"So Sweden will most likely spend more than 10% of their budget on Immigration."

I believe we're about to witness a Swedexit in the near future. It's only a matter of time before Swede and Norwegian voters take matters into their hands.

A far-right political shift in Europe at this point is almost inevitable. What happened in Austria, and almost took place in France and the Netherlands, during the most recent elections, is a foreshadowing of what's to come.

Unfortunately that is the result yes

I understand that the Swedish government does not take measures to stop immigration, what I find strange is that Swedish citizens can not see the problem. Here in South America, there is a migration problem too, Venezuelans are beginning to be a problem for the region, more than 2 million Venezuelans have immigrated in the last 3 or 4 years. There are people who talk about xenophobia against Venezuelans in South America, but I think it is perfectly understandable to reject such a large number of immigrants, because at first, only those who had a profession and could contribute something emigrated, but now they emigrate the lowest class of Venezuelans, people we do not even want in Venezuela, and who are emigrating, a complete diaspora. Well, what seems incredible to me, is that the Swedes do not take action to solve the immigration problem, and that taking into account that there is a huge difference between the immigrants and the Swedish natives, however, in the case of South America , people, not governments, are taking action against Venezuelans and that despite the difference between Venezuelans and the rest of South America is not too much, because in Venezuela there is a very good quality of professionals in different fields, studied in universities around the world, because here with the oil boom a lot of money was spent paying for the professional training of many people. If there are problems between immigrants from Venezuela and between citizens of other countries in the region, how can they not have the Swedes problems with the Islamist? It's something I can not understand. Mass migration is a problem, people do not adapt to the culture, and they start to form ghettos.


Well..I've tried to battle the question of how swedes (and europeans/westerners in general) are thinking. I think I covered some of it in the answer to scienceangel just above this comment.

Our culture and mindset has in many ways become suicidal because of cultural marxism/relativism/nihilism and the lack of values - probably/possibly due to the death of religion. We lost our way in some sense. We coudn't quite deal with an existence without a God - so we didn't really create a new value system. We fell into sodoma and gomorra and nihilism.

Thumbs up for writing openly about these things! Is it true that in Sweden kids are actually taught in schools that their own culture is boring/uninteresting, while culture of the third world countries is amazing/exotic and something that has to be valued/appreciated?

Thanks @scienceangel! I'm sure they teach that indirectly..because isn't that how we all learn about culture in Europe? First we learn that all people are equal. But then we learn that white people and western culture is opressive. We don't learn a balanced view on history. We only learn that the west did horrible things to the poor people of africa and the middle east. They don't mention that the crusades were a long overdue answer to muslims trying to conquer Europe for over a 1000 years. They don't teach us that arabs took more slaves, most of which white, than whites took black slaves. They don't teach us about the context in which these things happened. The time and age these things happened.
They don't mention the 100s of thousands of white men who fought and died in the civil war to end slavery.

So, we all learn that western culture is shit and oppressive - and that all our sucess is built on top of the misery of others. Which is of course insane and 100% wrong. But this is what 60%-70% of the white population believes, and this is what they teach our kids in school.

I had to unschool my 4 year old yesterday. The kindergarden people had told one of the kids (not my kid) that he should finish his food. But instead of giving a sane explanation (like..we shouldnt throw away food simply because wasting food is bad and disrespectful against the plant/animal and the peope who spent time to manufacture the food) they shamed the child. They said; "Think about african kids. They don't have any food!"

I told my 4 year old that you think that the african kid get more food if you finish your food? And he just laughed and said no. And I told him he shouldnt have to care about some child in africa. That's not his responsibility.

I mean..shaming and laying that heavy burden on a child. Like he should feel responsible for another persons misery. And that's why you ideally shouldn't have your kid in kindergarden (or school)

I couldn't agree more! I didn't believe this until I came to live in France, and saw it for myself. French people are actually ashamed of themselves, because they're convinced that they are aggressors who conquer/colonized everything, and somehow caused all the wars and that it's their fault for everything that happens in middle East now!

How could that be even possible? Who is that smart-ass who thought that it would be great idea to introduce such notorious lies/incomplete truths in educational system of all Western Europe?

And yes - neither your kid or any other kid or people from civilized countries in general is responsible for famine problem in Africa or wherever... They're just reproducing much more than resources in those countries allow, and the result is inevitable and predictable - they starve to death, nature's laws, simple as that. People just don't get it - what will happen if we feed ALL starving children in Africa? Surprisingly - soon they will be hungry again!!! And what will you do next - feed them again, and again, etc., and then what - they will reproduce even more, and at some point mass dying would happen, because we won't be able to feed them anymore!

I didn't believe this until I came to live in France, and saw it for myself. French people are actually ashamed of themselves, because they're convinced that they are aggressors who conquer/colonized everything, and somehow caused all the wars and that it's their fault for everything that happens in middle East now!

Saw the same in Germany. All Germans are guilty because of Hitler ... although he was from Austria it does not matter, they are guilty of what happened more than 70 years ago and they will continue to pay as far as I can see ... It is crazy!!!

Personally I want to stay away from politics. So I don't talk much about this. But I've seen some Germans being very protective of migrants and they say facts are just emotions in disguise. I really hate political talks. I saw some great points from @vimukthi

I had to unschool my 4 year old yesterday. The kindergarden people had told one of the kids (not my kid) that he should finish his food. But instead of giving a sane explanation (like..we shouldnt throw away food simply because wasting food is bad and disrespectful against the plant/animal and the peope who spent time to manufacture the food) they shamed the child. They said; "Think about african kids. They don't have any food!"

Wow friend, it's a shame you had to unschool your son. I remember that the same thing about Africans without food was something they repeated constantly when we were children, and that has a negative effect on people, it is very good that you have taken that responsibility away from your child.

I remember being told the same thing about not finishing our food when I was a kid. Now, both my wife and I tell our children then they are wasting resources or just plain wasting food. It makes more sense than the thought that you are 'stealing' from another kid's mouth.

If these migrants were the educated middle classes of the 3rd World then yes they could probably contribute positively. But Sweden, Germany and many others have no standards. Anybody can come and say "Asylum" and they stay. There are 40 year old men claiming to be 15 years old and instead of giving them a good kick in the ass and putting them out for lying they are put in schools with real 15 year olds. Few people are anti migration, what people want is standards. Let's call it quality migration. Nobody is against a A grade University student from Ghana coming to Europe, but do we need his uncle who is a unskilled labourer?
Unskilled Europeans have trouble contributing positively so it is illogical to think that unskilled foreigners who don't speak the language can do this.
It is a fair question.

Exactly. I sometimes forget that I should possibly point that out - but it's just too obvious to me. Of course I don't give a shit if some ghana..nese..comes here and studies the shit outta math or chemistry (unless it's for making a bomb!)

The sad part is I don't know who you're going to say 'I told you so' - to the immigrant next door? Or the one on the other side of the street? Hopefully, you're country will be spared, hopefully Sweden will wake up at some point, but even if immigration is stopped, Europe will still be left with a huge problem.

Hehe. I just pictured myself at 75 screaming at the next door neighbours who is a family of 3928 people living next to me; " I TOLD YOU SO DIDN'T I?!??"

Hehe im actually an immigrant who lives in Sweden. I dont recognise the "screaming on the street" at all. I do recognise a lot of other immigrants tough who dont try to learn the language at all and live together in specific areas. We will see what the future brings :)

From where? You look like a frencihe or perhaps Italian or something? You're not a "real" migrant..cmoooon. You're European. Or at least your an arab with some good values. You're not the kind of third worlder I'm talking about. Not even a lot of third worlders are the kind of third worlders I'm talking about.

I was in Söderhamn a few years back..djeesus christ what a shithole. Thats where all the old people were hurrying around looking frightened while migrants from africa roamed the streets shouthing across to eachother.."harrabarrah! hurraburra!!!"

Hehe Im from the Netherlands so you are right about europe ;)

Ahh never been there! I live in stockholm and there its quite calm, at least in my neighbourhood..

Yeah..but you know, a friend of mine just visited South Africa. It was OK. He didn't see any violence. He didn't see one of the many hundreds of attacks on white farmers the past year. He didn't see any rapes or murders. But it's a relatively dangerous place. It's not the beach of normandy in 1944. But still..

And thats exactly the strange thing about Sweden. Rapes are skyrocketing, there are gangrapes, molestations, rape-games and festivals having to segragate genders. The policeforce is dissolving and teachers cry themselves to sleep because migrant classrooms are hell.

These are not events that happen as acute as rapid machingun fire in ww2..but it's a development that could end pretty bad.

Sweden did not have murders and rapes and gunshots fired every week or even day as it is now when I grew up in the 90s. It was a peaceful place.

And the way they fuss with statistics and make up so much BS to explain the rising murder/rape stats is just pathetic IMO.

There are the topics that could be discussed, topics about we could have our opinions. Like football, girls and songs.

But immigration is the game of numbers. If you don't trust me - just look what Swiss is doing. Swiss is protecting their system from me. PhD with a wrong passport. And it's the right way to do.

If Sweeden needs X, Y, Z... IT, Doctors, Simple workers - call them, make quotas. But if you import thousands without the skills and knowledge, they will turn to crime because what else could they do? Walk back 10.000 km? Learn 5 years of faculty on foreign language?

Exactly. The socialists/idealists who run european countries and has run them for 50 years now, the babyboomers, the marxists..they don't want to understand. They just close their eyes and march on.

Of course we should only take in people we have use for. Anything else doesnt make any rational sense. We shouldn't have to sacrifice our own successfull countries on the altar of altruism. The world is what it is. It is not my responsibility nor my duty to help people somewhere else. Ideally I wouldn't have to have anything to do with those people..unless they came here and shared many of the same views I do - then we could have been friends or whatever. I don't care about how you look (unless you're really really ugly looking)

The problem is always governments. Setting people up, going to war against countries and then letting hundreds of thousands of their young men into our countries, letting us deal with it internally. It's irresponsible at best. Total devestation at worst.

try using the tag #informationwar for posts like this, it will get you some nice exposure as they have their own small dedicated curation team :)

Kalergi's ideas are more present than ever in Europe ... sadly!

Btw, one solution for me, being a country with these problems, would be to get out of NATO, stop de-stabilizing the Middle East and so, maybe those people, would go back to their countries knowing that the USA and Europe are not going to throw bombs or are going to pay terrorists to give them cut the heads (ISIS kills more Muslims than non-Muslims) ... all this immigration started for something ... perhaps ending that cause also ends the immigration ???

Because it is not a normal emigration, it is forced

Pd: Although I do not know how big the problem is ... maybe it's too late? In Germany I think there is still time to fix it. But first the wannabe Comu/Socialist govs from Europe have to leave. Starting with Merkel the witch!