Out-thinking the Elite. A primer on why Steemit was Inevitable.

in #politics9 years ago


What are they really up to?

Why in hell is history replete with shady figures who lurk about their mahogany trophy rooms, lifting inanimate objects over their heads, declaring that they are the sovereign, they are the designer, that they built this world and god be damed if any man tries to take it away from them. It's an interesting trope of cinema reflected by the very real, very un-cinema lives of a select few families that enjoyed the trapping of a rigged economy, a level playing field that is sloped into their pocket. I'll spare you the usual drawl about the battle of waterloo, the federal reserve and statism and get to the new stuff, whats really going on up there?

Hillary Clinton is whats known to biologists as an 'intraspecific kleptoparasite', a fancy way of a saying a predator that hunts or survives by manipulating its own species and taking from them. The Clinton theme is one of 'Pay to Play', hardly an original idea but one that the Clintons have taken to full effect, pedalling state influence in third world nations in return for exorbitant speaking fees and foundation donations. Humans, like any other animal are forced to survive and to replicate and to adapt a psychology that reinforces this. Hillary is on autopilot, she has done this all her life, she has mastered one strategy for survival, being a parasite. One of the many bloodsucking orators of politics.


This survival and replication constant can be expressed generally in two accepted strategies, the 'r' strategy and the 'K' strategy.

The 'r' strategy is a way of ensuring the survival of the species by shooting from the hip, by having sex early and as often as possible with little regard for the offspring in the hopes that by the power of odds some will survive and do the same, picture rabbits. The 'K' strategy has the same affect but it is more like the carful approach of the sniper, secure resources, get a good position, stake out, fend off opposition and raise a few kids intensely, much like the Wolf. The former exists in a world of plenty, lots of food and no reason to compete, the latter is all about scarcity and competing for whats up for grabs.

These are two strikingly different approaches towards the same goal and they encourage two very different psychologies. A book was recently published called The Evolutionary Psychology Behind Politics, available at Anonymous Conservative. It explains how this difference in survival strategies has formed a wedge between progressive and conservative thinkers, causing a break down of communication, I recommend it strongly and am not affiliated with them at all.


Over hundreds of years and several generations, self selected families have held dominance over the creation and issuance of money.

From the birth of the private central bank, the issuance of a nations money has been hard fought over, controlled by a handful of powerful circles, many nations are now host nations to larger parasite nations, each with a bank that lends its country into dependance. There is not enough money in circulation in a nations economy to pay back these loans plus the interest accrued and so the nations resources are billed as collateral and are repossessed to devastating effect on the working population. This product of avoiding competition and feasting off of the productive class is also echoed in the US democrat party, with cities governed accordingly experiencing welfare traps and degeneracy.

There is an expression that goes something like 'If you want to solve a problem, strike at the root instead of hacking at the branches'. The parasite class relies on the taxation of a controlled economy to subsist without recourse, they corrupt and degrade opportunities for competition where it threatens this control and allow competition where it has no effect. Technology and access to information has eaten at this base of corruption, exposing the vampires to the light that kills them, the prey has grown fangs and become competitive as seen with the ground swell for the right, chief among them Trump and Brexit. The censorship and control once enjoyed by a few is shrinking, Bitcoin was born 8 years ago, it made money indistinguishable from speech and Steemit is the coming of age of this technology, it is talking back and wont take shit anymore. No amount of force and violence can solve a math problem and so its a checkmate. For now.

..Or maybe thats not whats really going on. The devils advocate might argue that this artificial scarcity engineered by the banking class is to keep us hungry, to keep us competing and creating new things. Maybe there is competition at the highest levels of banking, maybe there is a war on between economies that require a strong arm approach at the disadvantage of the each nations people. The truth is never clear, I'd like to know what you think.



The censorship and control once enjoyed by a few is shrinking, Bitcoin was born 8 years ago, it made money indistinguishable from speech and Steemit is the coming of age of this technology, it is talking back and wont take shit anymore. No amount of force and violence can solve a math problem and so its a checkmate. For now.

Some poetry right there. Nicely done.

I was hesitating to add a chomsky quote but he is a left anarchist and I just feel a bit dirty quoting him.
“The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that spectrum....” - the chom

No wonder the left wing is so good at implementing those limits. Hah!

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