Identity politics and how it serves USraeli Empire

in #politics7 years ago

I came to UK as a baby who was the child of Muslim immigrants from Pakistan and never experienced any difficulty due to my faith until I was 18 years old. I don’t think my parents experienced anything negative either. At least they never mentioned anything to me. The one exception occurred when I was about seven or eight years old and my parents had come to the realisation that the only way to buy a property in England was to go into debt. Both my parents were stunned at this. My Mum said, “All my life the English have always said how free they are; how can they be free if they cannot buy their own homes, without going into debt?” I understood the words, but it wasn’t till the bank collapse in 2008 that my parents words on debt and usury really began to resonate.
Once I was old enough to go to school, it was I think quite a challenge for my parents to find a school, with which they were happy. My Mum was herself an Kindergarten teacher, and I don’t think she expected me to receive too much by way of education in school, perhaps because she knew the system of education in Britain first hand. On one occasion the head of Mum’s school, forbade the teachers from doing anything to celebrate or mark Christmas. The headmistress was herself of Irish descent; she did not mind children being taught other religious festivals. Instead of simply capitulating to the headmistress, my Mum, used her initiative to make sure that the children in her class were taught about Christmas and that it was celebrated in her classroom, without the headmistress’ knowledge. In Britain schools were clearly a political football and were as far removed from educating and empowering the child who attended them.. John Talylor Gatto, an ex teacher, made a similar point about American schools when he wrote: “Look again at the seven lessons of school teaching: confusion, class position, indifference, emotional and intellectual dependency, conditional self-esteem and surveillance . . . . Young people today are indifferent to the adult world and to the future, indifferent to almost everything except the diversion of toys and violence. Rich or poor school children who face the 21st century cannot concentrate on anything for very long; they have a poor sense of time past and time to come. . . . they hate solitude, are cruel materialistic, dependent, passive, violent, timid in the face of the unexpected, addicted to distraction.”i
For this reason my Mum expected to educate me herself, although as I grew older she was unable to fill the gaps in the lessons I was given in British and European history. Her main concern was that I did not go to a rough school. I had to change school many times in search for such a school.
My first encounter with Jewish victimhood came when I was about 10 years old. My best friend at school was a Jew. I didn’t know this till she told me one day at playtime. I don’t know what reaction she was expecting, but I just said “ok” and went back to the game we were playing. Again she interrupted the game and said “You don’t understand everybody hates Jews” I had never heard this before and contested it. But in the end, the conversation ended with me repeatedly saying, “That’s not true” and her repeatedly insisting that it was. I shrugged my shoulders and was about to resume the game we had been playing. However, she interrupted the game again, this time to tell her baby sister, who was only 6 years old, that everybody hates her because she is a Jew. I pleaded with her not to say this to her baby sister, as I knew it would frighten her. But she did so and obviously in doing so she terrified the little girl. I didn’t understand, why a big sister would intentionally terrify her baby sister, but she did.
I didn’t know it at the time but my friend had just given me my first insight into how the Jews cultivate victimhood. I didn’t make the connection then, but I already had my doubts about the stories we were told about the Holocaust. Once while watching a TV documentary on the Holocaust my Mum and I could not figure out why Germans were so willing to believe themselves capable of such things or why the English were willing to believe it of the Germans. The English were after all, closer to the Germans than we were. Ultimately, we found it impossible to believe the Holocaust story simply because it did not make sense. It was devoid of Logos.
It was only after I turned 18 that I occasionally struggled with being Muslim in Britain, largely because alcohol is such a large part of English life. I hated clubbing and pubbing and avoided it whenever I could, but sometimes it was impossible to avoid. In the world of work, friends told me that if I wanted to know what is going on, I had to go to the pub. So occasionally I went. Always men would try and persuade me to drink, they never succeeded. I was puzzled as to why men were so insistent on my drinking until an English female friend of mine explained why they did this.
Like English drinking rituals, nothing about the War on Terror ever made sense to me. In this regard, it seemed a continuation of the history I was taught in school. When the Israelis invaded Lebanon in 2006, I joined Stop the War Coalition, naively thinking with many other Muslims who had also joined that this organisation was committed to stopping the war. The Stop the War Coalition, however, turned out to be nothing more than a socialist front group, which was more concerned about turning its members into feminists and Marxists than stopping the Israeli incursion into Lebanon. During a big meeting in 2006, one of the speakers complained about the Lebanese being homophobic, causing the Muslim woman next to me to sigh: “First they kill us, and then they preach to us how we must live.”
On another occasion, at the end of a strategy meeting I had attended, a vicar who had also attended the meeting, invited me to a service at his Church. Needless to say, I was surprised since everybody else at the meeting was indigenous English and more likely to be Christian than me. I informed the vicar that I was Muslim, but he replied that he already knew this and repeated his invitation. Thinking about it now, perhaps the English people at the meeting were atheist or agnostic, which is pretty common nowadays in England.
Arriving early some days later to the Church to attend the Vicar’s service, I nodded hello, quietly took a seat, and watched the children run around as we all waited for the service to begin. As I waited a man came and sat next to me. It was obvious from the way he was talking he had, naturally, assumed I was Christian. When I corrected this misapprehension and told him I was Muslim, the man got very angry at me and blurted out “What are you doing here?!” I informed him the Vicar had invited me. Incredulous, the man went straight to the Vicar and demanded an explanation. After verifying that he did indeed invite me, the Vicar then asked the man why he was so angry. I don’t think the man knew. He remained silent. Then the Vicar directed the man’s attention to the children that were playing in the church and informed him that the church had done everything it could to bring young people into church but nothing had worked, until the English children ended up going to school with Muslim children. After seeing the Muslim children living their faith in school, they showed up at church because they wanted a faith of their own. The Vicar then told the man, “we have to stop believing the media lies about Muslims.”
I suspect that the British white supremacists would be very offended at this incident because it is totally removed from the Jewish narrative of Muslims which Britain’s white supremacists share with the Jews. Many identitarians are very closely linked to the Jews’ narrative, and intentionally or not they further enhance Jewish Power by propagating it.
This Vicar’s commitment to stop the war and to free Palestine was noteworthy as the exception that proved the rule. At Christmas, he reproduced a nativity scene with a wall going through it to help his congregation understand how they had been duped by the lies of the mass media which the English education system had prepared them to accept. Meeting this vicar was the most positive experience I gained from participating in Stop the War meetings and rallies. He understood how easy and mutually beneficial it was for Christians and Muslims to live and work together. Perhaps for Russians who have been living with Muslims for almost 1,000 years and for people from the Middle East, who have done so for far longer, this is a no brainer, but in Britain, the false narrative of identity politics is repeated endlessly in the media and in an educational system which programs its students not to make connections and not to ask questions.

Like most Muslims involved in the Stop the War Coalition, I left after I realized that I was learning nothing and that we were doing nothing to stop the war. Instead, I decided to my own research on the invasion of Iraq and why the occupiers of Palestine had so much control of the Western world. After Israel attacked Lebanon, it was clear to me that that the aim of the War on Terror was to deracinate Islam and change the culture of the Muslim countries in Middle East so that Israel could expand its borders.
If you want to know how a country looks after it has been completely deracinated, take a look at the United States, or Germany, or the UK, which is now in the final stages of the deracination which has been imposed on the West through the EU-imposed austerity and uncontrolled mass migration. I think this story began a long time ago with the Reformation, when Henry VIII separated England from the pope and destroyed England’s legal system to justify the looting of Church property. When it was ruled by Catholics, England created the rule of law, which put the average peasant on a par with a King. One of the premises of English Common Law states that a man’s home is his castle. English Common Law could not have developed in country which did not have a strongly religious people. With the destruction of the monasteries and convents in England, the common people lost their social safety net and any expectation that their way of life would be protected by the state. Common Land was abolished through different enclosure acts, and the poor peasant could either become a servant of the landowners who had grown wealthy through the theft of church property or starve to death. The unity of Christianity was destroyed as various countries in Europe developed their own versions of Christianity to maintain independence from Rome. Gradually these different denominations of Christianity permitted usury, and another blow was dealt to the common people, as their enslavement to the bankers intensified.
During the course of the 20th century, two world wars – both started in Europe—destroyed what was left of the Christian social order and transformed independent indigenous cultures into Jewish slave states. Germany succumbed to the drum beat of Jewish suffering and lost its connection to its past, and in return Germany’s past got replaced by a regime which promoted endless sex and endless guilt.
Today it is routine for TV’s talking heads to demonize non-western cultures for not being feminist or for being homophobic. In the Western world sexual perversion is lauded as a great virtue. How, I wondered, did Western culture come to mean sexual perversion, the desecration of Christ, feminism, holocaustianity & the endless War on Terror?
The Left claims that these wars were fought for oil, but the starvation and repeated destruction of Iraq, the endless occupation of Afghanistan, which has no oil, the Israeli bombing of Lebanon in 2006, Libya, Syria, Israel’s brutal cowardly bombing of Palestine demanded a better explanation. The War on Terror was another war of Israel’s choice. After reading the writings of Gilad Atzmon and Israel Shamir, I understood why the Jews behaved the way they did, but why did the West support them? Without Western support Palestine would have been freed decades ago. Why was the West so subservient to the Jew? Young soldiers fought for the American Empire and the British Empire, but it always seemed to be the Rothschilds that benefitted in the end. Some trauma had cut the West off from its roots and made it subservient to the Jew.
Now the same thing was being done to the Muslims. Just as the Westerner had been deracinated from his roots, he seemed very keen on deracinating Muslims from theirs. In addition to claiming that Islam is backward because it outlaws sodomy, the mass media in England and the US love to claim that, they love us Muslim women more than our fathers, brothers, and uncles do.
While studying Schiller’s play Die Raeuber at university, I read the passage where the king laments that God only gave him a daughter and not a son, which inspired my lecturer to look at me and say, “That still happens to Muslim women today, doesn’t it Nadya? You were lucky you were born here otherwise your parents would have killed you at birth.” I remember being furious at the time, but, unable to articulate my emotions, I just looked at him as defiantly as I could. I think he expected me to be grateful to him as if he and not my parents had fed and clothed me when I was an infant. This university-educated PhD, who didn’t even know where I was born, was a typical example of what Western education had become. Unsurprisingly, he regarded himself as an “honorary female” because he was a feminist, something which caused me to question the validity of feminism, which, as far as I could tell, meant celebrating sexual license and irresponsibility for both men and women. This same professor argued at length how wrong it was for a woman to become pregnant when the man had told her categorically that he didn’t want any children. This rubbish now goes by the name of education. Small wonder, then, that university, like school, made little sense to me.
The Oded Yinon plan was written during the Israeli occupation of Lebanon, when Israel did everything it could to encourage internecine fighting amongst the Lebanese. The same Jews who did everything they could to encourage different faith groups to hate each other in Lebanon then are doing the same thing in the West today. If we want to be effective in opposing these efforts, we would do well to learn from the strategy they used in Lebanon and Palestine. By the grace of God, Hizballah rose up in Lebanon and the efficacy of Israel’s policy of divide and rule became greatly diminished there. Islam proved to be very strong foe against the Occupiers of Palestine, just as Christianity had done in Britain centuries before.
Under Muamar Gaddafi, the Libyan had been arresting the terrorists which I will refer to as Al-CIAda. The leaders of the West united as a result to kill Gaddafi, destroy the beautiful country that he had built and hand Libya over to its Al-CIAda terrorists. How anyone cannot see that the West supports terrorism of the sort that destroyed Libya baffles me. Later on these same mercenaries travelled to Syria, to destroy Syria just as they had destroyed Libya, and the West called it a “civil war.” One neocon after another kept talking about how shia and sunni hate each other. Just as my university lecturer declared himself an honorary female, those who worship the Jews and the oligarchs don’t need to be concerned with truth or facts. ISIS horror videos are released onto youtube by an organisation called SITE, which is headed by Rita Katz an Israeli.ii The videos serve as proof that a “civil war” is occurring in the Middle East. Just get a guy to say Allah Akbar and then to commit some atrocity – and voila – that man is a Muslim and there you have your cast iron evidence of the civil war in Syria and the barbarity and ultimate evil that Islam is. Coincidentally this narrative fits in exactly with Netanyahu’s narrative, but that must be because he always speaks the truth too!
Who is ISIS killing? Christians, Muslims, Druze Syrians, and Libyans. In other words, everybody except Israelis, who provide medical assistance to the terrorists. Another coincidence, no doubt. Who is on the front line fighting ISIS? It is Muslims. Syria is majority Sunni, and they are fighting with their brothers Hizballah and Iran to protect all Syrians, including Christians. What is the West’s track record in protecting Christians?

  1. Christian Iraqis have been living in Iraq since the birth of Christianity, until the West occupied Iraq. Even when Britain and the USA were starving Iraq, the Iraqi Christians remained in Iraq.
  2. When the USA nuked Nagasaki, the bomb exploded directly over Urakami Cathedral in Nagasaki. Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan and the cathedral in Nagasaki had been one of the largest Cathedrals in the orient.iii
  3. Has any western government sent a single soldier to protect the Christian Palestinians and its churches? Today Western politicians are only too keen to acknowledge the birthplace of Christ as the capital of the Jews-only state.
  4. The West are clearly supporting the terrorists in Syria, who are killing everyone, including Syrian Christians
    Whereas both Hizballah and the majority sunni Syrian Arab army give their blood to protect Syria, the Western media calls the cannabals it subsidizes & trains Muslims and demonises Hizballah, while blaming Assad for killing Syrian soldiers. Shortly before Russia came to support the Syrian army, there were false reports on TV claiming that Muslims were killing Christians. This was a lie. The terroris were killing everybody, not just Christians, and these terrorists were no more Muslim than the creator of Piss Christ was a Christian. The concerned Christians were who issued the report showed no concern for the other people who were being killed, or no awareness of the fact that the oldest Christian communities in the world are in Muslim majority countries. After Christian Russia joined with the Syrian Arab Army, Hizballah, Iran, and China, the hawkish voices accusing the East of intolerance suddenly became mute.
    The basics of the Oded Yinon plan got repeated ad nauseam after 9/11 to disguise the fact that the American Empire is in reality the Israeli empire; it is an empire that imposes the reign of debt slavery, usury, sexual perversion, exceptionalism, and identity politics onto the world.
    Through usury and debt people can be controlled in their jobs, through sexual perversion they are enslaved by their passions and become mindless consumers like ducks on a foie de gras farm. Through exceptionalism, they justify their crimes, and through identity politics they prevent people from working together against their common enemy. In addition to this the USraeli Empire demonises Christianity and Islam, the two religions that follow Christ, to prevent people from living by an ethical code that does not serve the oligarchs. Religion brings logos into people’s lives. Through think tanks and political organisations like AIPAC, Conservative Friends of Israel, Labour Friends of Israel, and UKIP Friends of Israel, western governments are given clear instructions by the Israel lobby
    No journalist who wants to keep his job, in the BBC would dare to investigate a single terrorist event because the BBC does not respect free speech. Yet in spite of this universal censor throughout the Western media, the convenient coincidences become too glaring to allow any thinking person to accept the mainstream narrative at face value.
    “When I think of the recent developments in the USA (the Dallas police shooting, Orlando disco shooting) or Europe (Nice, the murdered priest, the Germany shootings), I get the unpleasant feeling that something is not quite right. For one thing the perpetrators all turn out to have the same absolutely ridiculous profile. All of the killers are pseudo-Muslims who turn out to be drinking, homosexuals, who are former patients of mental institutions. These “overnight Muslims”all make darn sure to say Allahu Akbar a number of times, but other than that, they have no sign of Islam at all. In fact, far from being trained Daesh fighters, they are all losers with weak personalities, exactly the kind of people the special services (and religious sects) like to prey on because they are weak and easy to manipulate. Even if the folks at DAESH claim them as their own, that really proves nothing (except that maybe Daesh is desperate to increase its notoriety).iv
    There are now mountains of evidence in plain view which clearly show that Al-CIAda, ISIS, Al-Nusra and whatever the next new brand name gets introduced are proxy warriors paid for by the House of Saud and Qatar, armed and trained by the USA and its allies who receive air cover from NATO. So by what measure are these people Muslim? Let us look at Libya. Under Gaddafi Libya was arresting Al-CIAda until NATO started bombing Libya and basically handed over all of Libya to Al-CIAda terrorists, who were then re-branded as ISIS and sent to Syria. Can anybody not see this?
    Apparently, the white supremacists can’t see this, nor can they make glaringly obvious connections, nor can they see a link between the migrant crisis in Europe and what NATO has done to the Middle East. No white supremacist speaks out against the War-on-Terror; indeed, he believes NATOs military should be applauded for the blood it spills. Tommy Robinson of the English Defense League claimed he started the EDL because he became affronted when Muslims began booing an army parade in Luton. Clearly, Tommy Robinson’s love of western values does not extend to free speech and clearly his love of the British soldier is not so great that he wants the British soldier protected from committing immoral acts by participating in an illegal and unjust war,
    I suspect—although I cannot prove—that Tommy Robinson, the EDL, Britain First, and other similar groups are in reality proxy warriors just like ISIS. Just as ISIS is being used to destroy Syria, white supremacy is being used to prevent the British people from working together to end Israeli occupation of their own country and Palestine, as well as end usury and gender identity politics.
    It was with some trepidation that I went to listen to a speech at the London Forum, because I understood it to be a white only organisation. This is not entirely accurate. True, the people there were, unlike me, indigenous to Europe, and they were, I felt, motivated by a sense of alienation in their own country. Who cannot feel alienated when we are being told that there are more than two genders, or when it is obvious that we have no control over our oligarch-inspired immigration policy, or when schools are prohibited from celebrating Christmas, or when Theresa May, our PM, “signed a pledge committing her to remember the Holocaust and to ‘stand up to hatred and intolerance.’” May then spent the “evening before her confirmation by the Queen at a private dinner at the home of Chief Rabbi Ephraim Maris.”v
    Neither the EDL nor Britain First has ever lobbied the government to end its criminal dealings with the House of Saud or to prohibit it from building and funding Wahabi mosques, even though British Muslims oppose them. However, these same white supremacists are too busy working hand-in-glove with the Jews, and spreading hatred of Muslims, to have time to do anything genuinely constructive. Britain now has Muslim only prisons. Could these prisons become the another training and recruitment ground for the West? DNA identity politics is both short on logos and very Jewish. In the case of white supremacists and groups like Black Lives Matter, the truth is the opposite of their claims. Black Lives Matter does not concern itself with black lives, except when white people are involved. Black Lives Matter is funded by George Soros, another indication that the oligarchs and the Jews love to divide the gentiles so as better to control them. DNA identitarian politics always follows the same trajectory; first there is the inconsolable victimhood, as promoted by people the late Elie Wiesel; then there is the eternal evil oppressor, Hitler or the Nazis; and this forms a basis for any identitarian group to commit any crime against the other. Like the new gender identity politics, DNA identity politics distracts people from the real enemy, leaves them lost and confused as to what cause they are taking a stand for, and always further empowers the oligarchs, the Jews, and their proxy warriors. Between 40 – 60 million died during World War II, the majority of whom were Europeans. The single greatest beneficiary of World War II was Israel. World War II changed American culture; it destroyed America First and turned American heroes like Charles Lindbergh into villains.
    Today we have the never-ending War on Terror, in which NATO unites with the House of Saud to do to the Middle East what the Israelis do to Palestine. When the refugees from these wars arrive in Europe, the DNA-identity groups complain about the migrant crisis forgetting that it was NATO which gave Libya to the terrorists and that it was Gaddafi who was protecting Europe from mass migration. Mass migration began in earnest after NATO killed Gaddafi and destroyed Libya. To this day British soldiers are working with the US to arm and train Al-CIAda, ISIS and other terrorists. Identity politics is a game of divide and rule. The British people need to work together to stop this. This means telling our soldiers to refuse their orders. I do not know of a single white supremacist who has done this. If the white supremacists sincerely wanted to prevent Muslim mass migration, they would have done everything to stop the War on Terror, but the truth is they couldn’t care less, in much the same way that Black Lives Matter couldn’t care less about black on black murders.

There is no honour in dying or killing so that Tony Blair can become a millionaire and our shores become flooded with people whose countries we have destroyed. The fact is there is no limit to the number of identities a human being can adopt proves that identity politics is a distraction. Hitler was anti-communist; he feared that communism would spread beyond Russia’s borders after the predominantly Jewish Bolsheviks had imposed communism on Russia, killing many Russians as they did this. Yesterday’s Trotskyist is today’s neocon, and like the Bolsheviks before them they are baying for more gentile blood. Sometimes refusing the government’s order to fight is the most honourable and patriotic thing to do. Since the War on Terror began, the hawks have done everything to whip up hatred between Muslim and non-Muslim. They had to do this because every country the West attacked was Muslim. After every terrorist/false flag attack, the West becomes ever more authoritarian, thereby increasing the state’s ability to foment and create internecine wars within the borders of that country. Operation Gladio is a historical fact. If we fight over identity politics, instead of uniting over Logos the champions of anti logos will have won as once again, and they will have tricked the gentile into committing genocide against gentile just as they did in World War II. During World War I, the fact that the men, in the trenches, sometimes called a truce with their “enemies” illustrates quite clearly that these men has little reason to fight one another. As a response to this, the US developed a psychological programme that would de-humanise the men who join the military, so that they would become ruthless killing machines. These are the kind of people British soldiers are dying for. They de-humanize the indigenous Briton as readily as they dehumanize a Muslim, but identitarian politics blinds us from seeing this.

1) John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (New Society Publishers, 2005), p 16 - 17
2) Manufactured Terrorism: Rita Katz from Site Intel Group [Mossad Front] see

3)False Flags Flying in the Empires hot air
4) Christianity and the Nagasaki Bomb
5) Theresa May – Friend of Israel and the Organised Jewish Community,see and-the-organized-jewish-community/
Identity politics and how it serves USraeli Empire
I came to UK as a baby who was the child of Muslim immigrants from Pakistan and never experienced any difficulty due to my faith until I was 18 years old. I don’t think my parents experienced anything negative either. At least they never mentioned anything to me. The one exception occurred when I was about seven or eight years old and my parents had come to the realisation that the only way to buy a property in England was to go into debt. Both my parents were stunned at this. My Mum said, “All my life the English have always said how free they are; how can they be free if they cannot buy their own homes, without going into debt?” I understood the words, but it wasn’t till the bank collapse in 2008 that my parents words on debt and usury really began to resonate.
Once I was old enough to go to school, it was I think quite a challenge for my parents to find a school, with which they were happy. My Mum was herself an Kindergarten teacher, and I don’t think she expected me to receive too much by way of education in school, perhaps because she knew the system of education in Britain first hand. On one occasion the head of Mum’s school, forbade the teachers from doing anything to celebrate or mark Christmas. The headmistress was herself of Irish descent; she did not mind children being taught other religious festivals. Instead of simply capitulating to the headmistress, my Mum, used her initiative to make sure that the children in her class were taught about Christmas and that it was celebrated in her classroom, without the headmistress’ knowledge. In Britain schools were clearly a political football and were as far removed from educating and empowering the child who attended them.. John Talylor Gatto, an ex teacher, made a similar point about American schools when he wrote: “Look again at the seven lessons of school teaching: confusion, class position, indifference, emotional and intellectual dependency, conditional self-esteem and surveillance . . . . Young people today are indifferent to the adult world and to the future, indifferent to almost everything except the diversion of toys and violence. Rich or poor school children who face the 21st century cannot concentrate on anything for very long; they have a poor sense of time past and time to come. . . . they hate solitude, are cruel materialistic, dependent, passive, violent, timid in the face of the unexpected, addicted to distraction.”i
For this reason my Mum expected to educate me herself, although as I grew older she was unable to fill the gaps in the lessons I was given in British and European history. Her main concern was that I did not go to a rough school. I had to change school many times in search for such a school.
My first encounter with Jewish victimhood came when I was about 10 years old. My best friend at school was a Jew. I didn’t know this till she told me one day at playtime. I don’t know what reaction she was expecting, but I just said “ok” and went back to the game we were playing. Again she interrupted the game and said “You don’t understand everybody hates Jews” I had never heard this before and contested it. But in the end, the conversation ended with me repeatedly saying, “That’s not true” and her repeatedly insisting that it was. I shrugged my shoulders and was about to resume the game we had been playing. However, she interrupted the game again, this time to tell her baby sister, who was only 6 years old, that everybody hates her because she is a Jew. I pleaded with her not to say this to her baby sister, as I knew it would frighten her. But she did so and obviously in doing so she terrified the little girl. I didn’t understand, why a big sister would intentionally terrify her baby sister, but she did.
I didn’t know it at the time but my friend had just given me my first insight into how the Jews cultivate victimhood. I didn’t make the connection then, but I already had my doubts about the stories we were told about the Holocaust. Once while watching a TV documentary on the Holocaust my Mum and I could not figure out why Germans were so willing to believe themselves capable of such things or why the English were willing to believe it of the Germans. The English were after all, closer to the Germans than we were. Ultimately, we found it impossible to believe the Holocaust story simply because it did not make sense. It was devoid of Logos.
It was only after I turned 18 that I occasionally struggled with being Muslim in Britain, largely because alcohol is such a large part of English life. I hated clubbing and pubbing and avoided it whenever I could, but sometimes it was impossible to avoid. In the world of work, friends told me that if I wanted to know what is going on, I had to go to the pub. So occasionally I went. Always men would try and persuade me to drink, they never succeeded. I was puzzled as to why men were so insistent on my drinking until an English female friend of mine explained why they did this.
Like English drinking rituals, nothing about the War on Terror ever made sense to me. In this regard, it seemed a continuation of the history I was taught in school. When the Israelis invaded Lebanon in 2006, I joined Stop the War Coalition, naively thinking with many other Muslims who had also joined that this organisation was committed to stopping the war. The Stop the War Coalition, however, turned out to be nothing more than a socialist front group, which was more concerned about turning its members into feminists and Marxists than stopping the Israeli incursion into Lebanon. During a big meeting in 2006, one of the speakers complained about the Lebanese being homophobic, causing the Muslim woman next to me to sigh: “First they kill us, and then they preach to us how we must live.”
On another occasion, at the end of a strategy meeting I had attended, a vicar who had also attended the meeting, invited me to a service at his Church. Needless to say, I was surprised since everybody else at the meeting was indigenous English and more likely to be Christian than me. I informed the vicar that I was Muslim, but he replied that he already knew this and repeated his invitation. Thinking about it now, perhaps the English people at the meeting were atheist or agnostic, which is pretty common nowadays in England.
Arriving early some days later to the Church to attend the Vicar’s service, I nodded hello, quietly took a seat, and watched the children run around as we all waited for the service to begin. As I waited a man came and sat next to me. It was obvious from the way he was talking he had, naturally, assumed I was Christian. When I corrected this misapprehension and told him I was Muslim, the man got very angry at me and blurted out “What are you doing here?!” I informed him the Vicar had invited me. Incredulous, the man went straight to the Vicar and demanded an explanation. After verifying that he did indeed invite me, the Vicar then asked the man why he was so angry. I don’t think the man knew. He remained silent. Then the Vicar directed the man’s attention to the children that were playing in the church and informed him that the church had done everything it could to bring young people into church but nothing had worked, until the English children ended up going to school with Muslim children. After seeing the Muslim children living their faith in school, they showed up at church because they wanted a faith of their own. The Vicar then told the man, “we have to stop believing the media lies about Muslims.”
I suspect that the British white supremacists would be very offended at this incident because it is totally removed from the Jewish narrative of Muslims which Britain’s white supremacists share with the Jews. Many identitarians are very closely linked to the Jews’ narrative, and intentionally or not they further enhance Jewish Power by propagating it.
This Vicar’s commitment to stop the war and to free Palestine was noteworthy as the exception that proved the rule. At Christmas, he reproduced a nativity scene with a wall going through it to help his congregation understand how they had been duped by the lies of the mass media which the English education system had prepared them to accept. Meeting this vicar was the most positive experience I gained from participating in Stop the War meetings and rallies. He understood how easy and mutually beneficial it was for Christians and Muslims to live and work together. Perhaps for Russians who have been living with Muslims for almost 1,000 years and for people from the Middle East, who have done so for far longer, this is a no brainer, but in Britain, the false narrative of identity politics is repeated endlessly in the media and in an educational system which programs its students not to make connections and not to ask questions.

Like most Muslims involved in the Stop the War Coalition, I left after I realized that I was learning nothing and that we were doing nothing to stop the war. Instead, I decided to my own research on the invasion of Iraq and why the occupiers of Palestine had so much control of the Western world. After Israel attacked Lebanon, it was clear to me that that the aim of the War on Terror was to deracinate Islam and change the culture of the Muslim countries in Middle East so that Israel could expand its borders.
If you want to know how a country looks after it has been completely deracinated, take a look at the United States, or Germany, or the UK, which is now in the final stages of the deracination which has been imposed on the West through the EU-imposed austerity and uncontrolled mass migration. I think this story began a long time ago with the Reformation, when Henry VIII separated England from the pope and destroyed England’s legal system to justify the looting of Church property. When it was ruled by Catholics, England created the rule of law, which put the average peasant on a par with a King. One of the premises of English Common Law states that a man’s home is his castle. English Common Law could not have developed in country which did not have a strongly religious people. With the destruction of the monasteries and convents in England, the common people lost their social safety net and any expectation that their way of life would be protected by the state. Common Land was abolished through different enclosure acts, and the poor peasant could either become a servant of the landowners who had grown wealthy through the theft of church property or starve to death. The unity of Christianity was destroyed as various countries in Europe developed their own versions of Christianity to maintain independence from Rome. Gradually these different denominations of Christianity permitted usury, and another blow was dealt to the common people, as their enslavement to the bankers intensified.
During the course of the 20th century, two world wars – both started in Europe—destroyed what was left of the Christian social order and transformed independent indigenous cultures into Jewish slave states. Germany succumbed to the drum beat of Jewish suffering and lost its connection to its past, and in return Germany’s past got replaced by a regime which promoted endless sex and endless guilt.
Today it is routine for TV’s talking heads to demonize non-western cultures for not being feminist or for being homophobic. In the Western world sexual perversion is lauded as a great virtue. How, I wondered, did Western culture come to mean sexual perversion, the desecration of Christ, feminism, holocaustianity & the endless War on Terror?
The Left claims that these wars were fought for oil, but the starvation and repeated destruction of Iraq, the endless occupation of Afghanistan, which has no oil, the Israeli bombing of Lebanon in 2006, Libya, Syria, Israel’s brutal cowardly bombing of Palestine demanded a better explanation. The War on Terror was another war of Israel’s choice. After reading the writings of Gilad Atzmon and Israel Shamir, I understood why the Jews behaved the way they did, but why did the West support them? Without Western support Palestine would have been freed decades ago. Why was the West so subservient to the Jew? Young soldiers fought for the American Empire and the British Empire, but it always seemed to be the Rothschilds that benefitted in the end. Some trauma had cut the West off from its roots and made it subservient to the Jew.
Now the same thing was being done to the Muslims. Just as the Westerner had been deracinated from his roots, he seemed very keen on deracinating Muslims from theirs. In addition to claiming that Islam is backward because it outlaws sodomy, the mass media in England and the US love to claim that, they love us Muslim women more than our fathers, brothers, and uncles do.
While studying Schiller’s play Die Raeuber at university, I read the passage where the king laments that God only gave him a daughter and not a son, which inspired my lecturer to look at me and say, “That still happens to Muslim women today, doesn’t it Nadya? You were lucky you were born here otherwise your parents would have killed you at birth.” I remember being furious at the time, but, unable to articulate my emotions, I just looked at him as defiantly as I could. I think he expected me to be grateful to him as if he and not my parents had fed and clothed me when I was an infant. This university-educated PhD, who didn’t even know where I was born, was a typical example of what Western education had become. Unsurprisingly, he regarded himself as an “honorary female” because he was a feminist, something which caused me to question the validity of feminism, which, as far as I could tell, meant celebrating sexual license and irresponsibility for both men and women. This same professor argued at length how wrong it was for a woman to become pregnant when the man had told her categorically that he didn’t want any children. This rubbish now goes by the name of education. Small wonder, then, that university, like school, made little sense to me.
The Oded Yinon plan was written during the Israeli occupation of Lebanon, when Israel did everything it could to encourage internecine fighting amongst the Lebanese. The same Jews who did everything they could to encourage different faith groups to hate each other in Lebanon then are doing the same thing in the West today. If we want to be effective in opposing these efforts, we would do well to learn from the strategy they used in Lebanon and Palestine. By the grace of God, Hizballah rose up in Lebanon and the efficacy of Israel’s policy of divide and rule became greatly diminished there. Islam proved to be very strong foe against the Occupiers of Palestine, just as Christianity had done in Britain centuries before.
Under Muamar Gaddafi, the Libyan had been arresting the terrorists which I will refer to as Al-CIAda. The leaders of the West united as a result to kill Gaddafi, destroy the beautiful country that he had built and hand Libya over to its Al-CIAda terrorists. How anyone cannot see that the West supports terrorism of the sort that destroyed Libya baffles me. Later on these same mercenaries travelled to Syria, to destroy Syria just as they had destroyed Libya, and the West called it a “civil war.” One neocon after another kept talking about how shia and sunni hate each other. Just as my university lecturer declared himself an honorary female, those who worship the Jews and the oligarchs don’t need to be concerned with truth or facts. ISIS horror videos are released onto youtube by an organisation called SITE, which is headed by Rita Katz an Israeli.ii The videos serve as proof that a “civil war” is occurring in the Middle East. Just get a guy to say Allah Akbar and then to commit some atrocity – and voila – that man is a Muslim and there you have your cast iron evidence of the civil war in Syria and the barbarity and ultimate evil that Islam is. Coincidentally this narrative fits in exactly with Netanyahu’s narrative, but that must be because he always speaks the truth too!
Who is ISIS killing? Christians, Muslims, Druze Syrians, and Libyans. In other words, everybody except Israelis, who provide medical assistance to the terrorists. Another coincidence, no doubt. Who is on the front line fighting ISIS? It is Muslims. Syria is majority Sunni, and they are fighting with their brothers Hizballah and Iran to protect all Syrians, including Christians. What is the West’s track record in protecting Christians?

  1. Christian Iraqis have been living in Iraq since the birth of Christianity, until the West occupied Iraq. Even when Britain and the USA were starving Iraq, the Iraqi Christians remained in Iraq.
  2. When the USA nuked Nagasaki, the bomb exploded directly over Urakami Cathedral in Nagasaki. Nagasaki was the most Christian city in Japan and the cathedral in Nagasaki had been one of the largest Cathedrals in the orient.iii
  3. Has any western government sent a single soldier to protect the Christian Palestinians and its churches? Today Western politicians are only too keen to acknowledge the birthplace of Christ as the capital of the Jews-only state.
  4. The West are clearly supporting the terrorists in Syria, who are killing everyone, including Syrian Christians
    Whereas both Hizballah and the majority sunni Syrian Arab army give their blood to protect Syria, the Western media calls the cannabals it subsidizes & trains Muslims and demonises Hizballah, while blaming Assad for killing Syrian soldiers. Shortly before Russia came to support the Syrian army, there were false reports on TV claiming that Muslims were killing Christians. This was a lie. The terroris were killing everybody, not just Christians, and these terrorists were no more Muslim than the creator of Piss Christ was a Christian. The concerned Christians were who issued the report showed no concern for the other people who were being killed, or no awareness of the fact that the oldest Christian communities in the world are in Muslim majority countries. After Christian Russia joined with the Syrian Arab Army, Hizballah, Iran, and China, the hawkish voices accusing the East of intolerance suddenly became mute.
    The basics of the Oded Yinon plan got repeated ad nauseam after 9/11 to disguise the fact that the American Empire is in reality the Israeli empire; it is an empire that imposes the reign of debt slavery, usury, sexual perversion, exceptionalism, and identity politics onto the world.
    Through usury and debt people can be controlled in their jobs, through sexual perversion they are enslaved by their passions and become mindless consumers like ducks on a foie de gras farm. Through exceptionalism, they justify their crimes, and through identity politics they prevent people from working together against their common enemy. In addition to this the USraeli Empire demonises Christianity and Islam, the two religions that follow Christ, to prevent people from living by an ethical code that does not serve the oligarchs. Religion brings logos into people’s lives. Through think tanks and political organisations like AIPAC, Conservative Friends of Israel, Labour Friends of Israel, and UKIP Friends of Israel, western governments are given clear instructions by the Israel lobby
    No journalist who wants to keep his job, in the BBC would dare to investigate a single terrorist event because the BBC does not respect free speech. Yet in spite of this universal censor throughout the Western media, the convenient coincidences become too glaring to allow any thinking person to accept the mainstream narrative at face value.
    “When I think of the recent developments in the USA (the Dallas police shooting, Orlando disco shooting) or Europe (Nice, the murdered priest, the Germany shootings), I get the unpleasant feeling that something is not quite right. For one thing the perpetrators all turn out to have the same absolutely ridiculous profile. All of the killers are pseudo-Muslims who turn out to be drinking, homosexuals, who are former patients of mental institutions. These “overnight Muslims”all make darn sure to say Allahu Akbar a number of times, but other than that, they have no sign of Islam at all. In fact, far from being trained Daesh fighters, they are all losers with weak personalities, exactly the kind of people the special services (and religious sects) like to prey on because they are weak and easy to manipulate. Even if the folks at DAESH claim them as their own, that really proves nothing (except that maybe Daesh is desperate to increase its notoriety).iv
    There are now mountains of evidence in plain view which clearly show that Al-CIAda, ISIS, Al-Nusra and whatever the next new brand name gets introduced are proxy warriors paid for by the House of Saud and Qatar, armed and trained by the USA and its allies who receive air cover from NATO. So by what measure are these people Muslim? Let us look at Libya. Under Gaddafi Libya was arresting Al-CIAda until NATO started bombing Libya and basically handed over all of Libya to Al-CIAda terrorists, who were then re-branded as ISIS and sent to Syria. Can anybody not see this?
    Apparently, the white supremacists can’t see this, nor can they make glaringly obvious connections, nor can they see a link between the migrant crisis in Europe and what NATO has done to the Middle East. No white supremacist speaks out against the War-on-Terror; indeed, he believes NATOs military should be applauded for the blood it spills. Tommy Robinson of the English Defense League claimed he started the EDL because he became affronted when Muslims began booing an army parade in Luton. Clearly, Tommy Robinson’s love of western values does not extend to free speech and clearly his love of the British soldier is not so great that he wants the British soldier protected from committing immoral acts by participating in an illegal and unjust war,
    I suspect—although I cannot prove—that Tommy Robinson, the EDL, Britain First, and other similar groups are in reality proxy warriors just like ISIS. Just as ISIS is being used to destroy Syria, white supremacy is being used to prevent the British people from working together to end Israeli occupation of their own country and Palestine, as well as end usury and gender identity politics.
    It was with some trepidation that I went to listen to a speech at the London Forum, because I understood it to be a white only organisation. This is not entirely accurate. True, the people there were, unlike me, indigenous to Europe, and they were, I felt, motivated by a sense of alienation in their own country. Who cannot feel alienated when we are being told that there are more than two genders, or when it is obvious that we have no control over our oligarch-inspired immigration policy, or when schools are prohibited from celebrating Christmas, or when Theresa May, our PM, “signed a pledge committing her to remember the Holocaust and to ‘stand up to hatred and intolerance.’” May then spent the “evening before her confirmation by the Queen at a private dinner at the home of Chief Rabbi Ephraim Maris.”v
    Neither the EDL nor Britain First has ever lobbied the government to end its criminal dealings with the House of Saud or to prohibit it from building and funding Wahabi mosques, even though British Muslims oppose them. However, these same white supremacists are too busy working hand-in-glove with the Jews, and spreading hatred of Muslims, to have time to do anything genuinely constructive. Britain now has Muslim only prisons. Could these prisons become the another training and recruitment ground for the West? DNA identity politics is both short on logos and very Jewish. In the case of white supremacists and groups like Black Lives Matter, the truth is the opposite of their claims. Black Lives Matter does not concern itself with black lives, except when white people are involved. Black Lives Matter is funded by George Soros, another indication that the oligarchs and the Jews love to divide the gentiles so as better to control them. DNA identitarian politics always follows the same trajectory; first there is the inconsolable victimhood, as promoted by people the late Elie Wiesel; then there is the eternal evil oppressor, Hitler or the Nazis; and this forms a basis for any identitarian group to commit any crime against the other. Like the new gender identity politics, DNA identity politics distracts people from the real enemy, leaves them lost and confused as to what cause they are taking a stand for, and always further empowers the oligarchs, the Jews, and their proxy warriors. Between 40 – 60 million died during World War II, the majority of whom were Europeans. The single greatest beneficiary of World War II was Israel. World War II changed American culture; it destroyed America First and turned American heroes like Charles Lindbergh into villains.
    Today we have the never-ending War on Terror, in which NATO unites with the House of Saud to do to the Middle East what the Israelis do to Palestine. When the refugees from these wars arrive in Europe, the DNA-identity groups complain about the migrant crisis forgetting that it was NATO which gave Libya to the terrorists and that it was Gaddafi who was protecting Europe from mass migration. Mass migration began in earnest after NATO killed Gaddafi and destroyed Libya. To this day British soldiers are working with the US to arm and train Al-CIAda, ISIS and other terrorists. Identity politics is a game of divide and rule. The British people need to work together to stop this. This means telling our soldiers to refuse their orders. I do not know of a single white supremacist who has done this. If the white supremacists sincerely wanted to prevent Muslim mass migration, they would have done everything to stop the War on Terror, but the truth is they couldn’t care less, in much the same way that Black Lives Matter couldn’t care less about black on black murders.

There is no honour in dying or killing so that Tony Blair can become a millionaire and our shores become flooded with people whose countries we have destroyed. The fact is there is no limit to the number of identities a human being can adopt proves that identity politics is a distraction. Hitler was anti-communist; he feared that communism would spread beyond Russia’s borders after the predominantly Jewish Bolsheviks had imposed communism on Russia, killing many Russians as they did this. Yesterday’s Trotskyist is today’s neocon, and like the Bolsheviks before them they are baying for more gentile blood. Sometimes refusing the government’s order to fight is the most honourable and patriotic thing to do. Since the War on Terror began, the hawks have done everything to whip up hatred between Muslim and non-Muslim. They had to do this because every country the West attacked was Muslim. After every terrorist/false flag attack, the West becomes ever more authoritarian, thereby increasing the state’s ability to foment and create internecine wars within the borders of that country. Operation Gladio is a historical fact. If we fight over identity politics, instead of uniting over Logos the champions of anti logos will have won as once again, and they will have tricked the gentile into committing genocide against gentile just as they did in World War II. During World War I, the fact that the men, in the trenches, sometimes called a truce with their “enemies” illustrates quite clearly that these men has little reason to fight one another. As a response to this, the US developed a psychological programme that would de-humanise the men who join the military, so that they would become ruthless killing machines. These are the kind of people British soldiers are dying for. They de-humanize the indigenous Briton as readily as they dehumanize a Muslim, but identitarian politics blinds us from seeing this.


  1. John Taylor Gatto, Dumbing Us Down The Hidden Curriculum of Compulsory Schooling (New Society Publishers,
    2005), p 16 - 17

  2. Manufactured Terrorism: Rita Katz from Site Intel Group [Mossad Front] see

3)False Flags Flying in the Empires hot air

  1. Christianity and the Nagasaki Bomb

  2. Theresa May – Friend of Israel and the Organised Jewish Community,see and-the-organized-jewish-community/


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@moonriver, thanks for sharing your thoughts, it made for an interesting read! I ran into the word logos a few times and don't know what it means. Does it have something to do with Islam?

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