RE: The Collapse of Germany: Angela Merkel's Failure
I am from Germany and the weirdest thing to me is the total ignorance of the de-facto "elites" (by that I mean the people in power and the top journalists).
They're in complete denial. They go so far as to deliberalitely not mention the ethnicity of migrant criminals. Instead of "foreigner" or "African" they just write "man" or "perpetrator". Sometimes they even portrait migrant criminals as Germans in TV (like I described in my latest article: That's usually called brainwashing.
The crime statistics in Germany clearly say that foreigners are 5 times more likely to be involved in homicide than Germans (see "Polizeiliche Kriminalstatistik 2016"). For asylum seekers the factor is about 10! But the "top" journalists try to minimize this by saying "well there are more young men among these groups and young men always have a higher rate of delinquency". They also claim that perpetrators that look like foreigners are more likely to be reported to the police (because of inherent racism in the german society; I'm not making this up) and this is distorting the statistics. All of this is ridiculuous. First, the factors are way too high for this bullshit explanation of "more young men". Second, we have had cases where young females did not report a rape because the perpetrator was a refugee and they had pity with the poor "traumatized" refugee. So, it could be the other way round, because actually lots of Germans are very compassionate with migrants.
This country is truly bat shit crazy.
I forgot to mention that the demographics in Germany that Stefan cited are even worse when you look at young-aged people.
Even before the refugee crisis we had 36% migrants (people with "Migrationshintergrund") among the children up to 5 years. This number is from 2011.
You can see this pretty clearly in the population pyramid with highlighted "Migrationshintergrund":

The green and the saturated orange in the middle represent the migrant population. Note that this population pyramid is from 2014 and thus also does not include the refugees yet...
Around 2030 the people in the large babyboomer section will become pensioners. It is hard to imagine how the german pension system is supposed to survive this. 25% (around 80-90 billion EUROs) of the federal budget are already dedicated to supporting the pension system today, year for year.
The German welfare state will not survive a lot longer.