It Doesnt Matter Who You Vote For Oligarchs Still Gets In

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


It does not matter who you vote for the 0.1% still gets in. Another word for the 0.1% is oligarchy or ’’the rule of the few’’. Donald Trump is not here to drain the swamp, he is here to further the agenda of the Globalist oligarchs. Donald J Trump ’’the demagogic psychopath’' is a creature of the City of London, Wall Street and its consorts.
The global network of oligarchy in today’s society takes the shape of a shadow government with many nodes. Like a giant octopus, the tentacles of this ideology, work through government, banking, military etc. The current predicament is an empire based on epistemological warfare and usury.
It seems to me, that whatever happens on the political stage, the systemic method of globalization is perpetuated and nothing is done to fundamentally equalize the world's resources.
When faced with an oligarchy one characteristic is apparent. An oligarchy is ruled by consensus, meaning that, one can not say that ’’this person rules’’ or ’’that person rules’’ an oligarchy is ruled jointly by a group of individuals who share the oligarchical ideology. In the so-called modern world, they hide behind either tyrants or democratic elections.
Trump's presidential campaign was heavily funded and is now being led by representatives of the power elite circles that has its center in City Of London, Wall Street, Hong Kong, European Aristocracy, and the Venetian Nobility. To define the American branch of the western elite establishment that works behind representative democratic elections in the United States, we can enlist a few examples: The families controlling The Federal Reserve System, Skull and Bones secret society, Wall Street etc.

To me, it seems odd, but apparently obvious, that every president seems to be oblivious to the fact that the very central bank that prints the dollar that poses as the reserve currency of the world, and effects every organization big and small, is privately owned. It is a strange phenomenon indeed, that the foreign/domestic policy of the United States of America doesn't change even though the presidents are called Barack Obama or Donald Trump. A few examples are. The wars in the middle east, the looting of the third world, the warmongering against Russia, the spread of Nato bases.
An important question is then if these politicians are minor players in setting policy because policies are acted out whether they are in the office or not. In that case who sets policies?
If the movers and shakers are not in the public eye then they must be in the shadows. Evidently, this is the case, then, where can we find the symbolic expression of one of the nodes of the international shadow government that works behind the scenes? One example of this is of course as already mentioned, The Federal Reserve. The private central bank in the midst of world affairs.

To substantiate these claims; let us look at some of the organizations that funded the current president's campaign, but also those who are affiliated with Trump today.

  1. Mercer Family Foundation gave millions of dollars to Trump's campaign. Mercer Family Foundation is an organization that funds right-wing causes. For example on its payroll except Trump is Breitbart News, Nigel Farage (Mr. Brexit=Global Britain=Neo Feudalism), and Kellyanne Conway one of the current advisors to Trump.
  2. Renaissance Technologies is a hedge fund that Robert Mercer the patriarch of the Mercer foundation worked for. Renaissance Technologies funded both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. Renaissance Technologies was caught in helping wealthy individuals evade taxes through transactions from Barclays (City of London) and Deutsch Bank.
  3. Peter Theil the founder of Paypal but now also a sitting member of the steering committee of the infamous Bilderberg Group. Gave another 1.25 million to Trump's campaign.
  4. Steven Bannon which held an enormously important role in the early transition team for Trump. He also shaped the world view of the Trump campaign. Bannon had an important role in the right-wing magazine Breitbart news, which was heavily pro-Trump. Bannon worked for Goldman Sachs in the 1990s. The infamous Goldman Sachs is one of the most prominent investment banks that are deeply embedded with the City Of London. Bannon's company ''Bannon co'' was bought by the investment bank Societe Generale.
  5. Three representatives from the infamous Skull and Bones secret society can be found in leading roles within the Trump administration. They are Steven Mnuchin (Goldman Sachs) the Secretary Of The Treasury, Wilbur Ross Secretary Of Commerce who was the former head of NM. Rothschild and sons multinational investment bank (agent of the City Of London) and the newly elected warmonger John Bolton. Skull and Bones must also be considered to have their roots in European Freemasonry. European Freemasonry was founded in London, much of the philosophies, intrigues, and Freemasonic innuendoes go back to the Esoteric subversive intelligence networks surrounding the Venetian Black Nobility.
  6. Jared Kushner the President's son-in-law and one of his closest advisors. Kushner has a Rothschild (City Of London Agents) connection through the Jewish Supremacist Cult Chabad Lubavitch. As we also did see just a few weeks ago Jared Kushner has a deep connection to the Saudi Prince Bandar. Who said, ’’that Jared Kushner was in his pocket’’.
  7. The Rothschild (City Of London agents) and Trump connection goes back to Resort International in Atlantic City. A resort Donald Trump-owned together with parts of the Rockefeller family and Edmund Rothschild. It is widely known that when Trump was in economic crisis one of the individuals that helped him on his feet again was the current secretary of the treasury Wilbur Ross the former head of NM Rothschild and sons.
    How can we trust in the presidency if these obscure officials encircle a president, can we honestly say that you get what you vote for? Think again!


One of the many factors that connect these people and organizations is their lust for the maximization of profit. And the primary organization in America that controls the economic backdrop in which these things can be achieved is the Federal Reserve System.
The American central bank is privately owned and has not been questioned by any president since JFK. For the simple reason that the same people funding all presidents since then have in their campaign demand, that the Federal Reserve is a no-go zone and something to be kept as a private oligarchical institution for the good of the American people.
The American central bank is called Federal Reserve. But this is a misleading term, the definite term ’’federal’’ implies that an institution is ’’formed by a compact between political units that surrender their individual sovereignty to a central authority but retain limited residuary powers of government’’ (Merriam Webster). But the Federal reserve is something quite to the contrary, in other words, a privately owned stock company.

How can something be Federal if it is a stock company? It can't because it is not federal. The Federal Reserves' twofold function is: (a) to regulate the flow of credit and money for specific economic objectives, and (b) to supervise commercial banks, i.e., mostly itself.
The Federal Reserve has basically the power to issue credit out of the thin air and lend this credit to the US government with interest, in exchange for government treasury bonds. Creating a cycle of monumental usury! The value of the dollar has decreased by 95% since the Federal Reserve System was institutionalized.

There are three major institutions within the Federal Reserve System and they are, the twelve Federal Reserve Banks, The Board of Governors, The Free Open Market Committee.


12 Federal Reserve Banks

There are twelve Federal Reserve agency banks that help to execute the monetary policy that set's up by the Federal Reserve in Washington DC. These twelve banks are owned by privately owned member banks (See and not ministered by the federal government at all. Let me give you an example of the private ownership, in the year of its inception in 1913-1914, the Federal Reserve issued 203,053 shares. Let me give you a list of the Banks that bought shares and still own them today.

  1. National City Bank a bank owned by the Rockefeller family and Kuhn and Loeb bought the largest sum of shares approximately 30.000.
  2. First National Bank took 15.000 shares, this bank was owned by J.P Morgan an agent of the Rothschild’s which are agents of the City Of London. The National City Bank and The First National Bank merged in 1955 and became literally a Federal Reserve cartel.
  3. Chase Manhattan Bank owned by the Rockefeller’s held 6000 of the shares
  4. The Marine Midland owned by the Schoellkopf family formally known as the Marine National Bank Of Buffalo took 6000 shares
  5. National Bank Of Commerce of New York City is now called Morgan Guaranty Trust Company took 21.000 shares.
    As you would probably understand now is that the act of providing shares from a company to private shareholders simply means that an organization is privately owned. In Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 of the American constitution, we read that; ’’the Congress shall have the power “to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.”
    In other words, The Federal Reserve is unconstitutional because it is a private entity where shareholders have the power, not the people.
    Most of these banks still hold shares in the twelve different Federal Reserve Banks. Together with other local banks in the different areas where the Federal Reserve Banks are located.

Even today forexample J.P Morgan Chase and Citi Bank are the biggest shareholders of the New York Federal Reserve. (See

The Board Of Governors

The board of governors sets the policy for the Federal Reserve. According to the Federal Reserve's own webpage. ’’The seven members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System are nominated by the President and confirmed by the Senate. A full-term is fourteen years. One term begins every two years, on February 1 of even-numbered years. A member who serves a full term may not be reappointed. A member who completes an unexpired portion of a term may be reappointed. All terms end on their statutory date regardless of the date on which the member is sworn into office.
The Chairman and the Vice-Chairman of the Board are named by the President from among the members and are confirmed by the Senate. They serve a term of four years. A member's term on the Board is not affected by his or her status as Chairman or Vice-Chairman.’’
And the sitting governors today are Jerome H. Powell, Chairman; Vacant, Vice Chairman; Randal Quarles, Vice Chairman for Supervision; Vacant; Lael Brainard; Vacant; and Vacant 12.
These individuals have been chosen by the president and signed by Congress. Most of these individuals are chosen from the banking community.

The Free Open Market Committee

According to the Feds own web page, ’’The FOMC is the body of the Federal Reserve System that sets national monetary policy. The FOMC makes all decisions regarding the conduct of open market operations, which affect the federal funds rate (the rate at which depository institutions lend to each other), the size and composition of the Federal Reserve’s asset holdings, and communications with the public about the likely future course of monetary policy. Congress enacted legislation that created the FOMC as part of the Federal Reserve System in 1933 and 1935’’.
The members that are voted into this committee and take part in the Federal Reserve system are voted in by the 12 Federal reserve banks and their shareholders and consists . This is a completely oligarchical institution exisiting within the United States of America today.

The Leadership

The Federal Reserve has a chairman who is elected by the president and today he is called Jerome Powell. But each of the twelve Federal Reserve banks has its own directors and they are divided into three classes, Class A, Class B, and Class C
According to the Fed Class, A director is; ’’Elected by (private) member banks; Elected to represent stockholding banks; Maybe an officer, director or employee of a member bank; and may not play a role in the appointment of presidents or regulatory decisions’’.
Class B; ’’Elected by (private) member banks; Elected to represent the public; Chosen with due but not exclusive consideration to the interests of agriculture, commerce, industry, services, labor and consumers; and cannot be officers, directors or employees of any bank.’’
Class C: ’’Appointed by the Federal Reserve Board; Chosen to represent the public; Chosen with due but not exclusive consideration to the interests of agriculture, commerce, industry, services, labor and consumers; and cannot be officers, directors or employees of any bank.’’
Class C: ’’Appointed by the Federal Reserve Board; Chosen to represent the public; Chosen with due but not exclusive consideration to the interests of agriculture, commerce, industry, services, labor, and consumers; Can not be officers, directors, employees or stockholders of any bank, or bank, financial or thrift holding company, although a chair must be a person of tested banking experience; and Must have been residents of the Second Reserve District for two years prior to appointment.’’

BAG0101.jpg (Courtesy of Tyler E. Bagwell)

The movement of establishing a private central bank in America must be traced back to the banking house of J.P Morgan and their politcal operative Senator Nelson Aldrich who in the early 1900s propagated the process of creating an institution in which would ’’stabilize’’ the US economy. And the catch was that, give bankers the power of the American central bank and economic crisis will be history. To substantiate these claims the same banks that targeted the Senate and the Congress with these propositions, basically created a bank crash in 1907 to further their argument for a technocratic central bank ruled by bankers. But that is another story for another time.
The most powerful banking interest present in the United States answered the call of Senator Nelson Aldrich. These oligarchs met at Jekyll Island outside Georgia in the winter of 1910 sealed off from public publicity. This meeting was so secret that the people that joined in had code names. They used these code names when arriving at the train station to be escorted along to this meeting.

An alleged conspiracy must have a few characteristics:

  1. There must be secret meetings of the participants and efforts made to conceal joint actions.
  2. Those meetings must jointly agree to take a course of action
  3. And this action must be illegal.

Some of the most powerful individuals and bankers attending this meeting were.

  1. Senator Nelson Aldrich the son in law to J.D Rockefeller,
  2. Paul Warburg from the Venetian Del Banco family based in Hamburg,
  3. Frank Vanderlip the chairman of the National Bank Trust.
  4. Henry Davison from J.P Morgan the agents of the Rothschild banking house and the City Of London.
  5. Benjamin Strong from the Skull and Bones Society, was the head of the bankers trust and would become the first chairman of the Federal Reserve.
  6. Charles D. Norton, President of First National Bank.


I found a very interesting quote from one of the participants Frank Vanderlip

’’Despite my views about the value to society of greater publicity for the affairs of corporations, there was an occasion, near the close of 1910, when I was as secretive, indeed as furtive, as any conspirator. None of us who participated felt that we were conspirators; on the contrary, we felt we were engaged in patriotic work. We were trying to plan a mechanism that would correct the weaknesses of our banking system as revealed under the strains and pressures of the panic of 1907. I do not feel it is an exaggeration to speak of our secret expedition to Jekyll islands the occasion of the actual conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System.’’

(See “From farm boy to financier”, by F. Vanderlip, 1933, page 25, 70.)

But to make their idea a reality they needed political help and a majority in the Senate to pass the Glass Owen Federal Reserve Act in the Congress of the United States. Most of them understood that this was impossible because what they tried to achieve was unconstitutional. As I stated before In Article I, Section 8, Clause 5 we read that Congress shall have the power “to coin money, regulate the value thereof, and of foreign coin, and fix the standard of weights and measures.”
Nelson Aldrich the person who spearheaded the project was already a senator. But they needed a president that believed in the same cause as they did. During the election of 1912, they funded a very naive professor from Harvard called Woodrow Wilson and his rise to power. Woodrow Wilson together with his Vice President Colonel Mandal House would become instrumental in institutionalizing the infamous Federal Reserve Act. This act was enacted by Congress during the Christmas holidays in 1913 right under the nose and with a scoring silence of the people instigating it, something unheard of since then.

So the privately owned Federal Reserve was created from a conspiracy and it is being perpetuated today by an oligarchical and conspiratorial consensus. Money is not the objective when you have all the money in the world, the banking cartel that created and still manages the Federal Reserve, their aphrodisiac is total control. The control of putting a whole nation and its people consciously in debt slavery- by printing money that the government with interest in exchange of government bonds. The current debt in the United States is around 21.5 trillion dollars. A debt willingly manufactured by the Federal Reserve!
No president since John Fitzgerald Kennedy has ever spoken out and opposed the ’’bankers bank’’. You must ask yourself why? How can an organization with so much power be allowed to exist? How come nothing is done if it is unconstitutional?
How can we steep so low in so much degradation to believe that we have a democracy? As long as such institutions exist like The Federal Reserve Bank or International Settlement Bank in Switzerland whose member banks have been caught funding both sides of political and military conflicts. We can not honestly say that what we vote for is so much more different even though their party or personal names change like Democrat Hillary Clinton or Republican Donald Trump because eventually, the same oligarchical interests control them.


In the so-called modern world, the empire promoted is globalization, and globalization is another word for centralization of power. And centralization of power is another word for Neo-Feudalism. This will be the buzzword of Donald Trump, regionalizing the world, and with that comes the creation of multinational economical blocks, in other words secessionism. Donald Trump represents the macro balkanization of the world. This is the model of the power elite circles he represents, this is the world they want to see.
Trump represents the continuation of the encroaching corporate world order, where unelected technocratic representatives from multinational corporations, banks and industries will take over the role of central governments, this is the world order represented by the Federal Reserve since its inception.

Donald Trump is not even close, despite his apparent megalomaniac tendencies to be the most powerful person in the world, but he currently represents an ideology and that ideology is Neo-Feudalism. Needless to say, a corporation does not have to answer to anyone than other than its shareholders. But a government must eventually answer to the written constitution and its people if it is applied and used by the people. This is what we are seeing on the world stage, a new system being born out of the ashes of the central banking warfare model. It is a world where freedom is tightened, and we end up nothing more than serfs serving a high-tech dictatorship with limitless power. Unless we understand how the game works and then act to stop it!




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