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RE: Ilhan Omar Smacks Down Elliott Abrams In Front Of Everybody

in #politics6 years ago

That exactly what it is -- fifteen minutes of fame. This isn't a good qualified leader. This a flake with a pussy hat, playing the political game and loosing because she has many flaws that that are dangerous and bigoted.
She does not even realize that many white men voted for her and yet she hates white men; many jews voted na d she hates jews.

She can't even recognize being America..after arriving desperate as a Somali refugee. Now sh'd Somali-American. Give it up!... this woman is hatred. This woman is playing a part rather than being legitimate.


And yet, everything she said about Elliott Abrams and AIPAC is correct.

Are you familiar with the war criminal Elliott Abrams?

"She said, he said" Can you think for yourself?

FACTS???? Not here say...

Don't make accusations ya fuck with out supporting them, give me the Elliot Abrams is a war criminal.... FACTS?

Not some left leaning or progressive commentary by the Intercept or antiwar-com.

There is no law to say that lobbying is illegal...I have beliefs myself, but, they are not legitimate when a lobby is not a crime in America.

You can't support any proof for what you say, you cannot put a gun in Elliot Abrams hands...your whole progressive movement is based on conjecture, lies and deflection, conflation and subversion.

We don't like white. We don't like Jews. We want a colored woman in the White House. That's your whole thing.

He wasn't a lobbyist. He worked directly for the government. You are a sad excuse for a troll. Sad.

The articles aren't "commentary" only. They have documentation and sourcing, which you have ignored. Or I guess all those sources within the articles are also "rags" and you've taken the time to read them all.

You also have decided that I'm a left-wing person and I don't like Jews or White people.

I'm not a progressive. You're simply here with a new account to troll this topic.

Have a fun day defending murder.

Your sources are leftist, scripted commentary only, using only leftist sources, they are completely one-sided and biased. They do not present a centrist or right attitude what so ever...or any version in between, and that amounts to propaganda.

You support a Ilhan Omar who makes an ad hominem attacks on Elliot Abrams, who was sent by the POTUS to assess the situation in Venezuela, which is dire to say the least. (And strangely not the thing we are talking about.)

The hearing was about that -- the hearing was given to understand the situation in Venezuela, it was not a protest, but Ilhan Omar and the codepink crowds of fragiles, bigots and crazy people attacks Abrams. Code pink was escorted from the room, and then the final straw with a political acrobat Omar, using her time, which was to understand and question Elliot Abrams about the situation in Venezuela, decides to get the heat off herself by attacking Eliott Abrams character for things that did not happen, but are part of the conspiracy theory mindset. She did not question at all on the situation in Venezuela.

Why? Because her ad hominem attack is the only position left to her after making outrageous claims against jews, white men, he financial corruptions which have recently come out, her misuse of government funds to support her nonsense. Her agenda as a socialist to undermine America.

Corporations like GoodYear and Kellogg's are leaving Venezuela because banks have lost faith in the economy. Maduro seizes their assets. The country is in free fall; not from what the US is doing but because of Maduro's ego and a socialism that is killing the richest country in south America.

People are leaving their job, because wages will not suffice, million percent inflation; soldiers and police and are leaving their jobs, there are hundreds of desertions; crackdowns on protests. The SEBIN are use two hit squads to kill any ring leaders in protests.

humanitarian aid by at least 50 countries awaits to enter Venezuela and ease the suffering. And the bridge is blocked and the Venezuelan army stands in the way of warehouses full of food and medicine.

And all you can bleat is "Omar, jews and bad man Elliot."

Grow up! You're a fucking child as far as world events go, you know nothing and are a NPC in the way of truth...this is the US government along with 50 other world governments trying to rectify a dangerous situation in Venezuela.

BTW I have been here longer than you, and your name calling and deflection and virtue signaling does nothing but show your stupidly

Transparent propaganda. Who is paying you?

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