Who are you in the political spectrum?

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Today I wanted to start a discussion about who are you in the political spectrum? A democrat, republican? Maybe a conservative or a liberal? Would love for people to read these basic four political parties and see where they lie based on the ideas these parties believe in. Now there are a lot more parties that stem from these four parties, but these four are the common parties. If you believe your ideas line up with another party besides these four I would love to hear it and why!!!! Please don't be shy, this post is neutral, yes you can tell me who you are and I won't be upset or get angry or call you names, I love talking to opposite sides that believe different things and try to understand them instead and were they are coming from.


Lets began with Democrat.
In the economic ideas they believe in minimum wages and progressive taxations and more government regulation.
Stance on military is decreased spending.
Stance on gay marriage, some support some don't.
Stance on abortion they believe it should remain legal.
Support for the death penalty is strong in the democrat base.
Stance on taxes, basically tax the rich to support government spending.
Support on government regulations to protect the consumer.
Stance on healthcare, universal healthcare, with government involvement.
Stance on immigration, they are for amnesty or providing a pathway for illegals that have lived/worked illegally here for 5 or more years to citzenship.

Economic ideas they believe taxes should not be increased to anyone, and wages should be set by the market.
Stance under social and human ideas they believe in individual rights and justice.
Stance on military, they believe in increased spending.
Stance on gay marriage, majority opposes some disagree.
Stance on abortion, should not be legal with some exceptions.
Death penalty, majority support.
Stance on taxes, flat tax, generally opposed to raising taxes.
On government regulation, opposed, saying that government regulations "hinder" free market capitalism and job growth.
Healthcare policy, republicans say private companies can run the insurance much better than the government can.
Immigration stance is pretty simple, more border security, and oppose amnesty.

Stance on abortion, woman has the right to decide what happens with her body. A fetus is not a human life, so it does not have individual rights. The government should pay for abortions for those who can't afford it with taxpayer money.
Stance on affirmative action, due to racism in the past, minorities were deprived of education and job opportunities as whites. The government must work to make up for that. America is still a racist society today.
Stance on death penalty, should be abolished, it is inhumane punishment.
Stance on economy, a market where government regulates everything, to protect citizens from greed of big business.
Stance on education, public schools are best and government should focus more money into that.
Stance on gun control, the second amendment only gives the state to keep a militia (National Guard), however citizens don't need guns to protect themselves, its the job of local and state enforcement agencies to protect citzens.
Stance on healthcare, free or low cost government controlled healthcare.
Stance on immigration, believe any illegals should have rights and benefits as citizens.
Stance on religion and government, supports separation of church and state an implication derived from bill of rights, all references to God in public and government buildings should be removed.
Stance on marriage, supports same sex.
Stance on taxes, tax the rich higher to support the poor.

Stance on abortion, human life starts at conception and abortion is a murder of human life.
Stance on affirmative action, individuals should be admitted to schools and hired for jobs based on their ability. Reverse-discrimination is not a solution for racism.
Stance on death penalty, they support it.
Stance on economy, free market system benefits all, competition creates highest standard of living for all. Free markets produce more jobs and growth.
Stance on education, school vouchers create more competition between schools therefore encouraging schools to improve performance.
Stance on gun control, the second amendment gives citizens the right to keep and bear arms to defend themselves.
Stance on healthcare, support competitive free market health care system. All Americans have access to health care.
Stance on immigration, opposes amnesty and says those who enter the United States illegally do not have the same rights as citzens.
Stance on religion and government, the phrase separation of church and government is not in the constitution. The First Amendment to the Constitution states “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof…” This prevents the government from establishing a national church/denomination. However, it does not prohibit God from being acknowledged in schools and government buildings. (https://www.studentnewsdaily.com/conservative-vs-liberal-beliefs/)
Stance on same sex marriage, opposes same sex marriage.
Stance on taxes, lower taxes and smaller government will improve the standard of living for all.

These are the four common parties, more have stemmed from these parties, let me know where you belong and atleast one reason why! Don't be shy, you won't be discriminated against!! I will lead the first comment where I belong and a reason why.

God bless all of you, hope you enjoyed the reading.

Democrats v Republicans (http://www.diffen.com/difference/Democrat_vs_Republican)
Liberals v Conservative (https://www.studentnewsdaily.com/conservative-vs-liberal-beliefs/)


I tend to fall more into a conservative, I am pro life and believe you are entitled to what you worked for.

Most people tend to think that all Republicans are conservative, but this is obviously not the case.
If they were, there would be a lot of government reduction going on right now, instead of the bickering.

Absolutely, thank you for taking the time to comment and reading !!!

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