Symbols aren't racist, people are. Stop giving them power

in #politics9 years ago (edited)

If this symbol offends you, you are missing the problem.


I'm not writing this to defend the confederate flag, nor any other arbitrary symbol. I am not writing this to defend the confederacy. I choose this symbol specifically because it is easily one of the most controversial of the present, and its controversy shows a lack of understanding the problems that we face as a society.

A Facebook post triggered this response. The post read:

"If you defend the Confederate flag you are either racist, or you are ignorant
to its meaning"

Granted this is one person voicing their opinion, but it's not the sole motivator of this writing. It is simply the straw that broke 'my' camel's back. It seems to be one of those political trends, like most, that is based purely on emotion, primarily the emotions of either resentment or embarrassment. I have even seen people go as far as to make the claim that a defender of this symbol is just flat out racist, no ignorance about it.

What is a symbol

Symbol: noun; a thing that represents or stands for something else, especially a material object representing something abstract

All flags are symbols, not all symbols are flags. The confederate flag is a symbol.

All Symbols have three main characteristics:

  1. Arbitrary
  2. Ambiguous
  3. Abstract

No i didn't just make that up, this is actually what you would be taught if you were to study semiotics or one of it's sub-sciences, particularly symbiology. Here are a few links to reference:

Symbols are arbitrary

Arbitrary: adjective; based on random choice or personal whim, rather than any reason or system.

Basically a symbol means nothing other than what you decide it means to you. This can be an agreed upon decision by a group of individuals, small or large. At any point and for any reason an individual or group can decide it means anything they want it to mean. Their decision on its meaning is neither correct or incorrect, it is arbitrary.

Symbols are ambiguous

Ambiguous: adjective; (of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.

Because symbols are arbitrary they are also ambiguous, they can mean many different things all at the same time. To the majority it can mean one thing, to the minority another, and to a lone individual something completely different. All at the same time.

Symbols are abstract

Abstract: adjective; existing in thought or as an idea but not having a physical or concrete existence.

This one should be obvious. All symbols have theoretical meaning. They are not concrete. In other words, a symbol can only represent an idea, it can not be the idea.

What's the point?

The point is that all symbols are completely subjective. The confederate flag can easily represent racism to one person or group of people and heritage to another. It is simply the nature of what a symbol is.

Being angry at someone for displaying the confederate flag is no different than becoming angry at your grandmother for using the word "gay" in the context of happiness.

Some PC police wouldn't hesitate to do that.

Why it's important

I am going to specifically reference the liberal community here, because I want to talk about racism, which I wholeheartedly agree is a problem.

So much of the liberal communities energy has gone into fighting a symbol, and when they win their fight they celebrate as if they have won a huge victory.

You've accomplished nothing.

You have won a fight against something that is completely arbitrary while the real tangible problem thrives.

The only reason you think the flag represents racism is because you decided that it should mean that. So if the flag means racism to you, that's your own fault. The heritage defenders are actually doing more to fight the racist stigma of this symbol than you are.

To those of you who may swing right. At least have some awareness and try to exercise some empathy. I'm not trying to give you an excuse to be an ass.

But most importantly

This is a fantastic example of how real oppressors keep right on oppressing. Many people talk about institutional racism, or systematic racism. Ignoring the possibility that the adjective may be the real problem. Systematic oppression is only a problem because of the system. It's nice to dream of a central authority that truly has the people's best interest in mind but unfortunately it doesn't exist. Centralized authority exists specifically for oppression. That is its job.

Ask yourself; how much of a problem would racism be if the system wasn't there to proliferate it? Sure it would still exist, but it would be negligible without a means of forcibly asserting these unnatural beliefs onto others.

Those in authority create false battles for you to fight, to prevent you from seeing the real problem. It makes you feel like you are really making a difference, but only serves as a distraction.

Don't let the media or some politician tell you what to think, think for yourself, own yourself.

I am open to debate, so please give me the opportunity to expound further.

Thanks for your time.


If you are going to flag me i'd appreciate a reason.

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