America has been destroyed by a psychopathic elite

in #politics6 years ago


America is dying — average lifespan is falling, illiteracy is rising, US healthcare and education are the worst in the developed world and the country’s infrastructure is crumbling and second world. The US has been murdered by its ruling political and corporate elite. they have a lot to apologise for…

Dear American people…

We, your ruling psychopathic elite, would like to apologise to you.

We’re sorry that we’ll spend $700 billion on ‘defence’ in 2108 when many of you struggle to pay yourmonthly bills and that we let American corporations evade $90 billion of tax payments every year.

We’re sorry that America’s infrastructure is crumbling and second world due to lack of investment.

We’re sorry that homelessness keeps increasing whilst we let American companies stash away $2.1 trillion of profits in overseas bank account and tax havens.

We’re sorry that we sent your children to far away countries to fight and die in illegal wars that have no purpose other than to make obscenely rich and obscene old men even richer (that’s us , by the way…).

We’re sorry that you have the worst healthcare system in the developed world.

We’re sorry that millions of Americans are sick and dying because we let American business legally sell you opioid based drugs that are more addictive than heroin and pump your food full of artificial preservatives and sweeteners that we know cause cancer.

We’re sorry that you, dear American, live, on average, 10 years less than your European counterparts.

We’re sorry that your public education system is under-funded and ineffective and that 19% of your children will leave high school functionally illiterate (compared with Cuba where that rate is just 0.3%, which even we have to admit is a bit embarrassing).

We’ re sorry (particularly to you, dear young Americans) that we shut down your factories and exported good paying jobs to slave labour and low wage economies — leaving you only with shitty McJobs.

We’re sorry that we’ve allowed US banks to become a blatantly criminal, mafia style, money laundering conspiracy that robs you every day, in every way.

We’re sorry that our money has utterly corrupted your political system, so much so that it’s now no more than just a pantomime performed by puppets with us pulling the strings; it no longer matters who you vote for because whoever wins, we win.

We’re sorry that your mainstream media is actually a wholly-owned subsidiary of ourselves which lies to you and manipulates you 24/7.

Dear Americans….we are truly sorry that we, the ruling psychopathic elite, have taken your life chances, your hopes and your dreams and trodden them underfoot and that we have taken a once great nation and raped it and destroyed it so that we could line our own pockets and satisfy our perverse and disgusting desires.

Mmmm…hold on…no, actually, you know what. Fuck it. We’re not sorry at all. You are just ordinary people, just a detail in history. We’ve enjoyed bleeding you and this country dry and we’re going to carry on doing it until we have EVERYTHING.

You are the sheep. And we are the wolves.

Fuck you all.


I can hear the sheeple bleating. They love to hear their masters' voices no matter what they say.

To: The Good Citizens of Oceania
From: The Ministry of Truth

Dear Citizen,

We have come far in our quest to achieve a Pax Oceania where all good people of the world can be as free and happy as you (we) are. You have done much for us along the way by sacrificing your sons and daughters in far off places and staying steadfast in your belief despite the many economic hardships which were (we) imposed on you. Your courage in standing up against facts and valid arguments that ran contrary to the (our) truth has not gone unappreciated. We thank you.

However, the last obstacles (Putin) that stand in our way may be (are) the toughest yet. So we must once again ask you to prove your loyalty to the (our) great cause of bringing democracy (financial tyranny) to the world.

Let us stand against (bomb to hell) those who oppose our transnational corporations, banks, and (not so) free market economy model. Let our (false) accusations of meddling in our election system ring true so that the world (our vassal states) will join with us in our endeavors (illegal wars of aggression).

How can we do this?:

First, let us be wary of (censure) any information coming from the nut job conspiracy theory crowd that have been living in an alternate universe since at least the tragic (successful) events of 9/11. They have many who claim to be (are) accredited scientists, award winning journalists, and sane sounding people on their side, but you must remain loyal and courageous (ignore them) when faced with their rantings lest you be corrupted (convinced). You should de-friend them and block them on Facebook and by no means read any books or articles they may link to. They are agents of the enemy (Putin) and we are working on stopping (arresting and torturing) them.

Secondly, remain alert (fearful). The terrorists (our patsies) are still out there and can strike at any moment, anywhere (we choose). Remember, they hate our freedoms! Watch CNN and read the N.Y Times everyday and ask those you meet what the latest headlines and talking points (lies) are. If they do not know they may be a terrorist and you should report them! We can then question (torture) them and detain them (put them in a FEMA camp and throw away the key).

Lastly, have fun and do not worry. Watch the latest Hollywood (propaganda) blockbusters and play a good (violent) video game. Get all your vaccinations (lethal poisons) and take all your medications (pysch drugs that make you homicidal and suicidal). We have everything (guns, bombs, drones, etc.), and are doing everything (lying, killing, robbing you, etc.) necessary to achieve our goals (reducing the surplus population).

Sincerely (don’t make me laugh),
The Ministry of Truth

Dashr - thanks for that response - it's excellent!!! You might like this piece, too...

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