If the opposition does not surpass the barricades, there is no chance of replacing the government.
"Labor" must be part of a bloc in order to survive and strengthen over time. If Gantz goes alone, he will have a fateful fate, led by chief of staff (res)
Every few months, a group of social activists, academics and educators, senior members of the security services, personalities who held high positions in the government, meet in the kibbutz movement's house on 13 Leonardo da Vinci Street in Tel Aviv. These are serious people who are very knowledgeable about what happens in all areas of our lives. They do not work in the limelight. But not only does this not detract from the depth of the discourse but empower me, because people are free to say what they think without being subject to the media spotlight and talkbackers. The name of the group is "Democratic Camp".
naftali raz
Naftali Raz
It was founded by Nafli Raz, a social activist, an educator, a guide on the paths of the country, a determined and determined person, and in the distant past a senior reporter for Israeli television. There I met Naftali. He established the "democratic camp" two years ago, when he passed the "regulation" law, which regulates the settlement of Judea and Samaria, which is intended to regulate the status of homes in Judea and Samaria.
The meeting took place just a week before the announcement of the elections, and the litigants took this step more or less into account, recognizing the Prime Minister's thinking, especially because of the legal cases pending against him. I did not participate in this meeting, but I received an exhaustive report on what was said in it. However, although I know the names of the participants, since I did not receive their permission, of course I will not give their names.
As good political analysts, they have rejected what they see as a democratic aspiration that under current circumstances can not be implemented, such as some association with the Arab list. Part of Jabotinsky's vision. This is not only because of the situation of the Arab side, but knowingly that the hostility toward the Arabs, and the Arab citizens of Israel is a lever of support for the right. In other words, it is indeed a daring democratic step, but a sure recipe for "desperate" reading: they run after the Arabs who run to the polls . Bibi's face is of course to residents of settlements, many of whom are supporters of the Jewish Home. Indeed, this scenario has already taken place when the first meeting of Bibi after the announcement of the elections was with the representatives of the settlements on Wednesday of this week. Just as one of the group expressed itself about the "bice," Netanyahu, his own party, the coalition partners and the settlements: " Take whatever you want, and in return they protected me against an indictment."
We also discussed how to reach the public through the media or social networks. I do not bring this because at this stage, it's a marginal matter. It can be tactical if there is a strategy, and therefore I will relate mainly to the Labor Party scenario, which now has 24 Knesset seats, and surveys predict it will have almost a similar fall in the stock markets these days. That is, a steep fall with a fear of a crash, outside and inside.
On the issue of joining the blocs, in the opposition, the opinion was that Yair Lapid, the leader of "There is a Future," now opposes joining the center-left bloc. Meretz will win a little of the dropout at work. " According to the assessments expressed in this debate, Gantz knows what his strength is and does not aspire to be prime minister, but rather a senior minister, preferably the defense minister. "As for Ehud Barak, he has proved himself as a determined oppositionist to Bibi in the past year, but Labor Party chairman Avi Gabai is not sure whether he will bring a significant number of Knesset seats, or to a certain extent prevent the expected collapse of the" Zionist camp " Is a party composition. By the way, if the news of the defection of a group of MKs from the Labor Party to create a new body is realized, it will not only be a humiliating step but also a political suicide. In any case at the upcoming conference, the Labor Party must raise its best team, not necessarily according to seniority, but according to the parallels in the last Knesset and the prospects for the future.
Joining the Gush.
The prevailing view in the discussion was that joining the bloc, such as the one led by Benny Gantz, is the good record because 24 members of the Zionist camp will want to remain in the Knesset. It appears that they did not take into account the possibility of desertion from the camp on the one hand, and on the other hand, as reported in the news broadcast on Channel 10 on Monday, Ganz is not interested in joining, at least not at this stage. One of the speakers ruled that the upcoming elections were lost. That is to say, Bibi will head a right-wing coalition, at least as long as he is not accused, and the liberal democratic forces must prepare for what happens next. This is whether Bibi's term will be reduced due to his trial or he will spend more or less her days. Others believed that the next elections should not be waived. That was the dominant view.
One of the prominent figures in the discussion summed it up this way: The main issue in the eyes of the public is security, security against the enemies outside and personal security. Therefore, his conclusion is that without dramas nothing will happen. In his opinion, joining the Gush is a drama . That is how it was created between the Labor Party headed by Yitzhak Herzog and the chairman of the movement, Tzipi Livneh, and if there is a drama, both Gabbai and Lapid will be in it, but they will not respond to the security aspect. Has an electoral potential in this case.
But I think they talked about almost everything there, and they said good things. But there was no mention of the Labor Party, which has already been said, "Your destroyers and your opponents will leave." As someone who reached the heights of the years and saw almost everything, my feeling is that the Labor Party in its various incarnations seems to have been elected and it does not know how to be in the opposition. When she is there, in the political exile, the suicidal elements prevail in her. After all, it was not enough to learn from the founder of the state and the head of Mapai, David Ben-Gurion, how to govern, but also to learn from Menachem Begin how to be head of the opposition-opposition and for many years until the wheel turned over. Get on the barricades and fight for the house.
As for Benny Gantz, who is riding in the polls, he should take into account some history. Before that, he was the chief of staff in the reserves, Yigal Yadin, who founded DS, and it faded away. Therefore, only Gantz's joining the bloc or the party, or vice versa, the party's joining him, will ensure continuity of the movement, and possible change of government.
Nevertheless, in this dialogue, as well as in the media and political turmoil following the decision to hold elections on April 9, there is still no feeling that all those who want democracy are ready to take the barricades to save it. And that means putting together the best team in Israeli society to do the thing that is the heart of democracy - and it is the replacement of power after years of sinking and sinking society and the state into decay and corruption that endanger its future.
One way or the other. Naftali Raz, where we opened the list when he founded the Democratic Camp, also coined a slogan from Yaakov Rotblit's "Song for Peace": " Do not say the day will come - bring the day." It is a beautiful scenario.
After I closed the magazine, I watched the news broadcasts (Thursday evening) and realized that Benny Gantz was not interested in a connection with the "Zionist camp" or rather with "Labor." On the other hand, he is thinking of bringing in Bogey Ya'alon. If this is indeed the case, Gantz makes a mistake if he thinks Ya'alon will serve as a right fig leaf. Ya'alon is not a fig leaf. no way. He's right. Under these circumstances, it is important that the Labor Party return to the Labor Party, whether or not it will be disqualified, or whether some of its members will be disqualified. In this way Labor will put an end to the zealotry of the right that characterized its chairman, and the Labor Party paid the price, and it can still go back, and the public, which was loyal to it and only partly able to return to it, She has done so far to "fight for the house." Perhaps she will be joined by a pieter, and certainly not if she fulfills the role of the media conference - to sit in a mourning tent.
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