How's that New South Africa working out for you?

in #politics3 years ago

SA Railways in shambles under black management.jpg

The photo says it all. No need for me to elaborate. But I do want to ask: Why, despite having people with tertiary degrees in charge, are African governments unable to make a success of their countries? Why the decay and incompetence and severe corruption and crime?

No, blaming others of half a century or more ago just ain't going to cut it. Japan, Italy, and Germany were all utterly destroyed in 1945. Just 30 years later they were under the top 10 biggest economies in the world and all built up again.

By 1980, at the height of apartheid under white rule, South Africa had more than half of all the rail road tracks on the whole of the biggest continent on the planet, Africa. Trains were clean, safe, and mostly on time.

Today, the exact opposite is true. In 2020 a whopping 6 kilometers of rail road tracks were stolen in 24 hours at just one town. Yes, that heavy metal shit trains run on, 6000 meters long, all lifted up, loaded onto how many trucks, and sold to some piece of scum scrap yard dealer for a fraction of its real worth.

The world famous luxury Blue Train was involved in two serious accidents in just the past 20 years. Entire towns haven't seen a train in years, because the overhead cables were stolen in broad daylight. Once internationally-awarded train stations for its service delivery and architecture are in ruins today, burned down, everything of value carried away.

So, WTF is wrong with African nations that they can't manage even the basics of civilization?

Let me close with another photo.


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