60 Years Later, The US Admits to An Unconstitutional War With Iran

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


What do you call it when one government tries to kill the leaders of another government?

You call that War.

War is not unfamiliar to us humans. Our history is saturated in war. War is our heritage. Every single person alive today has a family tree full of badass warriors who didn't die for their country but instead made the other guy die for his country.

Historians will tell you how we can take our warfare instinct too far. How it can get out of control. How a nation can be bankrupted by constant conflict. How the long term consequences of crippled young men can harm the economy. How blood feuds can cause untold misery, death, and suffering for decades and centuries to come.


So at the outset of this great experiment in constitutional democracy, at the founding of the United State of America, we wrote it very plain in the rules how wars would be started and waged in this nation.

[The Congress shall have Power...] To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water;

Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the United States Constitution

This is a pretty good fix for the kinds of wars that the founders were seeing. It's short and to the point.

No longer could a King or the aristocracy secretly instigate war. No longer would unilateral declarations of war embroil young men in deadly conflict.

No, Congress operates in the open. Their decrees are democratic and require public debate. If you don't like how your Congress is leading the nation, if you think they got us into a dumb war, then just vote them out at the next election.

By requiring declarations of war to be voted on and passed before we went to war, we not only slowed down the process and made it public, but we also made sure that clear goals are laid out before we begin any conflict. Our enemy knows the terms of surrender and what our grievance is.

It's a good system but what happens when the government simply chooses not to comply?

In 2013, a shocking revelation was declassified: America had gone to war without a declaration of war.

Not only was there never a declaration of war, but the American people were not allowed to know about this war. Not while it was happening. Not after it was over. Not even 20 years after it was over.

No, we had to wait 60 years to find out the truth. (And more details are still slowly tricking out.) Sixty years is more than enough time for the perpetuators to be long gone. The perfect crime against our democracy and against our Constitution.


Can you believe that?

Only after 60 years are we allowed to know of our nation's involvement in deposing the democratically elected leader of Iran. It's unthinkable!

We will never be able to deter this type of behavior if we aren't even able to learn about it until decades afterward. Who do you make an example of? Whose career do you end? Who do you vote out of office?


Americans today are faced with a terrible decision. We are in crisis. How do we deal with a government that has seized power? How do we reinstate the Constitution as an authoritative document?

One thing is certain, the American government will not cease this criminal behavior until the American people demand it. We must awaken the inner patriot inside our friends and neighbors. We must demand our country back. We must stop believing the lies of politicians. We must see the truth that the founders did. We need to reawaken their skepticism toward those in power.

And maybe the best place to start is with all these classified documents.

The fox is watching the hen house. It's time for us to put an end to it.


If themajority of the public in the States would be enlightened they would fire the corrupt Politian and spend all the money for useful things like infrastructure or education.

This makes me think of a post that a friend of mine made the other day on Facebook, he basically said that if people want to call him unpatriotic for opposing our countries wars then so be it. If they want to lock him up or strip him from his citizenship then he is fine with that because there is simply nothing that will make him close his eyes, ears and heart to the atrocities that our country is committing in the name of spreading "democracy", "liberty" or it's favorite lately which is humanitarian intervention. His message was amplified due to the fact that he was a young veteran as well. A young guy who at one point thought he was doing the right thing by joining the the armed forces only to realize (before it was too late) that he had been lied to, brainwashed, and indoctrinated into believing that we were actually making these third world countries somehow better by invading them. When he realized the truth and that these wars were based on lies, he could no longer blindly follow, respect, or appreciate the armed forces in the same way ever again. On his page his post got a few likes, but when I shared it.. it got a lot more attention and made others who felt this way want to speak up and those that came from countries that have been pulverized by the USA feel like the people aren't the bad guys it's mainly their government and the greedy politicians that they should be upset with. I added a picture to his post that had what looked like an American flag with a dove and the words Peace is Patriotic.. and I felt that summed up his message pretty well.

So many great Americans through our short history have been non-interventionist. It is steeped in American tradition and for more than 100 years a non-intervention manifesto was revered as essential reading for all Americans: George Washington's Farewell Address.

I've known people like your friend myself. Military veterans who have seen firsthand the cost of war and seen through the fake justifications. Sometimes I think that if America had compulsory military service it would be a good thing if only that it may make us more aware of the cost of war and more reticent to pay it.

Indeed, "Quis custodiet ipsos custodes," ?

what's worse about this whole situation is at least 2-fold. between

A: Some people in US were aware of our involvement with overthrow of
Mossadegh, but were blown off as crazies.

B: The Iranian people HATE us for our involvement in the coup against their leader.

Robert Anton Wilson used to talk about the "Invisible Hand of Government", akin to the other hand that runs markets. He said only when gubmint becomes unbearably obnoxious will people push back, we have only as much government as we need.

Unfortunately, fools like Sam Harris are pushing the narrative that we shouldn't be involved with politics, as the US gets dumber collectively.

When I discover stuff like this, I become less and less surprised that they hate America so much. If and when I travel overseas, I'm telling everyone that I'm a Canadian.

Depending on what country you are visiting, you might get the same reaction if you say you're from Canada lol. Unfortunately, even Canada has been complicit in some recent wars, such as in Syria.

I must admit that I'm surprised to hear that. Canadians always seem so concerned with appearances. Not entirely shocked that they are sending troops, though I can't imagine why they participate in these things. Must be the same reason the Canadian government donated so much money to the Clinton Foundation.

Lol, thats a good idea. I keep thinking I should use my Right -of - Return to become a citizen of Canada, but...
Trudeau...(whom I used to like to some degree)

I see a lot of people talking about this kind of stuff, but nobody seems to have any real ideas of what to actually do about it.
"Oh, we gotta do something about this, we gotta reinstitute the constitution!"
Ok, how are we going to go about actually doing that?
Nobody seems to have an answer...

We're in luck that Congress still has power in this country. We've got to change those guys out to right the ship. I think that if we can all make a conscious effort to never vote for a liar again, we could put the right kind of people into office.

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