Amber Rudd: viewers of online terrorist material face 15 years in jail

in #politics7 years ago (edited)

Every time, every single time, the Conservatives even look like they might have an advantage they do everything they can to fuck it up. It's not just with Brexit, it's shit like this article that was posted up over on the ancap subreddit. If it wasn't the faith grammar schools it's the way they try to regulate pornography for no fucking reason whatsoever or to lift a ban of fox hunting which in the current political climate was just pretty dumb.

Now though, this one has really gotten to me and to quite a few of the Ancaps it seems as well. Genuine terrorist material is one thing, that's actually quite specific, organisations like ISIS people tend to avoid anyway but the biggest thing her is the fact that you're not only go to jail if you even get caught looking at this stuff and having it on your browser history they have done an extremely weird thing of declaring 'far-right' material.

The reason this is a problem to me, is who gets to define 'far right' material? And why isn't 'far left' material which is just as harmful and actually encourages violence and terrorist attacks against people they disagree with? As ever, we see tons of concern and outright paranoia about anybody with slightly right leaning views but nothing about people who openly declare themselves Communist or Marxists and advocate for 'insurrection' like John McDonnell. It's almost as if it's considered acceptable today to be an anti-capitalist lunatic that hates the west and wants to destroy Capitalism and our free society.

As for the actual designation 'far-right' the reason I'm worried is because the left wing media really loves to smear anybody they disagree with as 'far right' mostly it tends to be about anybody who is even slightly critical of Islam. David Rubin for example has been smeared by the media as 'alt-right' when he is in fact a classical liberal, fairly left leaning and he used to work for the young turks, but because he actually has the balls to openly interview people and discuss Islam he's getting demonised.

Sargon of Akkad is another one affected by this, he's a left wing classical liberal, but the left, particularly his detractors love smearing him as 'far right'. It seems to me this is a blatant attempt to pander to the left and what they don't realise is that the left as we've seen is going to demonise anybody they don't like as far right in a desperate attempt to get people put in jail for their views and we're going to have to have court cases where the people I've mentioned will have to defend their views and prove they aren't 'far right' like it's fucking witchcraft. Now I know David Rubin is American, he's just an example I was using of somebody who's actually quite moderate but the left hate, but Sargon of Akkad definitely falls within their jurisdiction if this law gets implemented.

Hell, just by virtue of me making this law and being highly critical of Islam they could go and label me far right and force me to defend myself. It's not just that as well, because I'm an Anarcho-Voluntaryist I'm not that afraid of touching on controversial topics, say I wanted to make fun of ISIS and get some of their propaganda to poke holes into it. This alone thanks to Amber Rudd would mean I could potentially get jailed just for that.

We're at a real dangerous point in history here in the UK, I do think that we might have the potential for a dictatorship either sponsored by the EU where they want to force us to stay in and abandon any hope of a real Brexit or a Socialist dicatorship brought about by Jeremy Corbyn.

You know what the biggest joke is? Disaster may be averted by Boris Johnson because he seems to be one of the few Conservatives willing to put up a fight against these traitors. The only thing after that I can think of is hope there will be so much chaos in the mainstream parties over these types of issues that we just end up getting out of the EU by default thanks to Article 50 because nothing has been signed yet and that might be just the thing that saves our sovereignty as a country.

Note: By the way, I thought I'd mention, you all might notice that I'm archiving certain websites, that's because while I am willing to use them as sources I completely disagree with their existence as organisations and refuse to support them with advertisement money clicks. If you want to do that, by all means but I will be posting up archived links of websites like the guardian and independent that are incredibly left wing and outright slander and lie about people they disagree with.

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