I hate this 'sloganisation' in American political advertising.
One of the contributing factors to the ugliness of modern American politics is the political advertising industry. The professional partisans who write the ads for political campaigns seem to be willing to say just about anything to get their Democratic or Republican clients elected.
Exhibit A: Stacey Abrams’ new twitter post makes the following claim about her political opponent, Georgia’s current governor: “#KempDoesntCare”. The evidence for that? None is offered, but the ad implies that Kemp is personally responsible for the state’s low national rankings. Abrams further claims that if she is elected governor, she’ll lead “#OneGeorgia that’s #1 for all of us.” What the hell does that even mean? If Abrams is elected governor, will Georgia suddenly skyrocket in national rankings from #48 in mental health to #1?
Imagine, if you will, American political campaigns without the wild, unsubstantiated attacks and gross mischaracterizations of opponents:
“You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one….”