So for 2 years the media has been bashing Trump's wall and Travel Ban. Just watch Europe, Part III: Shariah Law NO-GO Zones.

in #politics7 years ago (edited)


As promised, i release part III of this series. Thanks to Twitter user @xiomirb who posted this useful info in Spanish:


"The zones where islamic law is enforced with no control from homeland enforcement, are called NO-GO Zones. Police has lost control of those neighborhoods and can’t guarantee security inside them, denouncing that crimes go unpunished: intimidation, extortion, harassment, sexual abuse, robbery, attacks with violence, and more. These zones are dominated by mafia gangs and, in consequence, young delinquents are an easy catch to ISIS recruiters.

These ethnic enclaves, whose population does not seek to adapt to the country in which it is located, but rather the country has to adapt to them, are nourishing themselves from Sharia, engendering jihadists. They have converted to a common thing, so much that in Paris there’s a mobile app to locate them when you’re out on the Street. 


Germany: Since 2014, in the city of Wuppertal, appeared a para-police brigade called Shariah Police. The Sharia law has been established in many neighborhoods of Hamburg, Berlin and Thuringia. These people harass and insult those who see drinking alcohol, listening to music outdoors, couples who walk hand in hand, gays and women dressed in ways that they consider inappropriate. They are located around bars and discos, in public swimming pools and sports facilities, on summer terraces.They focus their activities on the streets where there is a large Muslim population and distribute pamphlets promising to "cleanse the sordid life" of these areas. The leader who started this movement, the convert Sven Lau, is currently under criminal prosecution for supporting ISIS as a recruiter of young combatants.

Berlin, May 2017: The police of the Chechen Salafists or "Moral Police" also appeared. They threaten, sometimes using violence to dissuade Chechen immigrants from integrating into German society. They also promote the creation of a parallel legal system, Islamic in nature, in Germany.

To make themselves known, they broadcast a video showing a hooded man pointing to the camera, with a pistol, throwing warnings in Chechen. The video came after a young Chechen woman was robbed of her mobile and images were shown in which she was naked. The family agreed to solve the problem by sending the woman to Chechnya where they would kill her to regain the honor of the family. The German police intervened just before the girl boarded the plane. This turned the problem into a community one, and now it is the duty of any Chechen man to find and punish her. The girl is waiting to undergo cosmetic surgery to avoid being found. 

Around 60,000 Chechens live in Germany.

The police claim that they do not have the troops or the means to stop this. In fact, they have come to fear for their lives when they must intervene in these places. Some examples:

• In the Marxloh district of Duisburg on June 29, a crowd of Lebanese immigrants attacked two policemen trying to arrest two men for smoking cannabis on a public sidewalk. In a matter of minutes, the officers were surrounded by more than 100 men who tried to prevent the arrests from taking place. It took ten patrol cars and dozens of police reinforcements to RESCUE the two officers.

• In January 2014 in Hannover, a 26-year-old Kurdish who had been arrested for robbery, jumped out of the seventh-floor window of a courthouse in an attempt to escape. He was transferred to the hospital, but died. Then, a group of Kurds registered the hospital and the court, attacking and wounding 24 policemen and several paramedics. At the trial, the court issued a suspended sentence. Previously, the judge had agreed with the defendants, what prevented the police from declaring. Many thought that the judge was afraid of reprisals against his family by the accused.

• In Naumburg, a mob of Syrians surrounded a police patrol that had just asked the driver's license fof Ahmed A., 21 years old. The police managed to get to the police station, which was sacked by the mob itself.

• In Bremen, they have had to equip the police with "anti-saliva masks" after some detainees spit on them in an attempt to infect them with Hepatitis C or other contagious diseases.

• At Westphalia, they only go in armored cars.

Bernhard Witthaut, commissioner, stated that the number of No-Go zones is increasing:

"All the police and interior commissioners will deny it. But, of course, we know where we can go with the police car... The reason is that our colleagues can no longer feel safe there even with 2 cars, and fear becoming themselves victims of a crime. We know that these areas exist. But in these areas the crimes are not reported. They solve them themselves. Only in the worst cases they do. Government’s power is completely outside these areas. "

The German magazine Der Spiegel talks about districts where immigrant gangs have been made with whole trains for their personal use.

The BKA (Federal Bureau of Criminal Investigation) reported 36,755 verbal, physical and even murderous attacks against the German police in 2016, establishing a relationship between the increase in Muslim immigrants and the increase in violence, reaching 70% more comparing to the previous year in some areas.


It is also estimated that there are more than 500 informal acting courts of Shariah, so many Muslims are consciously avoiding German courts. They claim to do so because Germany does not recognize their customs, such as polygamy (It is estimated that one third of Muslim men living in Neukölln have two or more wives) or marriages with underaged (In July 2016 the German Ministry of the Interior revealed having record of about 1,475 married minors, of which 361 were under 14 years old). Which is debatable considering sentencing precedents like the one in March 2004, when the Koblenz court recognized the second wife of an Iraqi, who lived in Germany, the right to stay permanently in the country, since they had already been 5 years of polygamous marriage and it was unfair to ask him to return to Iraq. Or in May 2016, when the Bamberg Court of Appeal recognized the marriage of a 15-year-old Syrian girl to her 21-year-old cousin, ruling that it was valid because it had been contracted in Syria; legalizing de facto child marriage of sharia in Germany.

In October of 2017, the German Intelligence talked about that there are more than about 10,000 salafists (justifying the Jihad) and about 1,800 jihadists in the country. Which means a growth of 64% over the previous year. Having decreased the age of radicalization from 20 to 18 years. They attribute these figures to schools in the No-Go zones, where Sharia is taught from primary school, without government control. Wolfgang Trusheim, head of the Frankfurt police, already warned about what they call "Hate children" - children of hate, (in some playgrounds of Islamic schools, the expression "you, Jew" is used as an insult). In 2010, the German juvenile judge, Kirsten Heisig, denounced in her book "The end of patience" what was happening in these areas, taking as an example the Neukölln district in Berlin, popularly known as "Problemkieze", in the one where 139 different ethnic groups coexist and 95% of the schooled children do not speak German as a native language.

He also spoke of the fact that the families of the NO-GO Zones have up to 19 children (some women are still mothers when they start to have grandchildren), collecting financial aid for each one of them. Some social workers and paramedics have reported finding cases of abandonment of children because they cannot receive financial help for them or cannot afford medical expenses; to later discover that they are not even children of those families, but that they have been kidnapped in refugee centers in their passage through different centers in Europe, in order to access better subsidies because they are the most numerous families.

On the same day of the publication of his book, he committed suicide: "Young Turks and Arabs are not interested in German values or laws. They are indifferent to the system. I want the young generations of Germans to have the opportunities I've had. " 

In the United Kingdom, the Need4Khilafah (formerly known as Al-Muhajiroun, after Islam4UK) mark their zones with warnings of the type "You are entering an area controlled by the Shariah, Islamic law must be observed."

Anjem Choudary, Pakistani, born in England, leader of this movement, and one of the most influential Muslim clerics, said they intend to "put the seeds for a long-term Islamic emirate." Choudary declared that very soon "all of Britain will be Muslim. We can have several women. Some friend has come to have twenty-one children. Your society is unpacked because you only want to have a son or a dog. Within a few generations, we will be the majority. "

This same personage threatened to denounce Spain to the Court of Strasbourg for celebrating Holy Week.

Although he lives in London, he has his passport withdrawn for his support of the Islamic State. He justifies the attacks of 11S and 7J, as well as the attack against Charlie Hebdo, are anti-Semitic and consider Christians the enemy.

Already in 2011 the authorities had to ban the so-called "Muslims Against the Crusades", which advocated the creation of emirates outside the law in 12 cities (Birmingham, Bradford, Derby, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Luton, Manchester, Sheffield , Dewsbury) and districts (Tower Hamlets, Waltham Forest) in London.

News from Daily Star - (Source)

That same year, the native British were already a minority in London, when only 44.9% of Londoners identified themselves as "British White" in the census, with 37% of inhabitants not born in the United Kingdom. British targets were also below 50% in Leicester, Luton and Slough. In Birmingham, 22% of its citizens are Muslims, more than 70% of which are in some of the peripheral neighborhoods such as Washwood, Bordesley or Sparbrook (50% of them have converted to Islam). The Alum Rock neighborhood is known as "little Pakistan". These figures increase every year because the Islamic customs plus polygamous marriages mean that their birth rate quickly exceeds the native one.

Birmingham, has been ground zero for the "Operation Trojan Horse", a program of shariah supremacists, to Islamize public schools.


A British clergyman asked an immigrant why he had chosen Birmingham to live. He replied that "everyone knows it. Birmingham is the best place in Europe for pure Muslims."

Unlike other European countries, in Britain the Shariah is covered by the Arbitration Act of 1996, which allows the settlement of disputes under another legal system, so, the Islamic Sharia Council has courts in the major cities of majority Muslim as London, Birmingham, Manchester, Rotterdam and Bradford.

The oldest and most important, the Leyton.


It is estimated that there are about 85 of these courts throughout the United Kingdom. These communities have their own schools, leaders, temples, all linked or controlled by groups such as the Islamic Forum of Europe (IFE), whose creator, Jamaat-e-Islami Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, was sentenced to death for war crimes in Bangladesh. The objective of this group is to impose a "Caliphate" in Europe. 

Schools like Madani Islamic School, in Myrdle Street, are imposing the niqab as a uniform starting at age 11. (source)

Historian Bernard Lewis warned in 2004: "Europe will be Islamic at the end of this century." He did not say there would be a majority of Muslims, no. He said Europe would be Islamic.

In neighborhoods like Newham or Tower Hamlets, even the names of the streets are written in Bengali. In fact, the former mayor of Tower Hamlets, Lutfur Rahman, was dismissed in 2015 on charges of illegal practices and corruption, under IFE's rule. During his term, the entire cabinet was made up of Muslims from Bangladesh.

They diverted public subsidies to the IFE and other groups such as Osmani Trust, whose director gave speeches of the type: "Our goal is to create the true believer, to then mobilize him in the "dawah"(preaching), "hisbah" (compliance with Islamic law ) and "jihad".

The jihadist movement in these areas is evident to all, except for the government.

For example, the East London mosque in Whitechapel welcomes guests such as Abdullah Hasan, who describes Jews as "devil worshipers" and praises Osama bin Laden.

This same temple manages the London East Academy, a secondary school for boys only, with directors like Gulam Robbani, who led the campaign of the dismissed mayor Rahman, or Abdul Qayyum, imam of the mosque and signatory of the Istanbul Declaration, document which advocates attacking Jewish communities and British troops.

A 20-minute walk from there is Bethnal Green Acadamy, where 8 students, 15 and 16 years old, tried to join the EI, and 4 got it. Police say they do not find evidence of radicalization in the center, but the head of orientation, Tasif Zaman, openly expresses his support for Babar Ahmad, convicted of terrorism, and Shaker Aamer, al Qaeda recruiter.

For its part, the event coordinator of the academy, is also responsible for Red Leaf, an Islamic group that gives shelter to extremists of Tabligh or the Muslim Brotherhood.

The only thing that the government and the security forces agree with the citizen is that, where the sharia dominates, they create an organized crime group that little can be done by the police, which caused a massive migration of the native British. of the areas known as "White flight".  

No "whites" allowed after 8PM (20:00). (source)

Some agents admit that there are Muslim areas where they ask permission from the leaders of the communities to be able to patrol. In 2011, the Islamist group Kaldet til Islam (called Islam) was created in Denmark, which unilaterally declared suburbs and districts such as Tingbjerg and Norrebo, areas under the surveillance of Islamic law with signs that read "You are entering an area controlled by Shariah" .

The Islamic fundamentalist group, Ahlu Sunah Wa Jammah, patrol in Copenhagen, with ideas of the type: "if someone sees how they cut the hands of a thief, he will refrain from committing the same crime". Other areas such as Brondy Strand and Odense have been recognized by the Danish Parliament as areas under Muslim control. The official report spoke of 31 ghettos ruled by the sharia at the end of 2016, when Danish immigration minister Inger Stojberg confessed that "integration in Denmark has failed".

In September 2017, Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen warned of the risk of NO-GO Zones, becoming the first politician of relevance to admit the problem:

"You have to be realistic with the situation. There are areas with different rules, where Muslim gangs control everything and the police cannot work. I cannot let that happen. We have tried everything possible to integrate them, but we have not succeeded. It's time to show force. "

The parliament itself passed a resolution in February, stating that Danes should not become minorities in their own communities, as is already happening in some areas.

Likewise, Martin Henriksen, in charge of the Committee on Immigration and Integration Policies, said: "We must control all borders, including those that we have with Sweden. We cannot allow what happens in our neighboring country to happen. We do not want radical Islamists. "

In 2016, Danish unemployment studies showed that 84% of families that depend entirely on the state live in NO-GO Zones.

In this video, you can see the district police chiefs of Sweden and Denmark denouncing what happens:

In 2015, the courts forced the government of the Netherlands to publish the list of 40 NO-GO Zones**(FACT CHECK AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE). The Kolenkit area, in Amsterdam, is the most problematic of all. Followed by Pendrecht, Ourde Noorden and Bloemhof (3 in Rotterdam). Position number 5 is for Ondiep in Utrecht. Then Rivierenwijk (Deventer), Spangen (Rotterdam), Oude Westen (Rotterdam) Heechterp / Schieringen (Leeuwarden) and Noord-Oost (Maastricht).

In 2017 it began to talk about q the problem had spread to other areas such as Nijmegen and Veldhoven, although officially they are not on the list, yet.


The Dutch public television network NOS already warned that the Netherlands had become one of the largest providers of jihadists in Europe, denouncing that the majority had joined the Jabhat al-Nusra group. In The Hague, there have been 3 demonstrations supporting ISIS (2014,2015,2016). There is an area that they already call "Shariah Triangle". 

A significant fact in all this is that it is estimated that the Muslim population in the Netherlands is around 6%. But if we talk about the prison population, the figures speak of 20% in prisons for adults and 26% in juvenile centers. Data taken ironically from the Institute for an Open Society of George Soros.

Another district, mostly Muslim, that of Schilderswijk, is becoming famous on YouTube. As criminals can act with impunity, they even allow uploading the videos of their crimes to the web. The non-Muslim inhabitants of these areas face problems of daily coexistence from the fact that they forbid them to walk their dogs because for Muslims they are impure animals, even the fear of a woman to go out alone because she can be raped.”


And similar things are happening in Belgium, France, Sweden (We’ll have an entire post of what’s happening there), Norway, Austria and Spain. Mainstream media doesn’t want to talk about it. And they even call that “Fake news”. 

To know more about NO-GO zones, you can access to these links:

I want to quote the final words of the article:

"Another anecdote: Do you know why you barely hear about Australia, even though it is also on the list of countries that accept refugees?

Because he is "selling" them. Literally, he has been paying the Philippines to collect his refugee fees!

Some, in an attempt to downplay the issue, compare these areas with the ghettos of American blacks in the 80/90.

I, personally, find a very important difference: American blacks are Americans, they feel American, they live like Americans and they love America."


** @roydestory wrote:

" This diagram you posted is coming from RTL, a news site, NOT A COURT. They called them 'problem neighbourhoods' and then called them 'no go zones'. Also this was in 2009, not 2015. And it's 20 zones, not 40."

To read the article in its entirety, you can read it from the original source in Spanish here:



Follow, Resteem and UPVOTE  @metalmag25


They have converted to a common thing, so much that in Pais there’s a mobile app to locate them when you’re out on the Street.

For some reason I am reminded of the app they have recently launched in San Francisco to locate human feces when you are out on the street!

In 2015, the courts forced the government of the Netherlands to publish the list of 40 NO-GO Zones.

You have a source for this? (and no American sensation news site plz)

Because according to your article here I live in a no-go-zone, while in fact I feel we are getting along pretty well.

I think you're doing a very nice job convincing people allready believing in a sharia apocalypse that Europe is on fire, but it seems like nonsense to me living in one of your no go zones..

This diagram you posted is coming from RTL, a news site, NOT A COURT. They called them 'problem neighbourhoods' and then called them 'no go zones'. Also this was in 2009, not 2015. And it's 20 zones, not 40.

You don't have to thank me, JUST STOP SPREADING BULLSHIT!!!

@roydestory thanks for your recommendations and for the info provided. I'll add this to the post. I am open to any opinion on all this post talking about immigration in Europe. I post data based on blogs, news outlets and alternative media. It is your right to believe or not, showing your reasons or facts.

I believe that this is a good place to debate about it, and i encourage you to always use your voice to express your views about this.

There Is more to come, so I invite you to stay tuned and express your thoughts and do a "fact check" if you want to.

Best Regards, @metalmag25.

Thanks for your repIy and I'm happy to hear that you are open to any opinion. That's a good start to take off our debate :) I followed you and you can be sure that I'll stay tuned to watch your steps very carefully ;)

I believe you are all suffering a bit from this:

That is, only reading blogs, news outlets and alternative media that confirm your opininion, because your google and facebook are tuned to show you only things you like, so to say. So you can be open to any opinion, but you only come into contact with opinions confirming your own. And more confirmation = more certainty, but this is false certainty you see? Hmm maybe I should make a blogpost on this.

Anyway I'll try to get you guys out of your bubble by bursting it with the needle of facts. So keep it coming :)

Religion, organized crime, and government are essentially identical entities with cosmetic difference. The populist whores in the parliments of Europe have already sold their nation-state and communal socio-cultural heritage to the abomination that is European Union. It should not at all be surprising that such whores will be willing to sell their home to the muck that crawl out of woogistan or some such hole for short-term political gain.

European nation-states ceased to be a viable political entity the moment they surrendered their authority to mint coinage to Brussels. Greece is a glaring example of once a viable political entity reduced to a colony of Brussels banking cartel. By continuing to be a "member" of EU, Greece continues to accept her status as a colony, either of EU or China.

Since the whores in European "national" parliments consider their nation as merely a colony of EU, why should they concern themselves with regional issues, when all they strive towards is inclusion into the EU financial racket? In the absence of central organization, ie government, men will seek alternative organized authority. It is expected that the beleagered natives of European former states organize themselves according to socio-cultural solidarity (the deceptively characterized "extreme right") against seeming cultural invasion by organized foreigners (deceptively ignored by main stream media).

The solution is either an authoritarian central government at Brussels leading the EU, or return of European states onto viable political entities with strong central authority. As it is, EU is just collection of financial entities without any governing aptitutde or interest that is turning Europe into magnified Somalia.

The problems are now crystal clear. The question is what can be done about this disaster and the overtaking of the world?

If people are migrating because of oppresing goverments or warfare, free countries must take a strong stand for freedom and liberty in those countries. The problem is the Superpowers interests in countries in the Middle East and Africa. Look at Syria, for example.

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