Memorial Day Perspective: The Holy Warrior would win the heart of his enemy rather than pierce it

in #politics7 years ago


For my brothers and sister in the USA, this Memorial Day is intended to be a day of mourning for those killed defending the American borders and the American way of life. Beyond mourning, it is also an opportunity for a reflection on war, nationalism, and the collective state of human consciousness.

I am not the first to say that there is no “just” war, and this is true. War is indeed pointless; it cannot be “won”, and the only “loss” in war is to perceive any brother, sister, or any of God’s creation as separate from ourselves. No war can be “won” and to enable the ego with any concept of “sides” is the only loss.

In physical war, suffering is only inflicted from one ego onto another ego, and the tragedy is that the ego cannot understand that by inflicting horror on another, it is literally performing and suffering that act upon itself. Soldiers in the act of combat have both “lost” God, inflicting suffering only on themselves on behalf of an ego that is not even their own.

Indeed there is a Divine war, or better described as a “process”, being waged on this planet that most can scarcely comprehend, but it has nothing to do with countries, land, money, or possessions. It is the “war” over human consciousness: The human ego, the entity of fear, separation, and suffering versus God, the Divine Consciousness, the vibration of peace, unconditional love, and unity that all humans are capable of embracing. Being in union with God is the only way to “win” the war of this world and it is the only battle worth fighting. The beauty however, is that the battle is won when the struggle itself is released!

Even though the numbers are set against us in bodies presently, I am still quite certain that not only is victory over the ego coming, but it is inevitable, one way or another. It is impossible for God to fail at Its own process to come into full remembrance of Itself so It can bring Heaven on Earth. The only question is time and the duration of the “war” is dependent on the ego’s willingness to stop fighting, to simply surrender and abide in God’s perfect peace.

Thankfully God is patient, loving, and kind, but humans have inflicted so much suffering on each other and on God’s creation that God has created new processes, systems, and has aligned Enlightened humans in service to Its cause. I am one such being in service to sharing of God’s message, a yogi, a sadhu, one who sees no countries, one who sees God in all things, all religions, all colors, and all creeds. I have no stake in any outcomes of this world, other than to be in loving service to the One who guides me and for this I am rewarded in places beyond this world.

I can say with complete certainty: It is not God’s Truth to recognize human borders, governments, politicians, and countries. It is said that the United States is a “Nation Under God”, which is impossible because the concept of a nation itself is separation from God, an attempt for humans to claim what does not belong to them, to keep it for some and not for all.

Understand that God’s land is God’s creation, and likewise all God’s creatures are also God’s creation also belong to God. Why would the human ego withhold any of God’s creation from any being that God made? We of course know the answer: Fear, which is indeed the manifestation of the antichrist, darkness, illusion, the demon.

Understand that all beings are God’s creation and all land belongs to all God’s sons and daughters, indeed all creatures, for all of them to enjoy peacefully and equally. It is the Divine birthright of every being to behold, honor, and experience all of God’s creation in perfect love and peace. Nothing of this world needs to be defended because nothing can be truly owned. The concept of a country is an attempt of the ego to withhold God from Itself, and deny the very Divine birthright that was freely given by God to all. Humans, in Truth, own nothing. God owns all, but everything was given as a blessing for all, not for just some.

Understand that the “war” of the Divine Self is lost when an ego would give power to an external mental position to control a body, for example: A government commands a soldier to harm someone or defend something in the name of creed or country. This is an abdication of the Divine self, allowing the body to be used for the purposes of ego, rather than the purposes of God. Do not give any ego the power to control the Divine self! This is your highest duty, your highest calling, to maintain your Divinity even when a government may command you to act in opposition to God’s Will.

Sovereign, Divine, and Enlightened beings are egoless and incapable performing such acts of war. We recognize insanity and ignorance in such requests, and would simply not give any power to them. The horrors of war would be impossible without manipulation of the ego.

If every human simply ignored the egoic desires of the powerful few, wars, countries, scarcity, and lack of any kind would simply vanish as there would be no belief in the power of illusions. One needs only release fear and embrace Divine sovereignty, which resists attempts at control from any ego of this world.

This is why I have dedicated my life to showing the way to Enlightenment: It is the solution to all human problems. There is more than enough food, money, technology, and infrastructure to bring Heaven on Earth and an end to all wars and conflicts. It is only fear that stands in the way of perfect salvation for us all.

God bless you on your journey to acceptance of God’s perfect peace. Let us extend forgiveness to all who lived and died by the sword, in any land, under any government, and commit our Divine consciousness to the release of all conflict as we manifest a better world through complete unity.


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