Perspective on Politics

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

Image of Nelson Mandela
South Africa voted on 3rd of August 2016 for the local municipal elections. This inspired me.

With my knowledge of cryptocurrencies, even though it’s limited, I undertook it upon myself to decipher the hidden dynamics of politics. We all know that democracy has done a great deal of good in this world, but of late it seems to dwindle...

Democracy as I interpret it: The more votes you have in relation to available votes and that of the competition the more power you control.

This in itself should keep the peace when we in a timely manner vote. This should ensure that good quality leaders get elected. This, however, is not always the case, as the electorate is simply not up to speed with recent news and information. This is concerning, as it is more likely that they are up to speed with , soap operas than with politics. And we should ask our selfs. But Why, tough?

First, understand that not everyone has the intellect that we, our selfs posses. Some may have more others may have less... And politicians knowingly or not use this against their own supports to stay in power or gain power. Obvious methods include “I know Best” where a politician makes, ill-formed promises ,that have little or now bases in reality. Others include “I did not Know” where a politician openly apologizes and expects it ,to “Be okay”.

The one that gets me going is “It is better to apologize later if you did not have permission” basically claiming ignorance and there for saying “It’s Okay”. If we were to create a zombie apocalypse , saying “sorry” is not going to cut it... Like, wise if this new policy or “Brexit” goes terribly wrong due to the public being fed wrong information. Saying “sorry” does not cut it.

But here is the snag. How is it that so many individuals are misinformed with the internet in existence?
How is it that the public could be taught so many lies... And BOOM it hit's me.
It’s our perceived view of the media and their hosts and guests. We all know journalists are supposed to “Make money from quality news”, but how much of the news is accurate and whole?
In today's world, I believe the media plays an ever larger role in politics and in particular about fact finding.

Let's go through this scenario:

We have two or three parties in a particular country. This country is a 3rd world country and has is technological strong. The media poised to make a profit from all advertising ventures of these parties ,would not like to be seen as siding with this or that party. Hence. This limits their journalists to truly seek facts that would contradict what is being said from that or this politician.The result is that the media of today are merely relaying information of what they are being told. If member x says “x” then they ,like a choir, repeats it word for word.The issue?

Not everyone is open minded and not everyone questions the current authority... When the media became " favorable " towards advertising it resulted in a regressive debate. Where everything is good and ends well. With no extra research being done ,other than that what seems juicy for public consumption. Things like “reality(faked well) shows” are ever more dumbing down the world population .This causes individuals to lose their ability to question the “facts” ,which are presented to them and adding insult to injury advertisers benefits from this dumbing down.
This makes individuals more likely to become suggestible to slogans like “let’s make America great again” which suggests that there is something wrong with America.(Realy?).

The only fault ,as far as the economy of America goes, is the issue called “wealth inequality”. And yes this is a problem but, it would seem that some might mistake this slogan as if there is really something wrong with America and that of greater substance. An overworked brain that has a very fixed routine would not seek faults as eagerly as some might think. This is what the media and journalists are supposed to do ,for us, right?


So that’s the problem, the global problem, of today. People placing their trust in the wrong .
Well, we could all become expert journalists or make a blockchain for blogging that is safe from unneeded intervention... OK, so now what?

Well for starters we could start a news section does not simply tell the news(which we could Google) but rather contains in-depth fact seeking articles ab-ought what we already know, but questioning and verifying the facts as well as seeking relevant and realistic conclusions of what should or might happen. Just like with our Blog’s posts with greater quality content and that would be rewarded(subject to your own opinion).

As for Elections we could make a Election blockchain. This chain must be able to handle 25M transactions in 8 hours to be effective in South-Africa . In theory you could have multiple instances of this blockchain, one per state?

Open for debate: How do we get the media to listen? Make more money then they do...
Images are " free for reuse"


Your article sheds light on the required aspects of blockchain. Steemit has nailed it, correct use of blogs, steem power and voting mechanism is revolutionary, although reading the white paper bothers me a little about steem(Steem dollars and steem power seems okay, I won't talk about it as I'm yet to finish reading the whole paper. It's quite big at ~44 pages)

Please find me on steemit chat

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