Clinton To Receive Harvard-Radcliffe Award for Transformative Impact on Society -- Say What!?!

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

Clinton Bad Policies.jpg

The late progressive investigative journalist Robert Parry was right on the mark when he wrote the below link. Now Harvard wants to give Clinton a Radcliffe award for her role on having a "transformative impact on society."

What an absurd joke and complete insult to working people!

It was a Clintonite idea to rehabilitate George W. Bush in order to go after Trump and Russians. Bush and his neocons should all be in jail!

She didn't even come around on gay marriage until she realized she needed to for her presidential campaign.

Honduras, Libya, Syria? What great impact on society was her role with the killing of people and supporting the overthrow of democratically-elected governments?

Rigging the Democratic Primary and turning Democrats into cold war antagonists is anything but a healthy transformation. It proves Gore Vidal was correct when he stated America has two political parties with one right wing!

I could go on and on. If she played any role at all in politics -- besides being the first big-name female presidential candidate -- it was to help destroy the very principles of FDR's New Deal, a kind of politics much needed in today's society.

I could go on and on ...! I'll simply say her reception of such an award is woefully pitiful! It also tells us more about Harvard than Clinton!


I could not have said it better myself ! This women is a large cloud of oppression , a walking contradiction , and a master manipulator who has used a fake women's right / LGBT / white privilege mongering platform to draw in a base of people who if they really new who she was , and what she has accomplished during her political career would realize just how disturbing this whole debacle really is . This women committed numerous felonies , jeopardized national security , and is responsible for the death's of multiple American's in Benghazi during her stay as Obama's secretary of state . Lets not forget Uranium 1 , the Clinton Foundation had received millions in donations from investors in Uranium One, a Canadian-based company that sold a controlling stake in 2010 to Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy agency, in a deal that had to be approved by the U.S. government , which allowed Russia to obtain 20% of our Uranium deposits ! Who was secretary of state at the time ? Hillary Clinton , shouldn't that be a major conflict of interest ? You and your husbands " foundation " receiving millions in donations as you approve a deal that benefits that same Corporation donating those millions to this so called "foundation" ?
As you said in your post I could go on and on , it's always great to see the truth spread and not snuffed out by all the B.S the media puts out
and I will be following and looking forward to more content you got my upvote/resteem

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