Bernie Sanders Is Sexist

in #politics5 years ago


Elizabeth Warren decided to go after Bernie by calling him sexist and it just may work. Anyone interested in the politics and familiar with the democratic candidates in the race knows that Sanders is not a sexist, but that smear may work in the end.

While the Bernie fans and the rational observers see that as a dick move by Pocahontas and she will lose some of her voters because of it, the message that MSM is pushing out is not that of Warren being a vile cunt. No, media is throwing shade on Bernie and that may cost him a significant portion of the voters that now support non-crucial candidates.

In the general election, if Bernie wins the nomination, he'll have to work against his image of a crazy commie that took his wife to the USSR for their honeymoon and this fresh attack that paints him as a sexist pig.

Bernie, being a spineless fool, instead of ripping another one to Warren by listing all her lies publicly, tried to downplay that attack.

It's no secret that I don't like the guy but it was painful to watch that incident. Warren refusing to shake his hand at the end of the debate did hurt the old commie. He didn't expect such a betrayal from his friend and it showed.

Fuck! Here I am having sympathy for a commie. What's the World coming to? :-)

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