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RE: Marco Rubio’s interventionist snuff porn

in #politics6 years ago

"I want the people of Venezuela to rise up against this tyrant who thinks nothing of murdering them. I want them to be able to restore freedom and liberty."

Good piece, sunlit...a couple point of contention. A couple of points...

Though, I agree with what you state, Venezuelans, rising and taking back their country.
Point one: they didn't vote him in...the opposition did not participate and the rest is a fixed election, fraudalent numbers and voters who were de-authenticated before voting; purchased votes; votes gained by supplying food to vote; officials in his own government who run the machinsims of the voting system. The corruption is deep here...and i would bore you with a long essay.

Point 2: How do the people rid themselves of Maduro, when he has corrupted military commanders; state of the art arms; "little Green Men" from Wagner; the SEBIN on two-man hit teams, assassinating protest leaders and rebels in the streets; and the people are fighting with sticks and stones.
masked and belaclaved men with machine guns actually shot people getting aid packages from the burning trucks..

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