The real outrage in the UK over Trump's 'retweet' is over his beliefs about the nation state, not Britain First

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I'm sure that the well informed in Europe will already know about this but I don't think that Americans or people outside the EU especially understand this mentality. There is a quite specific brand of remain voter that I've noticed out in the wild and they are people who think that anything other than open borders is racist and I am not joking. - New Statesmen

It doesn't take me long to find people who have experienced this attitude towards them over simply having immigration control and borders for example. I'm making sure to get you some mainstream news sources on this issue so you can see it isn't just some blogger like me having a rant.

I don't like actual far right groups like this, nobody does, they are also a genuine tiny minority within the UK which is why it's so amusing to me that they're getting so much coverage. As usual, when you get some tiny irrelevant group pulling shit, the left wing media is more than happy to screech to the heavens about them and give them even more coverage than they would if they didn't have the views they had. I find however these far left scumbags who run around screaming racist at anybody they disagree with just as annoying, especially when they try to throw accusations at people over shit that isn't true, they both deserve to be mocked.

What's interesting about this whole new manufactured outrage over Trump 're-tweeting' something is that the issue seems to be less about the content of the videos themselves but the fact he even posted them in the first place and about his beliefs about what the nation state should be. Not only that, just by talking to these insane reddit users they seem to think that simply linking a video means you automatically support the content there, we are indeed living in the very time period George Orwell feared.

By the way, for the lulz, I think I might link posts in reddit so people know about the types of arguments I've been having with these people because it's very interesting seeing their justifications for trying to demonise people over a fucking post.

Apparently, linking something means you automatically support it, now we're getting to the real mentality of what these people believe and why they get so pissed off all the time over a simple post.

Don't fall for the hype of manufactured outrage.

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