Is Freedom Really Free In A Statist Country??? Wtf Is Wrong With People???
Idk exactly why the NFL people are kneeling, but i know one thing which is that statism seems insane in the grand scheme of things. Why are people so worried about boycotting NFL when there are so many things not right about America that warrant protest??? This blog will function to answer some of my questions and make a point that "freedom" ain't really free. "One" from Metallica is coming on auto play while i am writing :O "For democracy any man would give his only begotten son".
This article will attempt to answer my questions: (1)Why Did Colin Kaepernick Kneel???, (2) Why Are High School Kids Getting In Trouble for Kneeling???, (3)" What is Statism???, (4) Isn't Meddling in Medicine for Profit State Interventionism As Shown In "Harvard Study: Big Pharma, US Gov. Behind Opioid Epidemic"??? (5) Are There Alternatives to Opiods???, (6) Does the War on Drugs Hurt More People than It Helps???, (7) Do War on Drug Statistics Really Look that Bad???, (8) Why the F%$k Aren't People Boycotting the Normalization of Pedophilia Instead of People Choosing to Peacefully Protest???, and Wtf Is Wrong With People???
Why Did Colin Kaepernick Kneel???
Media was in a frenzy when Colin first PEACEFULLY knelled in protest during the national anthem. NFL media reporter relates that Mr. Kaepernick said "I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color...To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder" (Wyche, 2016, para.3).
Chip Kelly, the Niners coach, told reporters Saturday that Kaepernick's decision is "his right as a's not my right to tell him not to do something." (Wvche, 2016, para.5).
The NFL stated"Players are encouraged but not required to stand during the playing of the national anthem." Wyche, 2016, para.6). Other athletes have also been kneeling in protest of the treatment of minors in America, but this peaceful act of protest is being met with an insane backlash from Americans who are threatening to boycott the NFL. My blog "Divide and Conquer Must End" @ further discusses media manipulation.
Why Are High School Kids Getting In Trouble for Kneeling???
Sports players across America are joining Mr. Kaepernick in peacefully protesting racial injustice. The Diocese of Rockville Centre on Long Island runs a private Catholic school system that said “serious disciplinary action” would apply to students if they knelt during the anthem. The diocese spokesman, Sean P. Dolan, said that “although the Diocese does not agree that demonstrations are appropriate in its schools during the playing of the National Anthem — which recognizes the tremendous sacrifices of Americans of all races, ethnicities and religions — it notes that students who seek to challenge racism and racial discrimination are firmly in accord with Catholic teaching" ( HAUSERSEPT, 2017, para.4).
Scott Smith, the superintendent of schools in Bossier Parish in northwest Louisiana, said that “it is a choice for students to participate in extracurricular activities, not a right, and we at Bossier Schools feel strongly that our teams and organizations should stand in unity to honor our nation’s military and veterans,” in a letter obtained by The New York Times. (HAUSERSEPT, 2017, para.5). So, if students don't submit to flag worship they are not allowed to participate in sports??? Sounds like freedom ain't really free in America.
Why should kids be taught to honor the killers of brown children???
This photo was given to me by my friend who lives in the Middle East and these are kids that were killed by Americans.
What is Statism???
Wikipedia says that statism is "state, society and individuals[edit]
Authoritarians view a strong, authoritative state as required to legislate or enforce morality and cultural practices.[10][11] The ideology of statism espoused by fascism holds that sovereignty is not vested in the people but in the nation state, and that all individuals and associations exist only to enhance the power, prestige and well-being of the state. It repudiates individualism and the family and exalts the nation as an organic body headed by the Supreme Leader and nurtured by unity, force, and discipline.[12] Fascism and some forms of corporatism extol the moral position that the corporate group, usually the state, is greater than the sum of its parts and that individuals have a moral obligation to serve the state.[12]
Economic statism[edit]
Economic statism promotes the view that the state has a major, necessary, and legitimate role in directing the economy, either directly through state-owned enterprises and other types of machinery of government, or indirectly through economic planning.[13]
State interventionism[edit]
The term statism is sometimes used to refer to market economies with large amounts of government intervention, regulation or influence over a market or mixed-market economy. Economic interventionism asserts that the state has a legitimate or necessary role within the framework of a capitalist economy by intervening in markets, attempting to promote economic growth and trying to enhance employment levels."
My blog "what's up with all of these symbols and why are Masons in the Civil War???" @ demonstrates the shadow government's symbols.
Mark Passio discusses Statism @
Isn't Meddling in Medicine for Profit State Interventionism As Shown In "Harvard Study: Big Pharma, US Gov. Behind Opioid Epidemic"???
This study is an example of the government interfering in the market economy of medicine through big pharma lobbying.
The study, entitled The Opioid Epidemic: Fixing a Broken Pharmaceutical Market, describes how the American public have been "duped by the elites for more than 20 years" (Adl-Tabatabai, 2017, para.1). In psychology college i learned that studies can be biased as cited from school sources in my blog "Part 1 on Free Yourself from the Medical Industry: Big Pharma Controls the Medical Industry" @
I read the study from the source, and the featured study's conclusion states that "weak patenting standards and ineffectual policing of both anticompetitive actions and fraudulent marketing have played a key role in driving the opioid epidemic and rising drug prices and spending. These regulatory shortcomings provide incentives and pathways for the overutilization of costly and often harmful branded prescription drugs while hindering access to lowcost
generics. Several practical reforms—including more aggressive secondary patent challenges, filing deadlines for citizen petitions, legislation to compel sample sharing for bioequivalence testing, and marketing fees to
promote evidence-based prescribing—can help provide Americans with relief and thus deserve greater attention" (Sarpatwari,,n.d., p.484). This is a polite and educated way of saying that the government is corrupt because study writers must remain politically correct to keep funds coming in as they work mostly on grants.
Are There Alternatives to Opiods???
"Dr. Oz Says Medical Marijuana Could Help Solve Opioid Addiction"is an article posted by Tom Angell (2017) who says although many claim marijuana is a gateway drug, Dr. Oz says that the opposite may be the truth.
"The real story is the hypocrisy around medical marijuana," Mehmet Oz said in an appearance on Fox News. "People think it's a gateway drug to narcotics. It may be the exit drug to get us out of the narcotic epidemic." (Angell, 2017, para.2).
Does the War on Drugs Hurt More People than It Helps???
The war on drugs has created a terrible situation non violent drugs users and their families. For example, my 21 year old son with 3 kids tried some K2 that his "friend" brought over one day and he nearly died as he had violent seizures and a heart attack; he was beating his head on the concrete. Scared to death, i called the ambulance and my son was held by the police for questioning right there in the street before they even took him to the hospital. He was already broke from getting his car legal and paying no registration tickets. Now, with the tousands he'll be paying out for this felony charge he'll have an even harder struggle. Who is it going to hurt the most???
His 3 kids who won't be able to be as well provided for because of the state. It's really non-one's business if someone uses drugs. The war of drugs is a farce to line the pockets of the law makers and stuff. All the while big pharma legally passes out poison that causes an opioid epidemic in America. The state is practicing economic statism by ensuring that they get plenty of funds from people who may have just made a mistake. The guy said it was like Mr. Nice Guy and a mild synthetic marijuana and now my son is in hella mess.
There are countless families messed up in America due to the bogus war on drugs. We learned in criminal justice college that Reagan was taking money from the drug cartels to let drugs into the USA at the same time he was waging his dumb ass war on drugs. My blog "i am a Shaman so where's my go$$am religious freedom???" @ further discusses what a crock the war on drugs is for legitimate religious reasons.
Do War on Drug Statistics Really Look that Bad???
This information will be copied directly because paraphrasing is wasting my valuable energy. "Amount spent annually in the U.S. on the war on drugs: More than $51,000,000,000
Number of arrests in 2015 in the U.S. for drug law violations: 1,488,707
Number of these arrests that were for possession only: 1,249,025 (84 percent)
Number of people arrested for a marijuana law violation in 2015: 643,121
Number of those charged with marijuna law violations who were arrested for possession only: 574,641 (89 percent)
Number of Americans incarcerated in 2014 in federal, state and local prisons and jails: 2,224,400 or 1 in every 111 adults, the highest incarceration rate in the world
Proportion of people incarcerated for a drug offense in state prison who are black or Latino, although these groups use and sell drugs at similar rates as whites: 57 percent
Number of states that allow the medical use of marijuana: 29 + District of Columbia
Number of states that have approved legally taxing and regulating marijuana: 8 (Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon and Washington)
Number of states that have decriminalized or removed the threat of jail time for simple possession of small amounts of marijuana: 22
Number of people killed in Mexico's drug war since 2006: 100,000+
Number of students who have lost federal financial aid eligibility because of a drug conviction: 200,000+
Number of people in the U.S. who died from a drug overdose in 2015: 52,404
Tax revenue that drug legalization would yield annually, if currently-illegal drugs were taxed at rates comparable to those on alcohol and tobacco: $46.7 billion." (Drug Policy Alliance Headquarters, n.d.).
I did learn about researching in college, and they will give you drugs that cause more harm than natural Shamanic Sacred Plants, and back in the day Sacred Plants were worshiped. Doesn't sound like freedom is really free to me. The most disgusting thing that American ignore will be presented next.
Why the F%$k Aren't People Boycotting the Normalization of Pedophilia Instead of People Choosing to Peacefully Protest???
The DSM is the book used by the APA to diagnose conditions so they have an insurance code for the insurance papers. Stuart (2013) reports that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) has updated the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in a move toward destigmatizing pedophilia. Those who act on desires will still be classified as mentally ill, but it is not crazy to want to sex to kids as long as these desires aren't carried out. “The difference [from the last edition of the DSM] is, you’re not automatically saying that as soon as someone has a marked, unusual erotic interest that they have a mental disorder,” said Ray Blanchard, the sexual section's co-writer of the DSM (Stuart, 2013, para.3).
"The change in the DSM, a kind of Bible among medical professionals, lawmakers, and drug and insurance companies, doesn’t just apply to pedophilia, but to several other deviant sexual desires listed in the manual. It represents 'a subtle but crucial difference that makes it possible for an individual to engage in consensual atypical sexual behavior without inappropriately being labeled with a mental disorder,' explains the APA in its DSM-5 Paraphilic Disorders Fact Sheet" (Stuart, 2013, para.4). My blogs "When Children are Afraid to be Alone with a Bit on Spiritually and Energetically Protecting Your Childe" @ . and "Signs of Astral Attack and a Goode Light Cleasnsing Method to Possibly Aid in Some Psychological Problems" @ offer tips for energy cleansing that are not well published as pedophilia results in "demons" attaching to the poor little darlings.
"MSM websites DEFEND Pedophilia as a 'Mental Disorder'"
WTF is wrong with people???
I don't know, but it sure is hard to have any kind of faith in people. My wish is for people to get past the psychic and physical warfare waged against them by the system and to come together and put an end to this insanity.
Adl-Tabatabai, Sean. (2017). "Harvard Study: Big Pharma, US Gov. Behind Opioid Epidemic". Your News Wire. Retrieved from
Angell, Tom. (19 September, 2017). "Dr. Oz Says Medical Marijuana Could Help Solve Opioid Addiction". Forbes. Retrieved from
Drug Policy Alliance Headquarters. (n.d.). "Drug War Statistics". Drug Policy Alliance Headquarters.131 West 33rd Street, 15th Floor,New York, New York, 10001. P. 212.613.8020. Retrieved from
HAUSERSEPT, CHRISTINE. (29 September, 2017). "High Schools Threaten to Punish Students Who Kneel During Anthem". New York Times. Retrieved from
Sarpatwari, Ameet; Michael S. Sinha, Michael S.; and Kesselheim, Aaron S. (n.d.). "The Opioid Epidemic: Fixing a Broken Pharmaceutical Market". Harvard. Retrieved from…/20…/07/SarpatwariSinhaKesselheim.pdf
Stuart, Hunter. (1 November, 2013). "Not All Pedophiles Have Mental Disorder, American Psychiatric Association Says In New DSM." Healthy Living. Retrieved from
Wyche, Steve. (27 August, 2016). "Colin Kaepernick explains why he sat during national anthem". NFL. Retrieved from
Nice post... Just scratching the surface, hopefully we can get people questioning the status quo.
thanx loads @regularguy :) i have some indepth research that goes back thousands of years coming soon if you will please follow me so you can catch it, i will follow you and we can help each other f&%k the system :)
This post recieved an upvote from minnowpond. If you would like to recieve upvotes from minnowpond on all your posts, simply FOLLOW @minnowpond
Excellent @paigemoore

thanx loads @video-master :) you are followed...please follow me back so we can f&%k the system as a team
Kudos to you for putting such work into your post! Each side can call to their chosen argument. Constitution vs ideology, in simple terms, but yours is much more nuanced.
If you look at this through the lens of creating division and strife instead, it makes much more sense IMO, of course.
thanx loads @jinmi17 :) I was just thinking about the people who want to boycott the NFL, and trying to point out why the players have a right to kneel if we are a free country. You have been followed. Please follow me back so we can build a new system as a team.
I am in agreement. For them to kneel is certainly within their rights, as are the people complaining about it. It really is a non-argument in that regard, however the media doesn't stop going on about it as it is providing yet another huge wedge.
Followed and keep up the great posts!
i see your point that they have the right to complain, but some are getting riled up to fight them which is not okay...they don't want to fight about the kneeling, it's the statues that has them riled up...i don't care about statues, but those are our dead which i do care about :) the erasure of our heritage...but not worth fighting over but i hope they will see the divide and conquer...thanx loads for following...i will come upvote some posts and comment soon :)
They certainly are, that's the goal. Also indicative of a weak mined populace. Certain aspects of society are crumbling under their own construct.
I didn't intend to derail your post and sorry if I did. I just really would like folks to see the futility of the whole charade.
Weak minded is the correct words. Your fine...i was wondering if i got too rude with wtf is wrong with people.... those who want war would be very offended by that....please don't think i give two shits about the NFL ...i agree 100% on the futility as i did my first "Divide and Conquer" in 2015. Idk if it does any good, but it keeps me busy, and at least the energy goes out. If you liked the one you read here, you will like this one too not fishing; actually, i m proud of this work for it took me a loooong time to research it...i did it in between school work
It would appear that I was preaching to the choir!
Upvoted and resteemed. Very nice work.
@thanx for reading it @jimmi17 no-one really knows how deeply i think about all of this whole situation that has had me concerned... a black guy blocked me on fb because i posted a David Duke video, and i could tell he believed the system that all white are evil because some owned slaves in the past...weak minds and all like you said :) Dr. Duke isn't right about everything, but he is getting close...he's the main one who said to boycott the NFL ...i need to make my blog more cordial before posting on his line though...thanx for Ur time :) will come resteem one of Ur articles
I agree that these are divide and conquer techniques, and in the Confederate Heritage groups some are wanting yo boycott so i put something together to post for them. Rednecks can be scrappy when they are mad, and they are mad at the "libtards"about the monuments. I know that's divide and conquer too, and some are ready to start war which is so sad. Anarchy is my ideal, but i don't want another Civil War :(