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RE: DEBATING #Q, Trump & Zionism -- Adam Green

in #politics6 years ago

Great info in here my friend; I am following you now.

A couple of observations:

  • Yes, you are right in that it's been almost 2 years since Trump is elected, yet all these beast systems (5G, taking away arms, mass censorship, etc.) are not abating whatsoever and are being implemented full steam ahead. I would add to this list the Chemtrails & Geoengineering Massive Global Assault which I've been documenting from my neck of the woods, namely in globalist/socialist China.

  • The pervasiveness of Zionists Talmuduc Jews (not real jews like the ones that follow the Torah ) are massively embedded across all spheres of Americana (politics, banking, the Federal Reserve, Hollywood, corporations, think tanks, the military, the media, the MIC, you name it) and have usurped the power away from honest Americans in order to fulfill their Greater Israel Project and global plundering of over 7 billion people through their agents in the International Banking Cabal and Deep State.

The Deep State Q Psychological Operation Is a very sophisticated form of non linear warfare to fool the masses, It mixes lies with truth, just like all the other Jewish Propaganda does. The majority of the truth put out Is about the previous administration and the corruption of the Democrats, this Is how they have convinced so many people to be-lie-ve that the NWO will be brought down. Well I've got news for you truthers who have been fooled by this now obvious Q Psy-Op.

  • Great passage as to why the Q-Anon deception has been so effective in fooling even many so called truthers in the alternative media sphere. Many of us have been pointing out such non-linear operations (Craig Sawman Sawyer very likely being one of them). Also, on this point, I still have many doubts regarding Robert David Steele; he certainly shows himself as a white hat noble warrior and does present some good info, but something about him just still makes me doubt a lot. Especially the fact that he is a highly trained disinfo/co-intelpro agent. Hence the perfect guy to help pull this Q BS off. He chaired the The ITNJ (International Tribunal for Natural Justice) which seems like a great idea for world justice but I have my doubts about its overall reach and effectiness. i.e., is it just all just theatrics and distractions, or is something concrete (i.e., actual arrests, changes in laws, etc.) coming out of this?

Anyway, looking forward to part II of your article on this.

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