Going Rogue: The Fall of California

I usually try not to blog too much about politics even though I am extremely political. I just think I should have fun and let loose. But this week has been a political firestorm (well, most of the last year if truth be known). An I happen to live in probably the dumbest state in the union.
California decided that they were going to Auto-register people to vote whenever they requested or renewed a drivers license or identification card. Though not constitutional, I was sort of fine with it. I would not need to go register. But, this week, the state decided to combine the driver license and ID applications with the applications illegal aliens use when getting a driver’s license or ID with no training of DMV workers.

Now, the idiocy here is threefold t is a privilege and choice to vote. Though you should, you do not have to. So auto-registering people to vote can be seen as unconstitutional. Next, the thought that I can get a license to drive with no paperwork and not legally allowed in this country is just nuts. I cannot go into Mexico without papers and get a driver’s license (in fact, I will get kicked out). Finally, we have to trust DMV workers to file the one form correctly defining an U.S. citizen from and illegal alien? Yeah, good luck with that. Last time I was in the DMV, the sheer stupidity of the employees made me forget half my college classes. Everyone knows what the state of California is doing. Unlike our politicians, we are not that dumb.
But that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Let us take a look at some of the other idiotic laws that California has past in the last year and are looking to pass next year.
Saving the Earth One bag at a Time

In 2016, California decided to make it that stores had to charge 10 cents for each plastic bag used. This was done to save the environment. This, without a doubt, has to be the dumbest law put in the books. Hey, I get it if you bought two things and they did not give you a bag. But when you have a grocery cart filled with groceries, this can get kind of pricey. News flash: Global warming and that other over-hyped crap is not going to stop because I get a couple of plastic bag.
But this was not the start and not the end. This started when the politicians decided to charge CRV on cans and bottles. We should have seen that coming. Now, there is talk of banning plastic straws at restaurants including possible fines and jail time for a server that gives a straw without one being requested.
Oh, This Environmental Thing Gets Better

California has decided to take on the scourge of environmental Armageddon: the cow. Apparently, cow farts create more methane than all the cars in the U.S. (I’m exaggerating the point to show how stupid this is). The state is actually looking at limiting the amount of methane created at cow and pig farms from their farts. They are even testing a set up where a tube is shoved up a cow’s ass and its farts are blown into a bag. I mean…wow!

But this could affect you big time. If beef and pork are limited, prices at the grocery store could sky rocket. Just to make things worse, a “sin” tax pushed by the People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the same group whose founder thought it would be better to eat people than animals, is getting steam and is already being pushed in this state (though many think that is a while off).
Taxes, Taxes, Taxes

That's what California is all about. Gas tax went up 12 cents (average price now is close to $3 a gallon). At first, this tax was for the roads. But everyone in California knows that probably won't happen. That $3 billion bullet train passed a few years ago still has not happened and that dam that broke last year had $1 billion set for upgrades that never happened. They needed the money for something else.

But we don't hold our breath that there will not be more be more tax increases. We have over half the illegal alien population in the country (5-7 million, conservatively) and have the fastest growing unemployment rate in the country (thanks a huge raise in minimum wage). More taxes will be needed to continue being the "nanny state" the politicians want. Now there is talk of eliminating Proposition 13 (limits on property tax) and a universal income. Who's going to pay for that?
Well, Margaret Thatcher was right: "Socialism doesn't work because, eventually, you run out of other people's money."
Constitution? What's That?

Last week, the attorney general of California, Xavier Becerra, said that any business owner that cooperated with the federal government during an immigration raid would be prosecuted, fined and/or jailed for violating the "Sanctuary State" laws passed last year. Last I checked, the federal law had priority over state law (maybe California succeeded and I had not heard about it). Just defining itself as a "Sanctuary State" (which is not a real term) violates the constitution. I find it amazing that this state will protect illegal aliens but will jail their citizens for not agreeing by helping the federal government.

And there is more. A lot more, especially when it comes to guns. Prop 63, in an attempt to get around the second amendment, makes it necessary to have a background check and for ammunition and bans high capacity gun magazines. First, one had a background check when he bought the gun. Why need one for bullets? The high capacity magazine thing is a bigger problem. The limits California put on magazines is unreasonable. A Glock handgun does not make an 8-round magazine. Basically, and it is being argued in front of the Supreme Court now, they are banning the gun.

Jerry Brown and his cronies are out of control. They have become a modern-day Politburo and must be stopped. We cannot have a set of people think that they are more important than the federal government. Sacrament is already running this state into the ground with a huge deficit in spending, a huge dependence on social programs by the population and a growing illegal alien population who put very little in.
One of two things will happen in the future: the federal government will force the state to follow the laws (including arrests) or succession and a civil war (the feds are not going to accept California going on its own). But I would not worry about a civil war. California will not have any guns to fight with.
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