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RE: How (And How Not) To Beat A Smear Campaign

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

"In Venezuela right now some guy named Juan [...]"

It Juan Guaido, the legitimate interim president of Venezuela, until legal elections can be held by the Venezuelan people for a freely elected leader. Not like some fat bus driver named Maduro who purchased; forced; coerced; gave food to hungry people for their vote; bribed; and threaten for votes. Whose Vice President Delcy Rodriguez was in relationship with the owner of Smartmatic. And Smartmatic was involved in fraud in Venezuela's election.

Smartmatic is a Venezuelan owned multinational company specializing in tech solutions for governments. They deal with electronic voting, Biometrics; smart city solutions, identity management, civil registration, as well as civil authentication for such things a government applications, voting eligibility etc...

Smartmatic has been involved in fraudulent elections in Venezuela...with out a doubt

Juan Guaido prefers the old style of one citizen, one free vote But some fat twelve sandwich eating bus driver jumped the Q and now thinks he is the reincarnation of Che Guevara. And id fixed in power by a military that is corrupt.

There is no smear campaign with Ilhan Omar! The woman is using government funds like it is her own bank account, taking unscheduled government trip to where ever. She has attacked on the house floor a man who sent to assess the situation fairly in Venezuela. She has a number made ant-semitic slurs and insults and then has to apologize for them.

Tulsi Gabbard is a loose cannon who makes a unschedualed meeting with Bashar al Assad, when she was strictly told by her superiors to stay out of a very touchy geopolitical incident. And then she ignores that against better judgement and went right ahead had a meeting with Assad. She was told that, that was the job of the Secretary of State, but this idiot thinks she is the president. No smear campaign just the truth.

"I've been the target of smear canpaigns myself [...]"

Caitsy, you take yourself far too seriously, and really girl you're not that fucking important lol. You censor everybody, you are afraid of free speech -- how can anybody smear you when you censor and cherry pick all commenters. You have a little blog, and write for a few Leftie and Socialist websites and fake conspiracy news sites have published your bitter asperous diatribe. Your conspiracies. You are one of those tin foil journalists. The usual fifth column subjects. They have always looked to your lot; the psychedelicly delusioned about world politics. You're a pussyhatcrazy, and a feminist with has axe to grind. A kremlin apologist. You are anti-American and a fucking flake. There is no smear Cait, no one fucking caresabout what you think, you twit.

I have seen your argue against someone from Venezuela. living in Venezuela about the Venezuelan crisis, and tell them they don't know what they are talking about, when they speak about the government corruption, ya dopey broad.

What is your claim to fame?...your an astrologer who is an unpublished journalist in her own country. Nobody heard shit about you until two or so years ago. Tell me something have you ever been in



Smartmatic (also referred as Smartmatic Corp. or Smartmatic International); is a Venezuelan-owned multinational company that specializes in technology solutions aimed at governments. It is organized around producing electronic voting systems, smart cities solutions (including public safety and public transportation), and identity management systems for civil registration, as well as authentication for government applications.

Careful, you'll get yourself censored if you hang around

Smartmatic has been involved in fraudulent elections in Venezuela...with out a doubt

Lol sure, who would doubt your conjecture.

Posted using Partiko Android

Caitsy, you take yourself far too seriously, and really girl you're not that fucking important lol. You censor everybody, you are afraid of free speech -- how can anybody smear you when you censor and cherry pick all commenters.

Lol sure again, she censored. Lol

Posted using Partiko Android

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