A Tale of Two Shi’a Towns Targeted by CIA-Backed “Moderate Rebels”

in #politics7 years ago

Syrians took pride in the fact that their country was nonsectarian, secular and united. That is… until March 15th, 2011, when a carefully planned and calculated imposed war invaded their jasmine scented country. Since then, sectarian hate has surfaced and been empowered by terrorist groups that now boldly commit crimes against humanity in broad daylight without fear of condemnation.

Article written by Sarah Abed published by We Are Change.

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New information has surfaced from multiple sources and confirmed by my exclusive contact in Syria that the NATO/US-backed Nour Al Din Al Zinki movement was behind the massive suicide bombing explosion that took place in the Al-Rashideen area of west Aleppo.

During a negotiated population transfer deal, a suicide car bombing targeted the Shi’a civilians being evacuated from Kafraya and Foua; two cities with a population of roughly 40,000 people that have been besieged by “moderate rebels” since March 2015.

Previously this same group (which can be seen in the picture above) was responsible for beheading a Palestinian child named Abdallah Issa on the back of a pickup truck. I wrote about him more in a previous article.


These terrorists are anything but moderate, they have traumatized, killed, and starved the civilians of these two cities on an almost daily basis for the past 2 years. Car bombs, rockets, gas cylinders, and shells have torn these two cities apart and rendered them almost uninhabitable.

By December 2015, entire families were homeless and thousands killed, mostly women and children. A true genocide of a religious minority. The one remaining hospital that was attending to all of the injured, performing sometimes five major surgeries a day, was bombed last year as well. Schools have been obliterated. Terrorist groups cut the citizens water off forcing them to carry water from wells which they empty into their tanks. They are eating grass and chard.

The Syrian government’s only way to send aid to the residents is through parachutes. Gaysh el Fatha, among other terrorist groups in the area, have been seen on video saying they will run over their bodies if these Shi’a traitors and refer to them as pigs and dogs. They are heard saying that they will slaughter and behead them. Even young children are singing along and are being indoctrinated to believe that Shi’a are not worthy of living.

On April 15th, 2017 some 5,000 inhabitants of the northern cities, mainly women and children, were brought by bus convoy to the government held city of Aleppo but were stopped while still in the “rebel” controlled area. Inhabitants from the southern city had been brought up to Aleppo and were kept under government guard.

This latest evacuation was made possible under a deal struck between Damascus and militant groups in late March that envisaged the transfer of 16,000 people from Foua and Kefraya in exchange for the evacuation of militants and their families from the government-held towns of al-Zabadani and Madaya in Rif Dimashq Province.

Iran, speaking for the Syrian government, and Qatar, a financer of the radical “rebels”, negotiated the deal. There are many other issues involved in the deal including Qatari hostages held by Shia groups in Iraq, very large payment from Qatar to “rebel” groups (Al-Qaeda) and some non-disclosed items. In December an agreement had allowed for the exchange of wounded civilians. When buses were on their way to evacuate elderly and wounded civilians from the two northern cities they were torched by some rebel group. New buses had to be sent in order to facilitate the exchange.

It is now confirmed that Nour al Din al Zinki movement prepared the VBEID in Darat Izza and sent to al Rashadeen in advance of the bus convoy from Kafraya and Foua and waited for the right time to explode and cause maximum fatalities. It is widely known and accepted that the Nour al Din al Zenki group is financed, armed and promoted by NATO, as moderates. The civilians in their buses, mostly elderly, women and children, were guarded by “rebels” of Ahrar al Sham. They were hungry. Someone appeared on the scene and distributed potato chips/crisps. When children flocked around the food distribution a blue car drove up and a very large explosion occurred. Four buses full of people and a number of ambulances were totally destroyed. 

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126 of the civilians, only a mile or two from the safe government area, were killed in the suicide attack including 95 children. Below is an image of some of the children that were killed. 

Many more were wounded. An unknown number of Ahrar al Sham “rebel” guards were also killed. “Rebel” groups in the Idilb government are either aligned with al-Qaeda in Syria or with the Qatari sponsored Ahrar al Sham. Ahrar al-Sahm is the group responsible for the execution of the negotiated population exchange. Parts of al-Qaeda have publicly disagreed with the deal.

This intentional act of sectarian hate took the lives of 126 people mostly women, children and elderly that were finally being transported to a government held area outside of Aleppo. Nour al Din Al Zinki is no stranger to committing crimes targeted at pro-government civilians and specifically Shi’a. The group along with other Wahhabi practicing House of Saud backed terrorists consider Shi’a to be prostates, infidels, and have repeatedly referred to them as dogs and pigs in many videos that have surfaced over the past few years.

Previously, The Nour al-Din al-Zenki Movement, along with the 16th Division, the Levant Front, Ahrar al-Sham, and the al-Nusra Front, were involved in abduction and torture of journalists and humanitarian workers inNour al-Din al-Zenki, along with the Abu Amara Brigades, has been accused of executing people by throwing them down buildings when they still controlled Aleppo.

In May 2014 al-Zenki received increased financial support from Saudi Arabia after it withdrew from the Army of Mujahideen. The group also received financial aid from the United States, in a CIA run program to support US-approved rebel groups, reportedly via the Turkey-based Military Operation Centre (MOC).The US had stopped sending them TOW missiles when there is a conflict between Ahrar Al Sham and Hayat Tahrir Al Sham in Idlib in March, 2017.

When the Red Crescent arrived at the bombing the “moderate rebels” turned them away. They did not allow ambulances and rescuers to take the remains and help the wounded victims until the White Helmets had taken their pictures and footage. Sources state that they were aware that the bombing would take place and were prepared to come in and shoot footage and act as if they were there to help the citizens. Additionally it seems now like the rebels took advantage of the chaos and abducted hundreds of the victims into rebel area.

Up until September, Nour al-Din al-Zinki was a recipient of financial and arms support from the U.S. as part of a group of so-called moderate opposition factions working with a logistics hub partly run by the CIA. The group has also received support from Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. The government aligned forces have not committed any suicide attacks while al-Qaeda as well as Ahrar al Sham have committed hundreds. This was a “rebel” suicide attack, likely by al-Qaeda, against government aligned civilian refugees.

The Syrian army has resumed the evacuation of residents from militant-besieged areas outside Aleppo after buses carrying them were hit by terrorists on Saturday, killing at least 126 people. The monitor group added that at least 68 children were among victims of the bomb attack. The death toll may rise further as “hundreds” more were injured in the blast, it added.

Damascus decided that the deal and the evacuation should continue despite the massacre. The two towns in Idlib are too exposed and indefensible against a large scale attack. No bigger government operation towards Idlib could take place while they are held hostage. 

55 buses from Zabadani and Madaya did reach Idlib city while 73 buses from Fuah and Kafraya reached Aleppo on Sunday evening as thousands of civilians exited enclaves to enter rebel and government heartland. To make matters even worse, Over 200 civilians from Foua and Kafraya have been kidnapped in the Rashideen area after they were supposed to enter government-held Aleppo on April 16th. The majority of those kidnapped are young girls.

“According to an Al-Masdar News source, the Shi’ite residents from Fuah and Kafraya are believed to have been kidnapped by Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham (HTS), an Al-Qaeda affiliated rebel faction which stands accused of killing 126 civilians in a car bomb attack yesterday.”

This article was published by WeAreChange.org and was written by Sarah Abed (Facebook,Twitter). Article also on The Rabbit Hole.

Video Credit: Syriana Analysis 

If you would like to support my independent journalism, you can make a donation to my PayPal. Thank you! 


Sometimes I just want to cry when I read about Syria, sometimes in deep sadness, sometimes in raging anger.
When I think about that our NATO governments are supporting these crimes and all of our mainstream media outlets are covering up the truth, blaming the Syrian government and giving air-time exclusively for the rebel propaganda.
It is an unspeakable evil

Perfectly worded. I have met many kind hearted, open minded and intelligent people such as yourself who have shared similar sentiments.

When I cross paths with people who have stopped listening to what their politicians and media are indoctrinating them to believe and started used critical thinking, logic, and digging deeper below the surface to uncover the truth I feel hopeful. I feel like we are finally making progress, raising awareness about the truth behind these manufactured uprisings, and falsely labeled "humanitarian interventions" is a crucial step to helping end these wars based on lies.

If you are on Facebook and would like to add me or follow me on there (Sarah Abed) you will encounter many people who feel the exact same mixture of sadness and rage as you do and it might give you a sense of hope as well that others are understanding what's really going on and are passionate about not only learning more but about educating others as well.

Thank you so much for caring about the truth, sharing it with others, and truly sympathizing with all of the people that have suffered as a result of this and other wars. You are a human in every sense of the word.

Also thank you VERY much for the 20.00 Steem that you just sent me. I am still trying to understand how this all works but as long as people are appreciating, reading, and benefiting from my articles being shared here, I promise to do just that.

I really love all of the kindness, feedback, and appreciation I have received in the past month since I joined this community.

Thank you again @evehuman and it's wonderful to meet you dear.

you are welcome
and I truly think it's encouraging that so many people are waking up to the evils of war both overt and covert wars.
It's the only way that we some day can end this evil, by acknowledging the truth and educating others.
In Germany we have the saying:
"Imagine there is a war and nobody joins"

Couldn't agree with you more.

The CIA backed rebels fighting the Pentagon backed rebels.

Sadly that's pretty much what it is. It's upsetting but entirely essential that people understand that US is funding, backing, training, and arming these disgusting, murderers, and rapists, to carry out its own greedy imperialist pursuits.

We have the Wikileaks documents saying that was the plan as much from (I think) 2006-07.

Syria is a gordian knot.

It's complicated, especially when you first begin to try to understand it. But once you start to unravel the web that politicians and the media have weaved it starts to make sense. Also, previous wars have much of the same MO, after a while, the picture becomes clearer.

One sad as fuck story man :(

Yeah and it didn't get any coverage on mainstream media... but then again would we want the world to know that our "moderate rebels" were committing atrocities? :-( These poor people's lives aren't worth a headline it seems.

Triste historia :(.deseo que todo mejore

What an excellent post.

And illustrates perfectly the 'establishment agents' that are pretending to be journalists, with the propaganda they 'report.'

THIS is real reporting. This is real journalism.

Thank you !

Thank you!! I greatly appreciate your feedback and encouraging words. I've written about many heartbreaking stories during this war but this is certainly in the top 3.

A good friend of mine who is also an independent journalist visited the area and spoke with some of the survivors after this massacre took place. I'm going to find her article and link it into mine or share it in the comments, she wrote it after mine.

I have been following a lot of vanessa beeley's reporting on the whole Syrian situation over the last year or so.

Yes, she is great and that's exactly who I was referring to. Also if you are not familiar with Eva Bartlett, you should follow her as well. The three of us (among others) are focused on getting the truth out to people, in hopes that we will help end this war. http://21stcenturywire.com/2017/04/21/rashideen-massacre-children-lured-to-their-deaths-by-nato-state-terrorists/

HKX07 H e b a tweeted @ 18 Dec 2016 - 14:03 UTC

"Rebels" in #Idlib burn buses meant for besieged civilians in Foua & Kefraya: "We will burn all those who come to t… twitter.com/i/web/status/8…

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

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