Jeremy Corbyn is proving to the world how anti-capitalist he is especially with his recent speech but there's a lot more where that came from if you research him thoroughly

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

I do believe that if Jeremy Corbyn ever got near power in this country he would absolutely cause us to turn into a socialist dictatorship. If anyone had any doubts about whether this guy is a full on anti-capitalist you only need to check out his speech to understand why I am extremely worried about this guy getting in, people are rightly comparing him to Bernie Sanders, especially when it comes to his appeal to young voters, same bullshit policies too so let's go through the kinds of things he's advocated for as there will be people outside the UK who won't know a thing about him.

Here was one of the most obvious warning signs I saw when Jeremy Corbyn first started popping up on the scene in politics after the general election. There was a major disaster you may have heard about at a place called Grenfell Tower in the middle of London. Genuinely horrible and actually illustrates why I'm still living with my parents now because there's no way in hell I'd stay in an apartment after that, there was a huge inferno that got started up just to an electrical fault with a refrigerator according to the media and thanks to a type of cladding which was put in to cut costs it ended up making the fire spread far more than it normally would have if the building was safe.

Lots of blame was passed around and it looks like both sides were responsible to some degree or another, in that particular constituency Labour was in charge and then of course you had a Conservative government doing oversight and despite warnings from the company that actually put the cladding in they ignored it all. So ironically the only one that acted remotely responsibly in that situation was the evil capitalist company that was out to make a profit.

Now I use this as a pretty big example because as you can see in the article, Jeremy Corbyn isn't even trying to hide his anti-capitalism beliefs in this situation and he quickly takes advantage of it to make suggestions.

Labour has urged the government to consider emergency legislation to ensure property can be requisitioned to house the families made homeless by the Grenfell Tower fire.

Now, whether you agree with what's being propose or not, there is no denying that what he is advocating for here is the seizure of private property. The Labour Party was suggesting that there were homes owned by millionaires/billionaires which could be used which sounds reasonable enough on the surface until you actually start thinking about the implications of what they're proposing.

One of the things mentioned by people was that some of the buildings suggested may not actually be safe and were disused, which just wrecks the practicality of doing this in the first place. They are proposing to steal somebody else's property, no matter how you spin it, this is what's going on, they were incredibly vague with the law as well so who's to say they couldn't start taking whatever property they like? Or even, pulling a Venezuela and start taking over companies? It would make for an extremely convenient pretext, this is always how genuine dictatorships get started

By itself though, this isn't much is it? I mean, it says a bit about his mentality in an emergency situation and what he's willing to do but let's take a step back and look at general policies or who he has in his cabinet, the company he keeps so to speak.

This is from his own website, let's take a look.

We will end insecurity for private renters by introducing rent controls, secure tenancies and a charter of private tenants’ rights, and increase access to affordable home ownership”

This was one of the most alarming if interesting policies I saw being proposed, he calls them 'rent controls' but in reality what he means is price fixing, this means that if you invest in a property and own it you will not be able to set the rent yourself, or alternatively I suspect to make it sound more reasonable they will likely put a cap of some sort on how much you can charge as ever with these types of manifestos on either party they have been rather vague on how it's all going to be implemented.

We will deliver high speed broadband and mobile connectivity for every household, company and organisation in Britain from the inner city neighbourhoods to the remotest rural community.

I'm sorry but why is this the purview of government? I shouldn't have to explain this but when it comes to broadband and so on as much as I love using the internet it is something that is being largely funded by private industry and you don't have a 'right' to other peoples' services especially when it's not necessarily something that is to do with welfare.

We will foster the cooperative ownership of digital platforms for distributing labour and selling services.

Now this particular line sounds like it comes straight out of a communist or socialist manifesto, platform co-operatives, really? I've read quite a bit about anti-capitalism you see and shared co-operatives owned by communities are something they very regularly advocate for.

This one particularly irked me and no, if any feminists/SJWs happen to read this, you're jumping to conclusions about what I believe, so be sensible and read on.

We will never be a successful society in which everybody is able to achieve their potential until we have full equality for women. We will take action to remove the barriers in our society to women achieving full equality

Sounds wonderful doesn't it? But oh wait, let's actually look at what they're implementing.

Labour will ensure increased recruitment of women into Science, Technology, Engineering and Manufacturing occupations and will tackle occupational segregation in our economy.

This is something that Labour have repeatedly failed to address and continue to dismiss as an issue, why does it have to be 'for women' why not everybody? The reason I say this is because anti-capitalists and feminists in particular frequently claim to care about 'gender equality' but whenever they actually propose anything guess who they ignore? Men, there is actually a serious problem in this country when it comes to men and attendances rates with university education which is partly the reason there are so many unemployed but they don't care about any of that.

We will support all women shortlists to achieve 50:50 representation in Parliament and the same aim for all public offices, and support a policy-making annual Labour Women’s Conference.

Holy shit that's sexist, for those who don't know, another big indicator of what lunatics Jeremy Corbyn and his band are they put in shortlists for cabinet positions for women which means when it comes to MPs and so on as well you are having people being appointed purely over whether they have a penis or a vagina rather than whether or not they are qualified for the position.

So it looks like they not only want this policy of gender quotas implemented in their own party but they would force it to happen countrywide if they ever got into power which is not only something anti-capitalists and feminists love but is extremely anti-democratic, in fact, I don't know why the hell nobody has called them out on this sort of bullshit yet because i would mean they were planning to eradicate Democracy in this country by making sure only a certain amount of people of a certain gender will get into power.

Britain’s public transport system is becoming a national embarrassment. Our railway network is now the most expensive in Europe – whilst taxpayers and passengers get a bad deal. Our bus services are facing cuts which threaten to leave low income and rural communities cut off, with too little local democratic municipal control.

It's the classic thing with anti-capitalists, they always make themselves sound so reasonable and endearing which I suspect is what the first thing people read or listen to when they see policies like this but then they don't look into how it's actually all going to be put into practice.

Bring Britain’s railways into public ownership

Raise enough money from public ownership to cut rail fares by as much as 10% ( Lol quantitative easing ( money printing ) much? How are they going to magic this out of thin air? )

Greater public control over new train orders can ensure better value train manufacturing in the long run as well as enabling a more strategic approach to rolling stock that supports UK manufacturing.

It's just too much for me ;( this is them literally advocating seizing the means of production, another thing that socialists and communists constantly advocate. They are not only trying to take over the railways themselves, they are trying to dictate to privately owned companies who manufacture trains what they're going to buy and I suspect with the people they're appointing they wouldn't have the expertise to know what they're looking for anyway. This by the way everybody is what I meant with Grenfell Tower where I pointed out that it creates implications when they propose policies like this, it makes it acceptable for them to do this or at least let's them get away with it then it gets worse and worse and they start trying to take over everything.

So it was a bit of a tiresome read through but I got the main points across now let's look at the company he keeps as actual members of his cabinet and I have my favourite one all lined up, the slippery Marxist John Mcdonnell. So for those who don't know, John Mcdonnell is the Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer, this is the American equivalent of secretary of treasury. I particularly like this guy or perhaps love to hate him because he's just so fucking slippery in public about whether or not he's a Marxist even though he's been caught on tape proudly declaring he is.

Oh and here he is attending a rally with a fucking hammer and sickle behind him

As you can see in the first interview he dithers about saying he's a Socialist, as if that's somehow better, let me remind everybody that the ruling party in Venezuela is the Socialist party and the anti-capitalists hate it when people bring that up because it makes them look bad. One thing they love doing as we know from a growing meme now is go "Not real socialism" whenever you bring it up but this guy is pretty much proud of how anti-capitalist he is except when he's on a mainstream news network. It's the classic trick that anti-capitalists use of making sure they sound completely reasonable on television and then spewing off about the evils of capitalism and democracy in the back room when they think no one is filming or they're with their sycophants and political thugs.

Think I'm joking? Here he is advocating insurrection, the guy hates Democracy, he just doesn't give a shit and it's because the Labour party are filled with elitists who think they know what's best for everybody.

Next up is Dianne Abott, you guys may remember me posting on my other account about her because of her total meltdown in an interview about how much the police officers her party was planning to hire would cost. This woman is the shadow home secretary of our country, I guess the closest thing America has would be secretary of interior, handling things like domestic security issues and so on, the thought of this woman potentially being in charge of that in this country is utterly terrifying.

Now I don't think Dianne Abbott is necessarily anti-capitalist, but she is a moron, so I threw this one in for giggles because dangerous unqualified people who clearly don't know what they're even talking about can be as dangerous for a country as anti-capitalists.

Oddly enough, aside from the obvious John Mcdonnell I haven't heard too much about the other cabinet members, a lot of them are ridiculous, don't get me wrong because for instance the refuse to talk about things like freedom of movement in the UK which is to do with immigration rules in the EU so I can't really judge him on that. However Dianne Abbott and John Mcdonnell are two of his most high ranking cabinet members which says a lot about what kind of country he wants when he gets into power.

What is more alarming though, is his main support base, I'm talking your average MPs and Labour Party members and I have already found some interesting stuff about Marxists openly discussing trying to infiltrate the Labour party and are succeeding. What's even more interesting, is that the Marxists I've just found in a five second google search are actually encouraging voting against policies designed to protect Jews from anti-semitism within the party.

I found a very interesting article that touches on this subject quite well, and actually I remember a youtuber called Sargon of Akkad doing a video on this, there is a large number of labour party members coming in many of them anti-Israel who are also part of the Socialist and Marxist left or in a lot of cases as demonstrated in Sargon's video are Trotskyists. While these are all different groups, they all have one particular goal, the destruction of the west and of the Capitalist system.

I've written a lot I know but I think it's important to warn people about the Labour party and just how anti-capitalist and as it turns out genuinely anti-semitic they are and I think I may even do another post later maybe about the sheer racism generally in this party that claims to care about equality and represents the working class as if their sexism towards men wasn't bad enough thanks to them courting feminists.

It's important to learn about anti-capitalists and their tactics just as it is to learn about genuine neo-nazis and white nationalists but people willingly put their blinders on when it comes to anti-capitalist violence even though in reality it causes just as much harm as anything the far right can do and these groups all have a very nasty habit of trying to hijack mainstream parties like Labour in order to further their agendas and people just don't see it. This is also one of the big reasons why I voted Conservative in the previous election, these people cannot be allowed to get their way as if they do they will have no problem completely removing both Democracy and our personal liberties.

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