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RE: Q: The Plan To Save The World

in #politics6 years ago (edited)

100% Pure mind-control propaganda folks. This is total BS just like the psy-op Q is that you and many are all falling for.


I know most of you want to believe and are full of hopium, but consider what I am putting in front of you to ponder below and feel free to engage in a mature discussion about it.

As I and many others on Steemit have been saying and documenting for a long time this Q thing is one huge psychological operation and in my opinion has the sole purpose of DISTRACTING the "awakened" ones (i.e., look here) while some other more nefarious plans are in place (e.g., Iran).

Just have a look at the following post by Q that calls for regime change in Iran:


Does this look like "Good Guys" fighting the Deep State/Cabal?


More regime-change, war, destruction?


More observations and facts:

  • We have yet to see the supposed well over 30,000 sealed indictments opened. And even if they were open and we saw some big names, it doesn't change the fact that the end result would all-the-same be a big fat NOTHING. Why? Because:

  • The judicial system in the US is highly ineffective and rotten to the core. I have been watching these "Congressional Hearings" for decades now and have yet to see any high ranking Deep State operative receive any punishment of significance or go to prison. Does that look like a system that works? It would either take several decades to overhaul or would need to be completely scrapped and start anew.

  • Even if those big names would be brought to trial, the BIGGER problem is that most of the judges who sit on the benches ARE operatives of the Deep State; they serve their interests, not those of the people of the US or the law. They have no respect for the law. Moreover, it would take many years if not decades to process the number of bad players. And during that time, do you not think that those still in power would not continue with their agendas? Really?

  • This is all just 'political theater' to make the masses believe that the bad guys are being put on the hot seat, yet nobody ever goes to jail. Don't believe me? Just listen to one example of such theatrics as witnessed and described by former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

  • Next, while you all wait for your Knight in Shining Armor Q to bring in the bad guys, the fact remains that all of the Deep State agendas are still FULLY in place: - divide and conquer in society (check), poisoning of the population via foodstuff, vaccines, and chemtrails (check), 5G Network Beast System (something that Sean has covered a few times on this channel) rolling out full steam ahead with zero health or safety tests being done (check), manipulation of mass media (check), mass consolidation/monopolizations of corporations like Alphabet/Google and Amazon to the detriment of the masses (check), expanding surveillance programs by the NSA and other gargantuan and rogue alphabet agencies (check), and so on, and so on.

While I would concede that Trump has had some victories against small segments of the Deep State, the facts still proves that:

  • He still has a cabinet full of war-mongering neocons and banksters (check);
  • The Fed is still in control; (check)
  • He is still highly supportive of Israhell's destructive agendas, genocide, and war crimes (check)

The ONLY way to take down this Deep State/Cabal is to cut off its head (source) - $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. In other words get rid of its funding. In the United States, only Congress via the Treasury has legal authority to issue and regulate currency; but now, a private consortium of banks and wealthy families do so. As long as they are still in place, NOTHING SIGNIFICANT WILL CHANGE FOR THE GOOD.

Finally, the true character of Trump comes to mind and I will leave you with the following posts that are packed with undeniable facts about own Trumps nefarious dealings and alliances (including those with Zionists and the Rothschilds).

WAKE UP FOLKS, you are being played BIG TIME.


No part of your argument convinced me that Q is a psyop. You say nothing can be done because the judges are corrupt. That's EXACTLY why we need Q. The Swamp is being drained and bad actors are being replaced. The stage is being set. It takes some time.

So Q is gonna fix the judges problem? What? How exactly?

"No part of your argument convinced me that Q is a psyop."

Oh, so like calling for more war, destruction, overturning a country by creating more chaos (i.e., the very same destructive policies of the Deep State Q is supposedly trying to defeat) is what the "peaceful Q patriots" have planned? Really? Here it is in black and white my friend:


Here is some serious proof you need that it is indeed a psy-op to condition the followers that invading and destroying another country is the way to go.

Yeahhhhhh right...

Or maybe I am missing something; so please explain to me why your savior Q is calling for this?

And if you really want to see if Q is genuine or a psy-op, heed the warning from Bill Holter who was recently on SGT Report (who also showed this video - and for whom I also commented on his Steemit post) when he said:

"You will know by July (he recently changed it to August) just prior to the mid-term elections if some sealed indictments get unsealed and you start seeing big names".

I will guarantee you one thing my friend: you will NOT see this happen as is hoped by Bill or many others. Time will tell and we will see...

I think you have a very weak argument. But you're right, we should know what's going on within the next two months. Thank God Trump won and WWG1WGA.

I am glad I did not have to de-mask the so called "Q" fiction of imagination of some sick mind or just craving for justice mind, myself. Thank you, because I know it is very unpopular job . People hate dream smashers more tan murderers. Listening to the video above I felt sick. Since when Pentagon is positive force or US twisted constitution written by slave-masters is something worth of mentioning? Wake up people! Trump is nothing more than a peacock loving his feathers and girls. How many times he declared bankruptcy and you still think he can fix something?

I am beginning to think that Sean is in on the act, as he NEVER ever replies to my constructive and respectful criticisms. I am not a troll; I had even previously placed him on my HEROES OF TRUTH post and still think he provides very valuable work. But on this issue, it seems to either hurt him too much to think that Q is just what it is (a psy-op) or, ....? You tell tell me.


I think, before Trump, we were being played big time! Don't get caught up in the storm of disinformation/too much information. The proof and the truth is staring you square in the face...and that is the continuous barrage of anti Trump rhetoric coming from every mainstream media outlet. The constant attacks against the character of the sitting President of the USA. This was unthinkable during the Obama regime. That is the only proof that I need that he is accomplishing his agenda of "draining the swamp".

Awesome comment!

Need I mention that if the video was factual and the author correct about the intent to destroy ISIS, Syria would be free of that scourge today?

Mossad turned on HRC for reasons, primarily that her avarice was exposing them to liability. Through the work of George Webb, this was revealed to the public, and that is why Trump became President: he is their man.


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