Global Trump/Military Coup in Progress

in #politics7 years ago

WARNING: Once you know this subject matter and research it yourself, you cannot unknow it. Very difficult material involving pedophilia and other crimes committed by our ruling elite.

The most historical coup in military history is taking place right under most Americans and the Main Stream Media's nose. Right now. This is a take down of the Bush/Clinton/Obama (and other bad actors) decades long crime spree. It involves the dismantling of global human trafficking and pedophile rings, Uranium selling by government agents for personal profit, criminal activity in the Clinton Foundation, and the entire Rothschild/Rockefeller globalist agenda among other crimes devastating to our nation and planet. Even includes the untangling of Hollywood and the music industry from decades of criminal control.

So why don't most of us know about this?

The main steam media is owned by 5 companies and the CIA has had control of them for at least a decade. This is first rate mind control of the people. The reason a few people know it is due to the freedom of the internet. Twitter, Google and Facebook are trying to take away the openness by demonetizing and striping patriots of their accounts....but the tide is too big and has run with the truth. Getting control back from the criminals of Mainstream and social media will be a big part of this COUP.

Numerous online video heroes like George Webb, the famous Truth Factory Cat (she is a riot- check out her well produced truth-comedy videos)The Truth Factory Talking Cat: Jason Goodman's reporting and others have entertained and educated the masses on the depth of the corruption, the elaborate ways they steal from us and lie to entertaining and digestible small videos and documentaries. Using humor, visuals and face-to-face interviews they have taken YouTube, Patreon and other venues to new levels of political awareness and a call to ACTION. I am sure Steemit is a truth power in this movement as well....and will be growing quickly to reveal truth and offer solutions to Americans as we grapple with the unbelievable fallout from this COUP.

Right now one of the most riveting patriots is an anonymous intelligence officer that goes by Q Anon on 4 Chan. He has forecast the stages in the COUP with amazing accuracy so must be an insider with high security "Q" clearance. The Saudi arrests of Crown Princes and the confiscation of over 800 Billion dollars from them is one example of a step in this overall military operation Q forecast. Right now there are billionaire princes sleeping on mattresses on the floor at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh. Check it out! These are the criminals that have been funding Hillary Clinton, Obama, the Clinton Foundation, the 9-11 attacks with the help of the Bush family etc... These Saudi's have way deeper pockets than the Antifa financier and American enemy George Soros. But you can bet the Special Forces have special plans for Soros in this COUP. I think Trump would like some of that $$ back to help the Haitians, the Libyans and make reparations for other atrocities committed by the previous administrations since the assassination of Kennedy. The genuine Pedogate/Pizzagate scandales are REAL and it will take years to rehabilitate these children and young adults.

Many Americans that have been lulled to sleep by the CIA supplied lies and drum beat of the mainstream media and late night talk show hosts (who take notes from Pedophiles like Hillary's campaign manager John Podesta) will be very surprised when they see the truth of the crimes committed by their beloved Bush family, Clintons and puppet Obama. Obama's family was CIA and his Harvard education was paid for by one of the Princes currently under arrest...he was groomed for the acting job he did- and he performed very well. Hell I voted for him twice before I went to Arkansas to learn about Hillary et al from people that had dealings with her and Bill. It was horrifying! They should both have faced the electric chair in the 80s! Bush and the Clintons were in business together running drugs and guns as far back as the 80s out of Mena Arkansas! Go see the movie American Made...which is a wild romp and shows how it worked while being very entertaining.

There are over 2000 sealed indictments coming down soon-in all 50 states. Insiders say these are for Pedophile rings of the elite and the Uranium One scandal where Hillary and company sold 20% of USA uranium to the Russians. Some say there will finally be arrests for 9-11. These cruel crimes were committed by these previously untouchable politicians for personal profit, blackmail and to foster globalism!

Brace yourself. If we are fortunate and they are successful in this COUP we will get our country back and it will then be up to all of us to be educated and diligent. We must never let these greedy, willy criminals steal life, liberty and money from us again...

I research these topics with a team over 6 hours a day and will be updating as developments occur. This is an exciting time to be alive and to help others wake up. I have been looking at Steemit for a few weeks and I am happy to be here. This sure looks like the future to me. Thank you for making it to the end of this...I know it is difficult subject matter.


Great article, been following this as well for years, I really hope that they achieve on bringing justice.

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