The US Empire is crumbling - Part 1

in #politics7 years ago

Empire USA

The USA is an empire, just like many before it. An empire is an aggregate of nations ruled over by an emperor, such as the former British Empire or Roman Empire. Even though the USA is officially not an empire it very well can be seen as one. The following article aims to give insight to key components of the power and influence the USA has on the world.


With a budget of $580 billion, the US spends more on the military than the next seven top countries in the world combined. That gives the US massive power only ever seen in empires. With over 800 military bases in over 70 countries the US claims its role as the world police. During countless wars millions of people have suffered as a consequence of foreign interventions. Most of them are based on lies, such as the Iraq war 1991 and 2003. The Islamic State in Syria and Iraq is a result of bad foreign policies. Not only have militant groups used the political vacuum created by the US to gain control, they could also use the weapons left over.
Because the empire needs to make sure that no other country can come in its way, toppling foreign governments is a specialty of the CIA, especially when they want their own central bank or don't want to trade in US Dollar. Saudi-Arabia is a good example of a rich country with plenty of oil which trades with the US, even though it finances terror like no other country. This shows the arrogant Double-Speech which politicians like to use to trick their citizens into believing a false reality. Luckily more and more people are awakening and are realizing what is really going on. Especially when it comes to war, the options of getting in a war using lies becomes less viable due to many people recognizing certain patterns and words which have been utilized in the past. Regardless, the mainstream media still tries to fool people with their propaganda.

In the next part I will write about the role of the media , which is an essential component for keeping the corrupt system alive. In the mean time I suggest you check out some of the topics I touched on in this article.