Brexit 'threat to UK broadcasting jobs', trade body warns

in #politics7 years ago (edited) - BBC - Guardian

I came across an article posted up by the BBC just recently which I find extremely interesting, if you at all keep an eye on the situation with Brexit you may notice that with googles' news feed especially the Guardian and the BBC frequently post anti-Brexit articles to try and scare everyone away from the idea. This article has just revealed the reason behind all their spam, Brexit isn't just a threat to their 'income' it's a threat to the money they receive directly from the EU and have a lot of influence there which makes their money.

Now to play devil's advocate you could make the argument that this is something that a hard Brexit could fix because they could overrule the decision by the EU to allow online services to be watched as shown in the second article. While this is technically true, let's not forget, these people are fanatically pro-remain, they think that by staying in an organisation that openly hates them to begin with will allow them to re-negotiate the media and others who are against Brexit think of themselves as reformists who can change the EU for the better.

UK TV and filmmakers earn almost £1bn annually selling their shows country-by-country to European broadcasters, earning a fee for licensing a programme in each territory. Critics argue that the commission’s proposals threaten to destroy that value by effectively creating one bargain basement pan-European licence fee for each piece of content sold.

Just take a look at this though, so they've been selling their rip off fee to various countries for years and making a hell of a lot of money off the EU in the process, now the EU is suddenly making moves to allow online services after Brexit to save money. Doesn't this almost seem like a punishment coming from the EU? They're being punished for their failure like some kind of ridiculous supervillain, so now they're lashing out at the rest of us who voted Brexit and are desperately trying to stop it.

Everything the pro-remain side seems to be doing is over money, this is why they were pushing the 'economy' argument when the referendum was first announced. It wasn't about the 'four freedoms' these people aren't even affected by any of that like they say, it was about how much money they directly made from the EU. The universities perhaps have a better argument for open borders with the EU and maybe the farmers, however both groups can have work and student visa's ready for the people they want over here instead of open borders and other countries do just fine with that I also have little pity for the farmers because they pretty much have profited all this time from cheap migrant labour and so has the tourism and service industry by screwing these people over.

So really, what's going on here is that these pro-remain types are all organisations that directly receive money from the EU in order to push the EU's agenda within the UK. Since a lot of them will be rich, they are simply not affected the same way the rest of the UK is by open border migration so they have absolutely no problem pushing for this shit as much as they can and calling anybody that disagrees with them racist or Islamophobic and so on it's so nice to finally have real evidence for all of this as it gives us a much clearer picture on who these people are and why they've been attacking the rest of us so much.

The fact that this could well end up causing the bankruptcy of a lot of these media organisations is making me want a hard Brexit even more now.

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