My thoughts on US Government Shutdown

in #politics7 years ago

Since the ordeal is over here are my thoughts.

First of all I am not a Trump fanboy, but from my perspective many countries have always been ruled by politicians, dictators and even tyrants so whats wrong in letting a businessman run the country for once.

I couldn’t agree more on his illegal immigration ban, not because I want to see poor folks get deported. But here is the thing, they came to the US illegally. And if in that many years of stay in the US they have not sorted out their immigration problems then they deserve to be deported.

One should put priority on their own citizens first,second immigrants. Because as the saying goes how are you going to help others when you can’t even help yourselves.

I used to be for the democrats, but after this recent shutdown I can’t say I am not disappointed. Holding government civil servants, and miltary personels pay hostage over something so minor like immigration ban just show how little concern democrats have for the welbeing of the country and the people defending it. Is this what democracy is about ?

It is said that POTUS wants to build a wall along the mexico border. Democrats claim is a waste of money, and it serves no purpose. Do you have any idea by building the wall how many jobs it will create for the american people ? Sure it will not 100% stop illegal from crossing over but it certainly will make it harder for them. It just like if you own a car and someone wants to jack it, you can’t really stop them, but without the keys it is harder for them.

Democrats claim it is hard to come up with a deal with POTUS. Well no deals are easy unless you want to be on the losing end, that is why we have negotiation and compromise.

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