Why have not the dictator been overthrown?

in #politics6 years ago


The world has gone through great dictatorships, wars, wars and religious conflicts, each and every one of these dictatorships are broken at some point in history, now the world is going through dictatorships and wars that seem to have no end. The world centered on its own interests seems to turn a deaf ear to the conflicts of others, a world where technology brings us closer to the problems of other countries but which at the same time seems to distance us with silly distractions. It may sound conspiratorial, but many times these distractions seem to be on purpose, big events lead the masses to have their life centered on one thing, forgetting what is happening around them. It is notorious that we see and feel distressed by what happens in other countries, but does it really affect us? Do we really do something to make this happen no more, and I think that is the point of history in which we are, modernization has made us sheep that go en masse to the same place.

Currently, there are wars as fierce as when the Nazis existed, only that somehow they have managed to mix and pretend in some way as "normal" situations even though they have left human rights aside, I do not necessarily mean that wars and current dictatorships are equal to the first and second world war (although we do not know how cruel they may be), but if the number of people who have died, the number of fatalities is also comparable with those who are dying in a slow way, product of a humanitarian encirclement like what happens in some countries with dictatorships disguised as democracy.


Why have not they overthrown the dictator?

A question I ask myself every day, it seems that these dictatorships cling to a model of government that seems consistent with what can be known as a "democracy" have an authoritarian power with centralized powers, ie; everything that it issues and promulgates belongs to them. Today there are dictatorships in the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa, some with the appearance of normal government and others with an extremist character, surely they know what I am talking about. But my thinking goes beyond its form of government, such a strong rejection of the population does not allow me to understand the little impetus of struggle, and it is where I really believe that many forms of control over the population intervene, which is why people do not fight for their freedom but fight to survive.

There is something that protects the leaders of these dictatorships, I do not know what it is, but there is something that they have achieved and it is the control of the masses, the numbness and even a discourse that reaches the weakest to the most ignorant, to the point of that convinces him to have the best system of government, I believe that this control takes years of study and practice, is a mental power that goes beyond reality, even covering the eyes of citizens who still applaud the discourse of their dictator thinking that everything will improve.


Many democratic governments have ended by force, as the death of their leaders, why this has not yet happened in these dictatorships, is there too deep a control, because many populist dictatorships reach the population due to the rapprochement that they have the leaders to the citizens, I still do not understand how many of these leaders, with such a big rejection, are still alive.

From a very personal perspective, I will say some things, maybe I'm wrong or right, but for me these are the main reasons why, they have not yet overthrown the dictator:

Populist speech and regalia

Although it pains me to admit it, everyone likes gifts, but there is a point where this becomes almost like a bribe, I offer to improve your life in exchange for votes, but is it really true? Little by little, governments dictatorial and populist have known how to offer their gifts, and people have not noticed that they are gifts "yellow cap" I call you, you give me your vote and I offer to take a title in 3 years, you give me your vote and I I give you a ranch on a hill, you give me your vote and I allow you to take that property that is private for you to build, you give me your vote and I give you a market, little by little those "gifts" have been accommodating to the needs that have been lost and that have been degraded to citizens, without noticing, give their vote for a kilo of rice, for fear of not having it later, would not it be better to have a good purchasing power ?.

They take advantage of the ignorance and the desire to change a town

This happens a lot, normally the desire for a change in countries leads to people making decisions lightly, a system established for many years that does not seem to give or generate many changes despite being democracies are often changed in elections, choosing the one who promises so many things that look very perfect and beautiful, what they do not know is that many bases are needed to understand that not everything can be achieved in short periods of time, and even less if in the first years of government it is not observed a definitive change towards a less "corrupt" system, when citizens are immersed in a discourse with no way out, only those whose ignorance leads them to believe in those who give them small things, in that closed discourse that makes people They destroy themselves in their own ignorance and fanaticism.


Centralized Power

Each and every one of the powers of the nation fall on the power of government, call judicial power, electoral, executive (obviously), ministries and everything that issues laws or decisions, how do they come to this ?, by reforms of the constitution that little by little are approved and when you realize they are owners of everything, it is like a kind of Monopoly.

Appearance of Democracy

For the international community the fact that there are elections in a country is already a good thing as a political system, because it means that the people are exercising their right to vote and to choose, here lies the problem of centralized systems, who says to the government that has not won an election ?, the same powers are attributed to them for themselves, everything is a vicious circle, the truth is how to play Monopoly with all the properties being yours. To this it seems a democracy an international intervention is not something so simple, because that would lead to a war, and organizations like the UN (which for me are pure politics and diplomacy based on self-interest), give opinions but can not take action without the people begin to complain in an imminent manner about the government that they have in their nation, something that has happened, there have been deaths in these countries, but apparently there must be a number of deaths for the actions to be considered.

There is no serious opposition movement

They are practically in solidarity with demonstrating that this is a "democracy", what do I mean ?, that often do not have a voice of protest that allows the people to lift their faces and fight, but lend themselves to participate in elections that they do not have the slightest chance of winning, fraudulent elections that guarantee the "democratic" and participatory power of a dictatorship. Leaders who do not have a power of conviction, who wash their hands when unfortunate events happen for the population, who do not fight for the truth but lower their heads and accept what the regime dictates. Leaders who doubt if they are really part of the opposition.

Interference from other countries and others

Although they deny it, there are dictatorships that have been formed based on the teachings of other authoritarian governments, they teach them and explain how to control the masses, how to stay in power, how to give their speech that convinces so many, among others; When I talk about other things I mean something that I have seen and although I do not believe in it, it is not something I would get into, that is, I do not believe it but I fear it, and I have noticed that many times these governments have something else, something that goes beyond our simple eyes, a power that seems taken from some strange place, and is that many sources endorse the use of witchcraft or "santería" in these dictatorships, the truth is not how true it is, but I I think these people are capable of anything to stay in power.

Dirty Businesses

Many dictatorships cling to power today because they have their hands stained with dirty business, that is, they support and help movements such as drug trafficking or guerrillas, maintaining power is necessary because it has the rank of diplomacy, and this it allows them to be in a status where it is impossible to put them in prison unless the study they are given is so precise and with so many proofs that their imprisonment is inevitable.

This and many other things cling to the power of the dictator, why have not they overthrown it? Draw your own conclusions.


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