300,000 years
Was watching the reactions to these monetary cuts via the news the other evening. Surprisingly not over a cup of coffee. However, now I am sitting here, after completing the ritual of early morning revitalisation, and reliving something that occurred thereafter. It was a tragedy. Not due to the locality of this situation and the continued misuse of the parody of the term, but simply because the people have no voice anymore. All they have is their frustration. And this was being shown very clearly in the capital the other day. The methods by which a simple term; democracy, has been misplaced in the annals of time, and will be written in history in its founding land, as a term of abuse in our modern society is evident all around.
When a man stands up to these principles and is released from his office in which he serves. From serving the people that believed in him. Who believed in the system. Believed that marking a piece of paper with a cross was enough to guarantee the promise of hope in the minds of the masses, and the protection of their fellow countrymen by the elected representatives, was lost. I asked my daughter, on seeing all this chaos, can you thing of another species of animal on this planet that can cause so much mess? Being a young and still naive girl, my daughter replied: a lion!
I asked her to explain why she things a lion could be in an equal position as humans in the state of despair that we see all around us? She didn't answer. She then said I just thought I'd say that. I said I will explain why we, humans, are the solitary beasts we are. I had to find a way to get her to understand. And knowing that I am constantly scorned for my approach to honesty with my daughter, but juxtaposed by my desire to get a little of this anger out, I set forth to say what was on my mind.
This is what I said:
"300,000 years ago some bright thing thought it was a great idea to climb out of the trees, and even later to get up off it's ass and walk around. (Evolutionary wise the later has now been proven to be a mistake and is actually one reason the largest medical complaint in most doctor's offices is back problems. Simply the spine is designed to carry weight via equal distribution over the four limbs, not two, which compresses the vertebrae.) I then told her, that these bright sparks in turn discovered the bright spark that made fire. (Fire being a turning point in our evolution. Mainly for two reason. First reason, and scientific evidence has shown this now, is that eating cooked meat rather than raw meat actually allows the brain to develop. Mainly because more energy is used digesting raw meat.) The second reason, was that as our brains were still acutely under-developed we had no perception of where these elements came from. (The starting point of deity worship and later the foundation by which religion was created).
As we evolved (technical term), we developed many aspects to our lives, which through these 300,000 years have either become instruments of manipulation or instruments of social change. Language came from art. we could not speak, so we drew images on the walls. From this ideograms and then characters were formed. Our grunts became recognisable sounds, and this then led to communication. Whether this was a good thing or a bad thing is up for discussion, however, I said to my daughter that most animals have a social structure that has not changed through their entire existence on this planet, and they are able to function as the planet intended. We however, have taken this communication and have used it in a disruptive and corruptive way.
The biggest of these being Religion. Being an atheist I can't say God exists. I have thought strong and hard about it, and there is not one iota of evidence to back up the vague chance there is a higher being. However, what has come out of this notion is an institution that, believe that through it's promotion of such a being, has been given the right to confuse, manipulate, murder and control the population of the planet. All, as they say; "under the will of God". What modern politics has done, is allowed the open-minded to see that the disciples of religion have simple evolved out of a progressive process of power-mongering individuals, that have of recent become overthrown by the new religion; economics. I said to my daughter that some many years ago, some clever person invented religion, and this is when everything went wrong (this is a bigger debate).
Based on this progressive evolutionary track, we grew as a species, but it seemed that our outlook did not. Our mental focus seemed to isolate itself into the concerns of the human race as a factor outside that of the rest of the planet. Only today, some wise people (I can't say that may of these sit in positions of power or government) have seen that the human growth rate is becoming exponentially incorrect to the planets own survival. And why hasn't anyone really done anything about it? Well, in my daughter's ten minute education plan, I stated that another clever person invented something called money. On watching the section of Zeitgeist's addendum concerned with the fallacy of money, it is plain to see that this is the next process of control. In the beginning the church was the law. So much so that in today's society the it is frowned upon to argue against the indoctrination int this society. That "this is the way it is" and there should never be considered an alternative. As Dawkin's writes though; "We are born unto Christian (religious) parents, not born Christian." This is because there is a defined path created to control, not that it is so. Marx also mentioned the opium of the people. If you control the people you hold power.
This kind of draws us back to today. Money and purchasing became the new drug and religion of the masses. Even the simple fact that a great deal of the growing shopping malls in this country are influenced by the fact that they are built on church land, and that the church understand the ability to become part of this new religion. Let us ask a simple question; "Why does the most lucrative business in the world ask a donation for a prayers candle, instead of providing them to their devoted addicts? Simple, people believe that if you pay for something you will get something in return. You buy a candle and "God" needs to answer your prayers. As much as the betting of a euro on the lottery gives a false hope of wealth, instead of the more complex passage of working hard at something.
The money structure, whether through evidence and revelations, has now been shown to be fraudulent. Money doesn't not really exist. Money is a promise that someone somewhere we redeem a debt. If people are placed in debt, they can be controlled. You have a mortgage, so you have to work to pay off that mortgage. So you are controlled. Look at animals. No enslaved mechanism to keep them producing wealth for a minority. What makes this all worth while? Well, the mechanism by which you feel freely part of (capitalism), also gives you a carrot to chase. Basically, if we are enslaved and we no we are enslaved, they there will eventually be despair. So what do you do to stop this, you create a socially blinding mechanism to make people believe they are not slaves. Look at the metaphor visualisation that occurred in the Matrix. It's a paradox in itself. Why? Because the Hollywood system is part of the glossy facade that maintains the illusion that we are all happy.
So, to reiterate what I noted to my daughter, and to conclude. We have become a lie unto ourselves. The frustrations of the enslaved masses is starting to show. The capitalist screen of money has come to a point that religion faced some centuries back, when a small group realised that this is not the only path. Change can be made. It wont be made by the people in power, because they are not fools. That 1% want maintain there 40% hold on power and money. People make the change. If they are not aware that this change should, could and needs to be made then the market forces of capitalism has won, and humanity will be lost.
The rest of this planet is created out of a very clever and well formed eco-system. Each element of which evolved or dies based on the demand of the environment and the process of life. Man has become a wart on that system. Maybe a natural part of it, but not a liked or necessary part. So, after saying all that, my daughter switched on the TV and became infused back into the system. I, I finished my coffee this morning and looked at the street. The concrete, the silent groans of the people who want to communicate there displeasure, their anger, but are locked into that mechanism. Once upon a time, 300,000 years ago one of our ancestors stood up! Maybe today, we should all stand up!!!!
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This is a great reflection on life.. tip!
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