gandhi would have been successful as the world is today? The propaganda industry is so well oiled and effectively keeping people away from a common understanding.

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