Call To War

in #politics6 years ago

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"What is evil? Killing is evil, lying is evil, slandering is evil, abuse is evil, gossip is evil, envy is evil, hatred is evil, to cling to false doctrine is evil; all these things are evil. And what is the root of evil? Desire is the root of evil, illusion is the root of evil." Buddha

This is something I thought I'd never write! There's been a lot written and said about an upcoming civil war... to the Left, that war is already in full swing. These people are arrogant, self-absorbed bullies who cannot be defeated with tolerance, love and understanding. They're narcissistic, spoiled children whose tantrums have garnered results all of their lives... you cannot reason with sociopathic personalities- there is no way to change their minds employing reason. They only way to defeat evil is with superior violence- and make no mistake, evil is what they are... they are also cowards.

These spoiled brats don't understand concepts such as honor, integrity, or virtue- only their own pathetic need for attention. They are used to getting their own way and when they don't they act out... and now they're becoming violent because they're getting away with it. Nobody is challenging them! People need to grab a baseball bat and have 100 or 200 show up wherever ANTIFA and the other Leftist thugs do and tune them up. Remember, these aren't inherently violent people, just spoiled brats who have gotten away with bullying people... none of them are willing to become martyrs. A few broken legs and their whole movement will collapse like the cheap suit it is.

The only way to stop these idiots is to stand up to them... like their sign says, "This Is War." So be it- we didn't start it, they did. The longer we wait, the bolder and more violent they will become. This is how the Nazis gained power, if people had taken to the streets like the Nazi thugs (who were also cowards) Hitler would never have made the history books, he and his gang would have crawled back into the woodwork with the rest of the rats and cockroaches. They are merely the told of the power elite... paid mercenaries in an idiot army whose mentors refuse to get their hands dirty- and we all know who they are. Here's one of those elites calling for violence...

I'm telling you, if this doesn't get stopped soon, it will be too late! The Dan Harmon's, George Soros', and other hacks in Hollywood and the Demoncrat Party won't get their hands dirty, or put themselves in physical jeopardy- they just hire an army of morons. Hired armies have little success against an army that has truth and justice on its side- they scatter and run. But time is running out. Time to saddle up and put things right!




I'm still not convinced it will come to that, but just in case I am ready ;) Dan Harmon gets it 2nd. I love his show then found out what a obcessed sociopath he is....there is a special place for those who I admired once, and what they became later.....Eddie Vedder is the only one befor Harmon if you're me....

The conflict has to come - it's the inevitable end game to communistic push (nwo/ one world government).
Whether is needs so to be physical, is down to how clever the sane people are, to handle it...

Well said, the reason why I doubt it will ever come to that is those who are pushing for communism lack the deviance required to make into a war. I think all the media push for polarization is just a distraction from the inevitable collapse of the monetary system, and the continued plunder of public resources. NWO will get their war, but not in ideological terms. But we shall see! ;) I'm ready either way. Civil war or Mad Max!!

Yeah. It is a mess. #walkaway is a positive sign that at least some people are realizing they have a leash around their neck and are taking it off. Yet, there is still so much evil going on.

What is evil?


Applying force to others...

Simple for me to view it that way as other "evils" people refer to typically fall under that umbrella.

If it is voluntary then it is good. :)

One of the sad parts is that these people believe they're behaving voluntarily!

Hitler did very little killing compared to the communists in Russia and China and our present day Globalists in the ME. Did you know that the chimney at Auschwitz was installed by the Soviets 2 years after the war was over? On a scale of evil, Hitler and Nazi Germany are nowhere near the worst of the 20th century. History is written by the victors.

After all the propaganda and the killing for Israel and the money-lending economic crashes, you still believe what you've been told?

I know, I'm just talking about the tactics they used to take over, using a complicit press, the movie industry, etc.. Thee's a book called The Ominous Parallels by Leonard Peikoff that traces both Germany and the rise of Fascism in the US.

To kill is not evil. To murder is. Sometimes evil needs to be killed. God told the Jews to kill the Amorites that had unlawfully occupied the Promise Land. To kill every man, woman and child of the Amorites.
Why. Kill children, women? Why would a loving God do such a thing.

Because the Amorites where the offspring of the Nephelim, or fallen angels. They were the Raphaim, or Giants that were also known as the tribe of Dudan, better known as the Titans.

Killing is unpleasant but maybe necessary and lawful..
Murder is never justified or lawful.

Had Joshua followed God’s orders and wiped out the Titans, we would not have commie/socialist/demonic agents of Satan declaring war on life and liberty. It is quite simple.

It's really not all that unpleasant once you get used to it... what has to be has to be!

...not as unpleasant as living under some totalitarian communistic authority, that's for sure!

That's their end game. Communism is the goal, Fascism is the means.

I am confused. In my study of the Book, the Nephilim (alien [angels] and human hybrids) were destroyed during the flood. The only survivors were Noah, his wife, his three Sons (Ham: father of the African Peoples, Japeth: father of the Euroasian peoples, and Shem: father of the Semitic peoples). In other words Noah was the father of all the 70 Nations.

...Amorites where the offspring of the Nephelim, or fallen angels.

If the above is in fact true, then Noah was an offspring of Nephalim. Am I mistaken? Then again, maybe after the flood, the Angels (aliens) returned and did the same thing again (mating with the daughters of men). I must study more on this topic. I will get back with you guys.


children of the devil!

What is your position? This article seems to only be adding fuel to the fire. We absolutely should become ungovernable, though not for the reasons the left suppose. But this isn’t about left vs. right at all, and though it may not be your intent, if I was a conservative looking for a reason to lock, load, and kickstart a new civil war, this piece would certainly get me fired up.

If you charge the left with not knowing moral principles, then maybe include some talk about those principles so people can’t make up their own interpretations of your intent. I can see someone reading this and hearing “Don’t wait for violence to defend against - attack with proactive force on the basis of their words alone.”

Freedom is man’s inherent nature. All evil is a violation of that freedom, and thus a denial of reality - a deception. They say the devil is a liar, and so even if defensive force becomes necessary, TRUTH must always remain the primary weapon of the righteous.

....and so even if defensive force becomes necessary,

...'defensive force' is a losing strategy.

History will tell you the victor is the one with the impetus..when defensive force wins, it is down to a miscalculation of the aggressor.

Which means, logically- that you are depending on the enemy screwing up, rather than enforcing your own strategy - which also implies alack of confidence in your own strategy.

...just sayin'...

History is written about people in the fight. However, weaponized drones are changing the fight. Soon aggressors may be the only casualties.

Technology changes the landscape, including military strategies. Much technology is going to increasingly make people more defensible against aggression, particularly post-firearms weapons tech, 3D printing, and drones.

Regardless of history, the truth is either hewed to, or evil is done. Win or lose, I will remain on the side of right and wrong.

In tactical terms, I’m not saying you have to wait until you’re being shot at to shoot back - if a group of people are surrounding your town with the expressed intent to destroy you, then by all means...

But this article seems to be saying “The radical left cannot be reasoned with, so attack them to shut them up.” This is quite a different matter.

I'm not saying attack them to shut them up- nothing should ever interfere with free speech- but dialogue isn't what interests them, only violence. So I say attack them before the violence becomes worse and institutionalized like with the other Fascists.

thanks for give us this news

Nice read. I leave an upvote for this article thumbsup

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