Political repression in Argentina
A teenager tweets a stadium song against the football team Boca Jrs. The song says
Boca te vamos a matar
(Boca we will kill you)
No te va a salvar
(Nobody will save you)
Ni la Federal
(Not even FBI)
Of course killing is not literal, as anyone with half a brain would easily understand. It's just football rivality.
Since the present (extreme right wing) Argentinean president Mauricio Macri started his political career as a community leader in Boca, the teenger changes Boca by Macri in his song.
One year later, a in a huge police operation, the teenager is arrested and spends days in jail, under the accusation of "threating the president". When the case finally reaches a judge (this takes days in Argentina) it is immediately dismissed as a police fabrication, and the teenager is released.
At that time, many tweeter users retweeted the song to support the teenager, rewriting it with the addition "Will they incarcerate us all?"
This week, more than two years after the original tweet, another huge police operation invades the house of one of the users who retweeted it, with an analogous acussation.
All this is not just the delusion of an autoritarian policeman, this is actively promoted by the present Ministry of Security, and CIA informant Patricia Bullrich, and by president Macri himself, to the point of publicly congratulating a police official that was filmed shooting a child in the back.
Democracy is deteriorating very fast in Latin America, and the future is dark.