A Question for the Alt-Right — Who Are the Real "Cucks"?

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

I try not to cast judgement too quickly on others, but as soon as I see or hear the word "cuck", I can't help it. The judgement has been made. I immediately know that this is a person I don't like, I won't agree with and I won't get along with. 

I never have respect for anyone who chooses insults over sound arguments to shut down their opponent. But that isn't what I'm here to talk about today. 

This will be a very brief post, but I want to address the alt-right's...

...total misuse of the word "cuck".

For anyone who isn't aware, "cuck" is short for "cuckold".

cuck·old noun

  1. the husband of an adulteress, often regarded as an object of derision.[1]

The word is derived from the cuckoo bird because of it's habit of laying eggs in the nests of other birds.[2] The alt-right seem to use the term a lot more liberally even though they're hard-core conservatives. Hey, I made a joke!

They apply the label to anyone who they see as weak.

Let's try to move look beyond the fact that anyone who derides all those they disagree with as weak comes off as a total jack-ass and look at this a bit more deeply. Many in the alt-right support Trump because they think they need protection from those scary Muslims. 


So let's be real, given the way the alt-right uses the term, who are the "cucks" in this situation? (Ugh... I hate that word so much.)

A message for the alt-right. 

If you're such strong men, maybe you should act like it. Grow up. Real men can take care of themselves; they don't need to rely on a pudgy, toupée-wearing Oompa Loompa. And stop acting like children by insulting everyone who disagrees with you.

As @larkenrose would say, I hope this rustles some jimmies.



[1] Google Definitions
[2] Online Etymology Dictionary


  1. Pepe-Trump Banner - The Daily Beast, modified and re-uploaded by me
  2. Cuck Compilation  Image - Photos taken from Know Your Meme 1, 2, and 3


I tried Alt+Right and I ended up on the next desktop over. Labels - sorry. People are people and I don't use labels except these; men, women and children. It's funny that [insert label here] never had a problem with Trump until he left his comfortable life. Most, even 99% of people would have loved to shake his hand.

Those who have a problem with him now are victims of misinformation. I have listened to two or three of his speeches and I hear no racism, no hate, and nothing silly. I have however heard partial sentences from his speeches - cut at just the right point to make him into something he is not as part of a group effort to misinform. That is called a lie. It could be called an industrial lie since it's done on an industrial scale - by the news industry. When lies are perpetrated by someone we are supposed to trust (an impartial journalist), then we can promptly turn that journalist off. I have done that and will be making my decision based on what each candidate has said, as well as how those words jive with their past actions. Anyone who is still listening to the likes of journalists who have constantly lied to them, is not so smart.

Side note: I am and American citizen who lives as far away from the collapsing mess that is my country as possible - I would renounce my citizenship but they keep raising the price to do so. That said. Trump can't fix the economy though if anyone would stand a chance he would be the one. It's gone - war is their solution and it always has been. If they destroy enough countries, they can use their credit card without paying the first dollar of principal for yet another day. Hillary can't fix anything, but her past actions make the North Korean leadership look tame.

If someone sold me a defective refrigerator, and another and another, who is the idiot? Is it me for buying their bad product or them for making money on the fool who is willing to keep coming back for more? You have been had by your news provider. Don't use them anymore. It's the sane thing to do.

Right on, I hate that term too. I want open borders, therefore I'm a cuck. I want peace on Earth, so I must be a cuck. What does freedom have to do with anyone going to bed with my partner?

I must admit though, I find this meme of Justin Trudeau to be pretty hilarious

But it's [insert year here]!

Exactly, how can Trudeau be PM in 2016?

Haha! That is pretty funny.

But yes, if you love true freedom, you're weak and clearly you've been cuckolded by a stronger male.

stop being a cuck - ironic use no mad plez









People misappropriate the usage of words all the time, its hilarious. Many people just go off of what they THINK a word means, mostly due to the way it sounds or how others have used it in the past. You almost have to break someone's arm to get them to look anything up.

Yea, honestly I doubt many of them know the real meaning. They just think it sounds like a really degrading insult, probably because it kind of sounds like a mixture of cock and c-nt.

I bet that is the secondary meaning. males that act like females.

I'd never heard of the alt right until recently.
It would seem that if you object to cuck that you would object to alt right as well.

Saul Alinsky, in Rules For Radicals,

  • RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions. (Pretty crude, rude and mean, huh? They want to create anger and fear.)

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