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RE: Slavery exists, is endorsed, is legal, inside the U.S. - Con-Sourcing is alive and growing...
My entire life has been one brush off after another for pointing out this fact of the 13th amendment. You cannot say you've abolished slavery if there is an 'except' on the table, you've only restricted slavery to a class that is perceived as less than and often subhuman.
We show the world who we are by the physical slavery we practice in for-profit prisons and the debt slavery we practice as economy.
Cant you see? Prisons are not labor (slave) camps! Else they would have the same name, duh.
Let me explain you the difference: A prison is run by good guys, a labor camp is run by evil guys.
It's so easy to understand, how can people not get that simple fact?
Combine this with victimless crimes and it is SLAVERY that they are trying to pretend is not slavery.
Suddenly it makes much more sense how we still have a war on drugs, eh?