Germany is close to re-living 1933

in #politics8 years ago (edited)

This is a post I wanted to make for a long time because I want to raise awareness about the crazy stuff that is going on in Germany (these days everyone is looking at Trump...). This post does include my personal opinion and it is NOT neutral. Now I said that Germany might witness another 1933. For those who don't know what happened back then: 1933 was the year in which Hitler came to power.

Now some might point out: Hitler is dead, Germany can't re-live 1933. This is indeed the case, but the atmosphere right now feels similar. Here is a rundown why:

-The AfD is gaining enormous popularity in the eastern states:

The so called "Alternative für Deutschland" (Alternative for Germany) is a party that has been founded in 2013. It recently gained popularity and instantly got 20% of the votes in Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania. Although they have no real idea of politics, they became successful by raging against the current immigration politics lead by Angela Merkel. They fear, with all the refugees Germany is welcoming, that Islam will overcome and destroy the German culture. The AfD is a party in which Donald Trump would fit in perfectly. An Example: Beatrix von Storch postet a statement on Facebook claiming that German law allowed the use of weapons to protect German borders, and therefore, if necessary, shooting refugees. A Facebook user even asked her if this would include women and children. The answer was: "yes". Now after some heavy discussions Beatrix von Storch later tried to excuse this post by stating that she slipped on her computer mouse. This tactic (provoking and denying it later) has been successfully used by the AfD several times. The AfD has no real plan for their politics except stopping refugees getting into Germany (but they don't even have a real plan that would achieve this).

-The assaults on refugee hostels increased by 500% (comparing 2015 to 2014):

the numbers speak for itself. referring to an article of the ZEIT newspaper there were 1.005 criminal acts against refugee hostels in 2015 compared to only 199 in 2014. Especially acts of violence and incendiary increased. Source: (the source of the article is the German BKA). Besides: Every day you turn on the news these days you hear from new assaults on refugees. Most recently, some teens in saxony (between the age of 15 and 20) threatened refugee children between the age of 5 and 11. This is pretty common these days, and even worse things happen.

-Most recently: The celebration of the German union in Dresden last Monday

Many politicians were invited to celebrate the reunion of East- and West-Germany from 1989. While entering the church where the celebration was held, the politicians were insulted and offended by a crowd awaiting them (despite bad weather), e.g with the words "you are national-traitors" and much worse. A black man entering the church was accompanied by the crowd making monkey sounds. Politicians were shocked by how aggressive the crowd was and that even trying to talk to them normally wouldn't work.

This is for all the people that fear that the German culture will disappear and the Islam take over. this is for all the people that have no idea about Syria and what's going on there. This is for all the people that "hate" refugees. This is for all people that act violently against our democracy. WAKE UP! INFORM YOURSELVES! STOP THE VIOLENCE! This leads nowhere but into disaster. We are close to having the same atmosphere as in 1933. We are close to elect right-wingish liars into the Bundestag. We need to come back to a discussion on political basis without all the hatred. Thank you.


Islam is the problem not Germany.

Poverty of lower-class citizens ("working poor") is approaching the level of 1933, both in Germany and in the United States. Only an unconditional basic income can appease those protesters. However, the German government has decided to cut welfare ("Neuntes Gesetz zur Änderung des Zweiten Buches Sozialgesetzbuch") instead of spending more money to poor Germans. No surprise that poor Germans with decreasing income are angry at their government, which does not even pay the legally required minimum welfare.

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