Q Anon: Warning From US Military: We Will Be Invoking Martial Law After Christmas - A Special Message

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Q Anon: Warning From US Military: We Will Be Invoking Martial Law After Christmas - A Special Message

I hear so many Anons and other Trump Supporters losing hope and faith in things. I understand your frustration, Fellow Patriots, truly I do. I know how hard it is to have such rightful and high hopes and then have those hopes dashed across the rocks of life. But, I implore you to never lose faith – that is exactly what the Deep State and the Luciferians are counting on.

There ARE things going on behind the scenes, things which I am not amble to disclose to you here, that is going to bring down the house, in every sense of the word. If I may be so bold as to say one thing, I would say is ‘Timing is everything’ and ‘plans must be fluid’, so as to accommodate for unforeseen circumstances and other such things. What we are going to witness soon is called the Great Awakening for a very good reason – most people have NO idea how much farther advanced we are than what we are being allowed to know. Life altering is an understatement.

So, remember that you are a soldier. This is a war. They have NOT won and I, for one, want to be able to stand with Patriots who will not turn tail and run at the first sign of resistance. Do not be weak. Do not be predictable. Do not be a quitter. Rome was NOT built in one day. Nor can it be saved in a couple years. President Trump has had only two measly years to do everything he’s done, and we are on the cusp of victory.

SO now I ask all the TRUE Soldiers of our Second and Final American Revolution to reflect upon Christmas Day of this year, 2018, as the first Christmas day where we, the PEOPLE, became UNIFIED. The first year that we STOOD TALL and DID NOT QUIT! The first year where we did NOT get herded into a pen like the SHEEP they want YOU to be. WATCH THIS VIDEO IF YOU THINK NOTHING IS HAPPENING

Q, The #GreatAwakening and the #Qanon Phenomenon is real. You must understand that Disinformation and Distractions are necessary – these facts are clearly laid out in all of the Q posts – as well as in this video. We, literally, are at war for the very heart and soul of the United States of America. The very future of humanity – and other things which we could not possibly comprehend – are at stake. We Patriots work tirelessly for freedom.

There are, indeed, people taking bullets for the republic, so the least that you or I can do is scramble whatever talents we have to ensure that their sacrifices are not in vain. You have the choice of either scratching your head in confusion as you see events unfold, or looking at the information provided by Q and understand the real story.

It has become evident that the Fake News Mainstream Media cannot be trusted to report the truth, but there ARE Patriots who you CAN trust to bring you true and factual information. A few of them I have listed in the video description. I suggest you find them – and follow them – on Social Media and/or other digital platforms.

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