The Truth About Trudeau And His Town Hall Tour

in #politics7 years ago

I think its safe to say Canadians have lost hope in a puppet leader showing his true colours. He was selected and is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing. He signed on the dotted line and sold his soul and the country to the highest bidder.

So, what’s the solution? Another selected official who is on the opposite side? Bouncing back and forth between a two party system?

We know Hyper liberalism causes hyper conservatism. More promises broken? Believing words over actions and the false left right paradigm?

The truth is, we need to stop looking to the government to solve the problems. The truth is, its we the people, who need to be the change.

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I love how he's constantly breaking his own law (C16) addressing everyone as ever sir or miss. Clearly he doesn't even buy his own bullshit. LoL

Great video! @leighstewy

Censoring people and changing the national anthem is an attack on free speech in Canada. I hope people wake up soon to what's going on before the thought police take over completely.

Thanks, friend!

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